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Did Green Day sell out?


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To the fans in the underground and at Gilman Street, they were sellouts. They were branded as sellouts because they think that Green Day just used the underground as a stepping stone to get rich and make money, which was against all of their beliefs.

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yeah, but its all good. its other things that piss me off, like the money before fans action of cancelling the paris gig, or you could call it record label control.

but hey, they gotta do what the gotta do

and ill still always love them, as sellouts or underground or cult heroes, its all good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:sleep: American Idiot wasn't really a sellout-thing. That album set up the new genre of music that is now popular. It was a revolution of music. Before the punk-rock era, pop was all the rage. N*Sync, Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls were house hold names. Good god, now they are labeled "pussy bands," and "weak posers." Think about in another 5 years, will mainstream music still be punk rock? To me, sell-outs are people who join a trend to become popular/make money. Green Day started the trend, I think. They started a lot of bands playing music like them and added majorly to the whole "Fuck Bush, fuck politics," thing. In life and music.

Yet we are here bickering whether American Idiot was selling out. I actually believe Green Day tried to hop on the pop bandwagon with Warning. It was nothing like the albums before it. As one member here stated "Warning was pure pop" Guess what? Warning was released, smack-dab in the middle of the pop era. True they may have wanted to try something new. But the timing I believe isn't coincedence. with the Insomniac and Nimrod reception paled in comparison to Dookie. Since pop became popular, they joined it. It didn't make a huge break. I think they realized that by doing something that was original that was not based on the trends, would be the best thing. And bam, their second major break.

We all know the Warning era - Shenanigans was not the best. It proves being original, not joining something for fame, does do something.

Of course the only people who can say whether they sold out is Green Day, themselves. It is all opinions to us Bob will say this and Jane will say that and so on... But should we base what music we like on whether they are sell-outs or on if the music has good quality? Whether their labeled "posers" or whether you like them?

Green Day may be sell-outs to some but should that matter whether you like them? Let's say the band (It's made up) "The Bobs" put out an album called "Lost in Government" it sounds like Green Day, It's about politics, too. The Bobs wanted money and fame, but cared about their fans. They have been labeled sell-outs. It is true but having listened to the album you realize it's pretty good. Your liking them shouldn't be based on whether they are sell-outs. Neither should it be that people aren't real fans "If they say the band has sold-out."

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personally, i think people need to get over themselves and stop critizing bands they dont like.

its immature and stupid.

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heres a quote from the book im reading

" 'We sell out every show we play' shrugged Tre Cool, when I asked him about such accusations." Besides,every thing is for sale in this world" "People who call us sell outs are being moderately politily correct",added Mike. "To counter that accusation you would have to sit in your room, you'd never work and you'd never play a show for money ever. Selling out to me is compermiseing my musicical intintions and my musical intintions are to play music and not work for some asshole at some job that I really dont want to do.Im going to do whatever I want to do. And what I do is play bass.Fuck it.' "

this was after dookie when green day hit it off and graffiti apeared on the walls of Gillman saying

billie joe must die

and if ur wonder ing the book is Green Day american idiots and the new punk explosion by ben myers

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How the hell did rage against the machine sell out? Anyways I don't think Green Day 'sold-out'. Green Day selling out would be having there faces on a box of cereal which will never happen. I agree with whoever said american idiot is like all of the sounds from there albums put together. Like St. Jimmy sounds like something that could be found on insomniac or nimrod.

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I was at a Green Day chatroom and people were saying they 'sold out' because they started wearing eyeliner. :blink: They said that the only reason they're wearing eyeliner is because they want to be like the other bands. :ermm:

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Who bumped this?

Anyway, this is my opinion.

No, they didn't sell out, they grew up, Billie especially. They're daddys now and I think they want to be good dads. They can't write songs about masturbation, more now the kids are getting older, asking questions? I doubt they'd want to risk their family for their career. Their music is different, but still "punk" a new kind of punk. They still have the basic "punk" idea, speaking your mind and not giving a shit what anyone else thinks, but politcis is on thier mind, and this time, people agree.

AI is a story, a memory of what they were like when they were younger. I'm glad they grew up just in time, a 20 year old teen is acceptable, not 33 year old teens.

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Peronally, I think that Green Day is basicly the definition of 'Sell Out'.

They sell tons of Merch to earn more money for their already-rich selves, they do anything possible to get more publicity on themselves, and I have to agree with those at Gilman - Any REAL punk band would never sign to a major label.

