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Did Green Day sell out?


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Just because they went to a major record company doesn't mean a band sold out.

Again, another lame excuse.

I hate it when people say they sold out, with no real back up.

It's about the lamest thing that anyone can say.

Yeah, supporting the environment and helping people, not supporting there own cause.

Yeah, they totally means they sold out.

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Contrary to popular belief, Green Day actually sold in.

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Is it really that important if they sold out or if they're punk? I mean, they keep making great music and that's what really matters.

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How wonderful to see this thread come back for the scabs to be picked at again, like a persistent dose of the clap.

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Selling out is changing who you are completly to fit in with the new trends and the new styles.

Green Day said from day one when they were on Lookout! Records that their goal is to be the biggest band on the planet. They said they knew what it would mean doing to get there. They're the biggest band on the planet now. They've done what they wanted to. And they've done what they were willing to do to get there. They've started many of the trends we see today, not folowed them. They've backed away from plenty of things to keep they're roots intact. Their goals haven't changed. With their next album, you can be sure they will want to put up another fight as the best band in the world, and they'll most-likely re-gain the crown. They're not sell-outs.

you know what? i think you are my new hero...

well said :D

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What is this "sell out" thing you speak of

im not really even sure if i know what it means

but it seems people think a band is selling out cause they are succsessful

i dont get it

its lame

i dont belive in the term



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AMAZING!!! This is like the never ending topic/thread. Therefore my darlings, I will sing u a song. Ready?

" I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves everybody's nerves. I know a song that everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes. I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, and this is how it goes.

" This is the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some ppl started singing it not knowing what it was,and they'll continue singing it forever jst bc this is the song that doesn't end."

Now I must go eat my dinner and think about other things than GD selling out.

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^ whooooo Liz. Nice song. :shifty:

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No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They didn't sell out, for the last time.

People say Green Day aren't punk. Wanna know why they're wrong?

OK, they make 2 undergound records which kicked arse. Then tehy got big with Dookie. Now, if they were under the thumb of Reprise like everyone says they were, they would have acted like little puupets and made another album exactly the same as Dookie and that would have sold 10,000,000 copies. But, they went and made a brilliant album Insomniac that was totally different from Dookie, a bit better than Dookie and that sold way, way less than Dookie. At this point, the record company gets pissed off right? And tells them to make a better album. So they do nimrod. which sells less. Same with Warning. Doesn't this show that they're doing what they want and haven't let the corporate hand get too far up their arses?

American Idiot wasn't a sell out; if they had sold out they did that with Dookie (but I don't think they did). They said what they wanted to say, made a stonker of an album and got lucky with it. It's not a sellout.

:whistling: ...and breathe....

I agree completely!

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I love the explanation.

And it loves you, too.

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i really time people stop saying Green Day are sell outs. They are way past that point, they're just really very successful and people should just except that.

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Green Day has never been in for money. They never expected to get money out of it. If they sell out it's because they've become a great band . They started as punks, and they've kept like punks. They are not like other celebrities that want to show off with their mantions, cars , and stuff. They have even try to help the enviroment by helping the NRDC "moving america beyond oil". They also donated all the money they earned from the downloads of the single "Blvd. Of Broken Dreams" to the Tsunami relief. They're recently helping the victims from Darfur with the "Working Class Hero" single and the t-shirt signature. Green Day is also anti-war.It also takes talent for someone to sell out, not everybody can do that.

So if you have a problem with them selling out think about it twice mother fucker.

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All's I got's to say is that from day-one, Sweet Children wanted to become the biggest band in the world. After a small line-up change and a band-name change, they did that. Twice. Their goal from the start was to be the biggest band in the world. They never changed goals nor did they do things that made them achieve that status...except make music.

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The horse is dead. Must we continue beating it?


OK. Everybody has their own idea of what it is to "sell out." Here's mine. It's fairly simple. When you alter your image, your music, your message or do anything else that compromises your integrity as a recording artist...you have sold out.

Listen, I don't necessarily enjoy the whole political 360 that Green Day have taken. I'm not really into the black/red color coordination of their clothing and stage show. I really don't like the eyeliner kick that Billie Joe and Tre seem to have gone on. But that's none of my business. It all made for (in my humble opinion) the best album of 2004, and maybe even the decade thus far. Their live show is still made to be fun. Really fucking fun. And I don't believe for second that Green Day have done anything they done in the era of American Idiot to compromise their integrity. Billie Joe's lyrics have always had a message of anti-authority.

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All's I got's to say is that from day-one, Sweet Children wanted to become the biggest band in the world. After a small line-up change and a band-name change, they did that. Twice. Their goal from the start was to be the biggest band in the world. They never changed goals nor did they do things that made them achieve that status...except make music.

Just call them Green Day.

That's like calling tre', Frank.

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