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Did Green Day sell out?


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Umm, wake me up when the sell-out thread ends, will ya? It's like a recurring dream where you keep trying to go forward but your legs are stuck in quicksand...

But obviously people still concern themselves about it, and that poster above who's giving it all up - that's really sad, genuinely - you loved this band, and now you're out of love with them.

Here's my take on love, and it applies to whoever you love, be it your dog, your lover, your mom, or a band that means everything to you.

Love means taking in the whole picture, not just the bits you like; love means that a person can behave in a way you don't approve of, and it doesn't get broken - deflected or dented, maybe, but not broken - it just gets bigger to accommodate something new. And you have to let that person have something new, be themselves, change, or you don't love them, really - you were just in love with what you thought they were, and the reality sux for you.

We expect a lot from our heroes - we expect them to carry all of our dreams for us, and maybe behave to even higher standards than we would ourselves. Billie, Mike and Tre - they're three men in their mid-thirties, they've been round the block in many ways that none of us know the depths of, and yet we judge. Broken homes, broken marriages, some booze and drugs - are you there in 'the darkest night'? Do you know what it is to be them ?

Do they have failings, and plenty of them ? Listen to any of Billie Joe's lyrics, all the songs about how he feels he's screwed up and let himself and other people down - he doesn't hide it like most of us do, he fucking sings it loud - what it is to be human.

I love them all for that honesty; I don't expect them to live my ideals, and I don't despise them if they slip in their own - I love it that in this cynical world, they still try, and whether they succeed is for them and their lives, not mine. The important thing is the trying, and that the music stays real.

'To understand all is to forgive all' - and if you really love someone or something, there's nothing to forgive anyway, just stuff to understand.

I'm such a fucking hippy, yeah, lol?! And I love GD. Here - have one of these, guys - :wub: - September's almost over.

Wow. I agree with every fucking word of that.

Once again I love the way you use your words.

Haha well as long as we just talk like hippies it's ok :shifty:

I can't believe it's been almost 2 years....

Edit : apprently I can't type I meant...i can't believe it's been a year since I saw them last ...

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Personally I think Green Day did sell out in some ways. :/

I don't think they're in it for the money but it does effect some of the things they do and what they do you must admit. It doesn't stop them from being a good band though. But still you can't deny it.

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Wow. I agree with every fucking word of that.

Once again I love the way you use your words.

Haha well as long as we just talk like hippies it's ok :shifty:

I can't believe it's been almost 2 years....

Edit : apprently I can't type I meant...i can't believe it's been a year since I saw them last ...

Thanx so much - and the way I use my words? Loud, proud and in your face is my basic technique - works for me, lol!

And the two years - jeez, I still feel like AI is 'new', and at the same time, it's been this journey for me, still with it. If you think of the eighteen months it took them to write it, it's a long time for these guys, and yet I felt like they still found it a little bit hard to let go - they were quite a while declaring 'end of the era'; lot of emotion tied up in it.

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Thanx so much - and the way I use my words? Loud, proud and in your face is my basic technique - works for me, lol!

And the two years - jeez, I still feel like AI is 'new', and at the same time, it's been this journey for me, still with it. If you think of the eighteen months it took them to write it, it's a long time for these guys, and yet I felt like they still found it a little bit hard to let go - they were quite a while declaring 'end of the era'; lot of emotion tied up in it.

Haha that's a good technique!

No kidding, everytime I even think about that album (and the tour...) it's a journey really. Bring back so many memories...

I think it was hard too, they put so much energy, heart & soul in all of those songs I'm sure it was, not to mention the idea of trying to come up with another album.

I can't, but can wait to see what they come up with next :wub:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think they sold out.. come to that, I don't think any band accused of selling out has sold out..

How does writing an album about your life make you a sell-out?

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  • 2 weeks later...

they actually stole a riff from a motley crue song and put it in to Jesus Of suburbia, and the part is "city of the damned".

Listen to the motley crue song "the show must go on" if you don't believe me still.

They also copied Johnny Cash in Tales Of Another Broken Home.

i mean, come on, if you were in a band and you had the chance to make it your profession, would you really turn it down?

If you were in Operation Ivy, you would.

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i don't think they sold out.its just all these teenies and posers and that tv shit that make them feel sold out

I don't think that the members of Green Day feel like they sold out...

Their music is good. It could be better.

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People on here are always saying theyre following trends. the eyeliner trend. the uniform trend. And they're saying that they are sellouts because they are trying to make "punk" corporate. i find that a load of bullshit. Theyre not following the trends. Theyre not following anything. Theyre doing what they like whether it was a trend or whether it wasnt. And they didnt try to make punk corporate. Wasnt it mike who said back in the day they were offered a record company but they didnt because he thought it would be better to stay in fans homes. As they got older theyre music got more popular. Its not their fault people wanted the music. It doesnt matter if they signed to a big record label. Green Day itself would have made any old record label big. So either way you see it, they became big, because of their music, not because of the stupid trends that they were falsely acused of following. Not because they sold out. Just because they did what they liked, disregarding what everyone else thought.