Yeah, I said it.

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^to answer you:

Well, it seems to me that people who call Green day sellouts don't really grasp the meaning of the term. Selling out doesn't mean making a lot of money, it means throwing out your values and beliefs. If you stay to true to your artistic integrity and ethical values, you haven't sold out. It doesn't matter how much money you've made.

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it doesn't make any sense at all. i'm tired of some people who think that Green Day are sell outs. They believe that just because more people start to like them and that they do something different with their music that they are automatically declared a sellout band. It's so stupid true bands create music for themselves and they don't worry about what others think. Then the old fans bitch about the new music and start to call the bands sellouts. Are those people trying to say that a band can't write new songs for themselves or change what they want to hear in their music. it doesn't make sense to me why some people start to hate a band because of their change of style or the way that they've gotten famous over the years.

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Me thinks Green Day would be bored if they :rolleyes: kept doing the same music. And so would the fans. :rolleyes:

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it doesn't make any sense at all. i'm tired of some people who think that Green Day are sell outs. They believe that just because more people start to like them and that they do something different with their music that they are automatically declared a sellout band. It's so stupid true bands create music for themselves and they don't worry about what others think. Then the old fans bitch about the new music and start to call the bands sellouts. Are those people trying to say that a band can't write new songs for themselves or change what they want to hear in their music. it doesn't make sense to me why some people start to hate a band because of their change of style or the way that they've gotten famous over the years.

what is ur definition of a sell out?

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it doesn't make sense to me why some people start to hate a band because of their change of style

if you find a band puts out music you dont like because they have changed their style... you dont like them any more. they changed direction. you didnt. tough. no point bitching about it. band put out what they want to.

I dont waste my time hating bands that change direction and it just doesnt work for me any more. I jsut find another band who expresses what I cant.

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what is ur definition of a sell out?

a band that starts to care about what the media thinks. a band that starts to create music just to please all the fans tastes instead of making music from their own hearts. a band that starts to only cares about looking cool in front of the press instead of being the people that they truely are

if you find a band puts out music you dont like because they have changed their style... you dont like them any more. they changed direction. you didnt. tough. no point bitching about it. band put out what they want to.

I dont waste my time hating bands that change direction and it just doesnt work for me any more. I jsut find another band who expresses what I cant.

that's what i was trying to say

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if you still don't think they've sold out, especially after everything surrounding american idiot, you probably never will (unless the band does something incredibly eye-opening)

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Well, it seems to me that people who call Green day sellouts don't really grasp the meaning of the term. Selling out doesn't mean making a lot of money, it means throwing out your values and beliefs. If you stay to true to your artistic integrity and ethical values, you haven't sold out. It doesn't matter how much money you've made.

:thumbsup: exactly what i wanted to say.

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is this stupid thread still here? holy moses.

green day is a great band. doing something a bit different from what they've done before isn't wrong. making more fans isn't wrong either. they're having fun, and we're having fun.

i don't see the problem. gawd i'm so sick of hearing this.

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well think of it like this, guys. if GD hadn't "sold out" how many of us would know about them? if they hadn't come out in mainstreem music in the early 90s, and had this great comeback in 2004, we wouldn't know about their music.

i'm sad just thinking about it. their music makes me feel better, helps me get through the day. if they did "sell out" i'm glad. :)

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well think of it like this, guys. if GD hadn't "sold out" how many of us would know about them? if they hadn't come out in mainstreem music in the early 90s, and had this great comeback in 2004, we wouldn't know about their music.

i'm sad just thinking about it. their music makes me feel better, helps me get through the day. if they did "sell out" i'm glad. :)

That's exactly how I feel.

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That's exactly how I feel.

*points* look! a Green Day fan! On a Green Day fan forum! *gasp* :o:rolleyes:

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That's exactly how I feel.

i feel like that too, i don't know how they can call sellouts to the best punk-rock band on earth

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i think its harder to think of popular bands that couldnt be considered sell outs. theres thousands.

people should stop over-analysing. if being a sell-out is to do with money, then whos filling up green days pockets? and i think thats our choice rather than theres.

just for once, i would like people to not look at the image, the nature of sell-out, fat or thin, colour of hair, punk-a-bility. and just enjoy the fucking music, because at the end of the day, thats what its allll about.

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*points* look! a Green Day fan! On a Green Day fan forum! *gasp* :o:rolleyes:


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