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Did Green Day sell out?


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yes they did . . . they have, maybe not ubruptly, but they have . . . and if you think they didn't, then you don't know te ideas and what not of underground music . . .

but also take into consideration this does not make their music bad.

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yes they did . . . they have, maybe not ubruptly, but they have . . . and if you think they didn't, then you don't know te ideas and what not of underground music . . .

but also take into consideration this does not make their music bad.

exactly, when someone says green day sold out often they refer to the way they act now and I for one think that the quality of their music is more important than how they act

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Well.... I don't have really decided if Green Day are sellouts or not, cause the two parts have a lot of differnt reasons to prove their opinion is right.

Their music is still great, that's the one thing we all agree (I think)

And even they are not sellouts (it is your opinion this), they aren't really punk anymore.

Either they wanted or no, everyone knows AI. Either they changed their music to sell more (even I dont' believe it) either no, now they are mainstream.

But I still wonder, is so bad that they went popular? I mean, I 'm only 14 (nooooo, I DON'T believe Billie is hawt or something) and I learnt about them from AI, but then I bought the older CDs and I found that they are better. And also I start hear Clash, Sex Pistols, Rancid, NOFX and other stuff because of them. If I never heard American Idiot, I think I still would listen to shitty pop....

And it's not only me. A lot of my friends and people I know start listen to more rock/punk/alternative music because of them.

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I don't like to admit it, but I think they did sell out to a degree, and not in a "I want to make lots of money" kinda way, but in a "I am throwing away my values and beliefs" kinda way.

If you say they sold out for money, then they sold out with Dookie, signing to a major label, and giving up their Indie status.

But the other day I read an intervew with Billie, they were asked how they felt about not being punk anymore, and he answered with something along the lines of, "To be the greatest band in the world you have to make sacrifices. You have to let go of some things to be the best".

With AI, they did become extremely radio friendly, however, you can't deny that they didn't still have some punkish songs (Letterbomb, Holiday). They had also started to become radio friendly with Warning and Nimrod.

I think along the way they have slowly sold out, bit by bit, but I also think that that goes hand in hand with them maturing and becoming the greatest band in the world.

And even if their music isn't really punk, or indie, and they have a manufactured image, who really gives a fuck, because they are still being individuals, and they still fucking rock!

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Green Day have remained one of my idols even after the release of American Idiot. In my opinion, they changed over the years for the better. Fate helped them. What if there was no American Idiot? What if they had released Cigarattes and Valentines instead?

I was a fan before AI came out. I love their oldest songs, and I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the new album. One must be open-minded with creative people.

I don't understand the point of this debate. Some people think they're sellouts, while others think they're not. Who cares? Who's never contradicted themselves, anyway?

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they sold out in the term of audience size

they didnt sell out their views, opinions, and beliefs

deep down, they're still those snotty kids playing at Gilman

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well, ok. first of all, i hate that "think" at the end. like he's so fucking deep. but onto the topic.

is he saying that if they were writing music for themselves it would be music that noone BUT themselves liked? are you kidding? good music is good music, and if you like a song you can pretty much guarantee there's ONE person out there who agrees with you. if you write something that YOU really really like and YOU are satisfied with, you're going to fucking sell reacords.

every artist has melodies or riffs or whatever that sound like another artists. some more than others. deal with it. plus, if you're only using 3 or so chords in a song... there's certain ones that sound good together and will be used by MANY bands.

oh, and not that i was there, but im pretty sure they just liked to PLAY when they started out. if they were trying to sell shit from the beginning they would've signed to a bigger label MUCH earlier.

and OK so they signed to reprise!!! what if they like following their rules? hmm?? what if they signed to them because they had rules they wouldnt mind abiding by? and since when do you have insider information that reprise is telling green day "write this, it'll make you popular"?

and selling out is being in a McDonalds commercial not fucking signing to a big label. signing to a label is a business deal, you do it to further your career, get better publicity... who doesnt want to further their career? do you want to live in a shitty, cramped apartment w/ a wife and 2 kids when you know that, because you're a good band, you could have more? not necessarily a mansion, but enough? no. you dont.

i dont agree with the new stuff being shit either. but whatever. entitlement to your own opinions and crap.

so yeah. i dont think they've sold out at all. screw you.