Sellout, my ass.

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Green Day aren't sellouts. They just fucking suck at politics. If "American Idiot" wasn't political (though I'd guess it would have a different name) then no one would care. It doesn't really matter. The 12 year old girls who listen to them on MTV don't know shit about politics, so they might as well be singing about weed, sex, and cigs again. I hope the next album has more songs like Longview and Blood, Sex, and Booze, and less songs like Holiday.

People on here are always saying theyre following trends. the eyeliner trend. the uniform trend. And they're saying that they are sellouts because they are trying to make "punk" corporate. i find that a load of bullshit. Theyre not following the trends. Theyre not following anything. Theyre doing what they like whether it was a trend or whether it wasnt. And they didnt try to make punk corporate. Wasnt it mike who said back in the day they were offered a record company but they didnt because he thought it would be better to stay in fans homes. As they got older theyre music got more popular. Its not their fault people wanted the music. It doesnt matter if they signed to a big record label. Green Day itself would have made any old record label big. So either way you see it, they became big, because of their music, not because of the stupid trends that they were falsely acused of following. Not because they sold out. Just because they did what they liked, disregarding what everyone else thought.

Sellout, my ass.

It doesn't matter if they are sellouts. Punk can't be made corporate. Kids follow corporate trends and think they're punk, but real punks just laugh at them. Today at school some little freshman in a Green Day shirt stole a dollar out of my friend's hand. We just walked up to him and stared him down and he gave my friend the money and ran away..........getting off topic again. Green Day wrote Boulevard, Holiday, and September to be radio-friendly and you know it.

No one can admit when the bands they like fuck up. I did for My Chem (at the time my favorite band) when they sold out. I admitted Anti-Flag screwed up when they started putting out edited versions of their CDs (that pissed me off so fucking bad, though I guess I'm over it now). So all of you suck it up and admit Green Day fucked up, and maybe they won't do it next time.

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Anarchistloserkid.. how exactly did they fuck up? Now im not being sarcastic, im just asking a question.

It is my personal opinion the new music sounds shitty. That's just my opinion. If yours is different then that's fine with me. They really didn't sellout, but they have become part of pop-culture and the hardcore GD fans here won't admit it.

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I dont know. I dont really think theyve become an element of pop-culture. Theyve just gained different audiences.

And please, dont insult bands. My Chem and Anti-flag...c'mon. I really dont think you have the authority to call anyone a sellout.

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I can see shirts, hoodies and stuff. Thats not selling out. But green day has more shirts than most bands, more ringtones, and have stupid shit like wrist bands and pointless stuff. they have green day license plate frames, green day alarm clocks, green day zippos. to an extent they have.

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you can't blame them. any famous band who says they wernt in it for money is bullshitting you. money is addictive. angus and malcolm young of acdc quit high school to be in a band. they got rich. would they quit high school if they had no plans of making money? good luck getting a job with no HS education/deploma.

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I agree with you.. to an extent. Of course they want money. Doesnt every band want money? But what im saying is, theyre motivation isnt money. Its theyre love of music. Its because they want to. Money is just to get by.

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Dont ya think its partly the fans fault? People demand green day merchandise and what not. So they give the people what they want. Im pretty sure green day doesnt sit at home contemplating the next GD beanie hat to make. The stuffs in demand, and other buisnesses want to make money.

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they always wanted to go all the way. their music was huge in the underground and this was the only skill they have, what would you do if you were offered the opportunity and it wasnt as if they felt great about and "sometimes i'm still not sure it was the right thing to do, there is that side of me that wishes that i never signed to a major label" and its not as though they go and parade their wealth to all the gossip magazines. like billie said if he makes money that his business and "we represent ourselves in our own music and our own style and if that doesn't agree with some faction of people well fuck em" i think its a bit selfish that "punk" is only underground music, its like fashion it changes think of all the people that would have missed out on great music if it wasn't for bands like green day becoming famous i know i would have. their still writing about the same things which is just the way they feel. its not about drugs and sex anymore like rappers and r'n'bers think, there talking about the way they feel always have always will. people really are only going to buy what they like and they like green day who just happened to be from the underground and just to make it clear some people never thought them as punk from the beginning. and like billie said "Fact of the matter is I’m not going to quit so go to hell" or mike "If anyone tells you otherwise tell them to fuck off or punch them" i dont think they really care i think they even though it maybe hard to believe were always mature, they had a goal and they reached it and kicked the living daylights out of it. no ones asking you to like them but they do deserve respect. and just because there so called "sellouts" doesn't make their music bad or have no meaning. american idiot as much as they hate george bush, isnt about that its about thinking and making your own desicion and not being a sheep, really the jesus of suburbia story has nothing to do with politics, maybe people should do a little research and look at green days piont of view and stop being such selfish arseholes.

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