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You can't expect an awesome band never to change and make more money. Stop being jealous cause they actually GOT somewhere instead of staying in a damn living room. Who gives a fuck if *you* think its more punk when nobody knows about them?! You know the truth. Just leave it at that.

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I was a fan before AI came out. I love their oldest songs, and I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with the new album. One must be open-minded with creative people.

I don't understand the point of this debate. Some people think they're sellouts, while others think they're not. Who cares? Who's never contradicted themselves, anyway?

^ i love your point.

all bands go through a period of growth and change. the longer a band is together, the more changes they're going to experience. green day hasn't sold out, they've simply changed, matured, and accepted the fact that they are a popular rock band. that's the problem with so many bands today - they won't change because they care too much about what the media and the public thinks of them (and no doubt there would be at least some of their fanbase accusing them of selling out). green day knew that a lot of people would accuse them of selling out when they started making american idiot - and they said fuck it, fuck those people, we'll do what we want (if you watch bullet in a bible, near the beginning, billie says something similar to that). and that's a beautiful thing.

and personally, i don't think they changed their sound that much, especially when you take into consideration that they've matured and grown up. all of those ideas and the talent that are presented in american idiot were there all along, they just showed up in different forms. and also, i don't think green day chose to become mainstream. i doubt they all sat down and said, "okay guys, our goal for this next album: be totally overplayed on mtv and every teenie bopper radio station in america." another thing - what's wrong with bringing rock music to the mainstream in the first place? green day pretty much single-handedly increased the popularity of the rock genre an insane amount over the last 2 years, and that's really cool that more kids are getting into rock music - good music ^.^

maybe green day sold out; maybe they didn't. who really cares, though? it's still amazing music, no matter what; from 1039/sosh and kerplunk to american idiot, i love everything green day has put out. and they're still sincere about what their doing - they love making music and they truly love their fans. you can't ask for anything more than that.

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no i don't think that green day sold out. you cant stay young forever, and its not there fault aremican idiot brought along thounsands of teenie fans. Anyoone would have started making merchandise eventually.

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^ I don't think the songs on American Idiot are "punk" either. Bands today just seem to play music about war, and politics, and if punk is about "not following the trends" (not my defenition, by the way) then how can American Idiot be punk?

there's only 2 songs about war on AI...

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No, they didn't sell out, they GREW UP (with the exception of Tre, mainly Billie Joe)

Their music is different, but its still "Punk" just from a slightly older perspective. I think American Idiot is one of thier best albums, but I also think its a memory, of what everything was like before they got married and had kids, they had to grow up to be good fathers, I don't blame them.

In my opinion they didn't sell out, and anyway, they have been being accused of "selling out" since even before Dookie!

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since when does selling out have to do with continuing to be "punk" or not? why is something being "punk" such an honor these days? it's like if you say something isn't punk it's automatically an insult or something. it's rediclously stupid. what's so great about something being "punk" anyway. in fact, what's so great about something being in ANY scene?

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all bands go through a period of growth and change. the longer a band is together, the more changes they're going to experience. green day hasn't sold out, they've simply changed, matured, and accepted the fact that they are a popular rock band. that's the problem with so many bands today - they won't change because they care too much about what the media and the public thinks of them (and no doubt there would be at least some of their fanbase accusing them of selling out). green day knew that a lot of people would accuse them of selling out when they started making american idiot - and they said fuck it, fuck those people, we'll do what we want (if you watch bullet in a bible, near the beginning, billie says something similar to that). and that's a beautiful thing.

and personally, i don't think they changed their sound that much, especially when you take into consideration that they've matured and grown up. all of those ideas and the talent that are presented in american idiot were there all along, they just showed up in different forms. and also, i don't think green day chose to become mainstream. i doubt they all sat down and said, "okay guys, our goal for this next album: be totally overplayed on mtv and every teenie bopper radio station in america." another thing - what's wrong with bringing rock music to the mainstream in the first place? green day pretty much single-handedly increased the popularity of the rock genre an insane amount over the last 2 years, and that's really cool that more kids are getting into rock music - good music ^.^

maybe green day sold out; maybe they didn't. who really cares, though? it's still amazing music, no matter what; from 1039/sosh and kerplunk to american idiot, i love everything green day has put out. and they're still sincere about what their doing - they love making music and they truly love their fans. you can't ask for anything more than that.

yep yep ^^

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I think they better fit "overrated"

"sellout" is more harsh.

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sure they did,

but does it matter?

I still don't like AI as much,

but not because they sold out,

beacuse I plainly dont care for it as much.


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So what if they did. I could care less.

you know whats funny about that statement

if you "could care less" that means you have to care at least a little bit

however if you said you "couldn't care less" that would have made sense with the point you were trying to make :P

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to become a successful band, you kind of have to "sell out". since people getting more populr and signing to a bigger label seems to be what people consider "selling out" these days.

without sell outs, the musc business wouldn't exist.

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i love how everyone throws around the most "no shit" random reasons for them not to have sold out. like, these are reasons that nobody who's on the "sell out" side is even arguing for. omg just because billie joe prefers orange juice in the morning doesn't mean they've sold out!!!

now, i am a die hard green day fan, and i will defend them to the death, but i have to say that, with american idiot being an album that is not the kindest to the "establishment", and then billie jumps on board the train with adeline, i mean, in the feb.2004 issue of rolling stone, when they were on the cover, billie was talking about how you click on the tv, and change the channel, its like fear faactor. you change it again and someones paying big $ to look like brad pitt. now, you can pay big money to look like bille. i was really disappointed. plus, the adeline clothes arent the greatest, i mean, i remember when real punk clothes were made by hand, by the punk. now youve got adeline. i mean, i dont know of anyone around here that can afford that. i mean, i know i cant, because i have stupid parents and you cant put any money down on an apt til your 18, and i have to "come back in 2 months" thats another story completely... but what im saying is, isnt that at least hipocritical, and minorly selling out? he says one thing, then does another...now, for only $376.97, lets go dress like billie!. . . or, not. . .

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think they did. everyone thinks that they are sell outs and goes " oh green day use to be good" and the people who say that I think are pissed off that the band they liked became popular (as in they only like bands no one knows and once the band becomes known... they don't like them anymore) people just got pissed off because Green Day got the balls to put out a politcial record. I think American Idiot almost sounds like all the Green Day records smashed into one (the sound of it)

like shit like this pisses me off my friend posted this on his blog:

Why Green Day Sucks

Once upon a time, over 10 years ago, there was a band that didn't suck so much. They called themselves Green Day. They wrote songs that were kind of cool. Songs like "Longview" and "Brain Stew". These songs were alright, and not very offensive to the ear. However, 10 years later, it was the year 2004. Green Day had worn out there welcome, and weren't as not sucky as they used to be. However, they were indeed popular, and rich. Rather than step away from the spotlight gracefully, realizing that it's hard to appeal to youngsters when you are no longer youngsters, they chose another path. They decided to abandon their image of being OK, and come out with a new album entitled "American Idiot". In this album, they made a song which was named after the album. This song boasted that they didn't want to be "American Idiots". And that America was "One nation controlled by the media". Many idiot teenagers that thought themselves to be rebels blasted this song all the time, and there was much rejoicing among the retarded many. However, they failed to realize, that Green Day indeed were "American Idiots'. For they had the money to leave America for a country where they could be equally well-known. And that they were the media that was controlling people. However, the story does not end here. They decided to put another sng on this album. A song entitled "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams". This song claims that they "walk alone on the boulevard of broken dreams". When the fact of the matter is, incredibly popular rock stars with mountains of currency do not walk alone. And they certainly have no broken dreams. However, Green Day continued to be hypocrites, and continued to make money off of pathetic teens with no minds of their own. And I lived miserably ever after.

^^^^ is what all the kids who want to be so underground and if a band is any better than theres they get all pissed off and make a scence... thats what i think

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