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Did Green Day sell out?


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Oh my fucking god. This again? How is it that this is always popping up? Someone needs to get a real life. Stop trying to overanalyze theirs.

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i totally agree with you. green day aren't sell outs. they've always stuck to their beleifs.

So they never believed anything when they were on Lookout?

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  • 1 month later...

i totally agree with you. green day aren't sell outs. they've always stuck to their beleifs.

youre right, just because they went to the top with american idiot and all of a sudden they were extremeley famous.doesnt mean that they are sell outs.theyve always since omg i dont know when stcuk to their beliefs and never tried to copy the tabs or anything.i think theyve always been a true original band.. :blink:

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Personally, I dont think they are sell outs. I do think they have changed from how they use to be, but I think it comes with the territory of a massive fanbase mixed with growing up. Some of you people on here that are calling them "sell outs" are the reason they wrote 'Good Riddance' all those years ago.

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and the teenies who become obsessed with green day, well as far as my experience shows, last about 3-5 months... then they move onto the next TRL #1 single, and become obsessed with the new popular band...

i dont think theyre sell outs... they've just kept on doing what they love and are good at... it's not like they knew they'd make it this big when they were 11 and playing in their bedrooms... they do it for the love of music. They do their own thing. there isnt not a lot of mtv #1 hits that tell bush to fuck off................ so i dont think they did it to become popular. if they had to sing about something to become popular and get people to like them... it'd probably be strippers, hookers, etc... and ai definatly isnt about strippers.


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they're in all sorts of verizon advertisements. i cant think of any logcial explanation for that except the money.

also, its ridiculous how they wear the exact same clothes while playing the exact same songs in the same order for every show. it seems like more of an act than anything else. wheres the spontaneity?

and they charge $20 to be in their fan club? you have to PAY to be their fan? are you serious? to be fair, they've charged for that for years now. still, the principle is obnoxious.

so until they give me a reason to think otherwise, yes.

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theyre boring now, thats all i know. what happened to climbing the globe, or starting a massive mudfight, or pooping out of a hotel deck? nothing spontanious ever happens, and they play the same damn songs all in a row the same way every night.

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What happened? They grew up.

They've been playing music longer than you've been alive, you can't expect them to be the same forever.

I'll admit i got tired of the sets that were all pretty much the same, plus or minus a few songs, but I got more tired of people bitching about it. It's not like you were going to see them every single night anyways. I saw them twice, both times the shows were similiar but it didn't matter. They still kicked ass playing live.

As for the selling out bit. I know i've said this before, but I'll say it again.


Fucking aye! They did not change for anyone, and in Billie's words, they didn't kiss anyone's ass to get where they've gotten. They are very mainstream, and very popular, but they did it the old fashioned way...by writing really fucking good music. You can't blame a band because some of the people who listen to the music are "14 year old mindless drones" (as my friend calls them). If someone listens to Green Day because it's trendy, then so be it. It's not Green Day's fault. They still write and play for themselves. The music they write, they write what they feel, with their own emotion into their music. Of course they are in the music buisness and they need to sell records. Their record company sells posters and merchandise to make more money, thats what record companies do. It's not like Green Day gave up any of their talent or style to sell more product for the record company. It's not like they record what the record company wants in order to sell more music. They write and record their own music, as i said, from their hearts and minds. Selling out would be giving up on their own standards in order for fame. Just because they aren't living the life of other punk standards doesn't mean they sold theirs out, it just means they aren't here to be anyone's bitch. They aren't here to be controlled by any scene or any company, they are who they are and they will always be that band. Their tactics and theatrics may have changed, but they still write music for the right reasons.

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It shouldn't matter - it shouldn't even cross your mind anymore, the music you listen to shouldn't be affected by all the outside bullshit, people trying to control what you listen to.

I wrote this on another forum:

a: Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash was re-released and used in a Levi's advert and they were paid for it

b: The Ramones were on Reprise Records.

c: John Lydon went on a REALITY TV SHOW.

My point is that these punk bands/icons are not accused of selling out, and they shouldn't be either - what I'm saying is, that if you start accusing certain people of 'selling out' you then have to realise and accept that other bands have done similar things and that in effect you're accusing them of the same thing. If you say "Green Day sold out, they're on a major label" - well so were the Ramones, so does that mean they sold out? You can't have it one way and not the other.

So if Green Day sold out, so did every other punk band you listen to.


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So they never believed anything when they were on Lookout?

It's not the label that dictates the beliefs. It's not like they didn't have beliefs when they were on Lookout and then suddenly did when they signed on to Reprise. (Or vice-versa). They've always had beliefs. And as long as they keep sticking to them they haven't sold out.

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It shouldn't matter - it shouldn't even cross your mind anymore, the music you listen to shouldn't be affected by all the outside bullshit, people trying to control what you listen to.

I wrote this on another forum:

a: Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash was re-released and used in a Levi's advert and they were paid for it

b: The Ramones were on Reprise Records.

c: John Lydon went on a REALITY TV SHOW.

My point is that these punk bands/icons are not accused of selling out, and they shouldn't be either - what I'm saying is, that if you start accusing certain people of 'selling out' you then have to realise and accept that other bands have done similar things and that in effect you're accusing them of the same thing. If you say "Green Day sold out, they're on a major label" - well so were the Ramones, so does that mean they sold out? You can't have it one way and not the other.

So if Green Day sold out, so did every other punk band you listen to.


sorry, the ramones werent on reprise, they were on sire. get your facts right.

also, times were different in the 70s. no bands could make a living if they werent on a "major label." did the ramones get any benefits from being on a major? nope. they made a lot of music videos, but never had any mainstream success.

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ok the only thing they are going to "sell out" are concert seats, let it go

Hey! thats pretty funny

you say Let it go.. when the post before you was made Feb. 16. and yesterday was April 3.

... so you revived a dead thread saying "let it go" although everyone already did :ermm:

and about the Circles.. yes. thats all this kind of thread ever does. just circles.. and the occasional triangle.

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I deffinately dont think Green Day are "sell outs", and i dont know why anyone would think that. It makes me mad because ass wholes at my school always come up to me and say how Green Day are "Losers who cant play music" They prolly only say it cuz they know i would get pissed off. I just think their music changed because they grew up from the dookie days.

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Well, it seems to me that people who call Green day sellouts don't really grasp the meaning of the term.


And he calls them sellouts for signing? What the fuck is that. I can't even being to explain how wrong that is.

They're not sell-outs, they're GOOD.

Everybody I know is like, "Oh, what sell-outs" or, "What are you talking about. AI was their first." and then the idiotic "I mean, now that they're actually popular." I can not stand when people think AI was their first album or call them only popular because of it. No. They've always been popular, just not with all these teenyboppers (which is also annoying when they say gd's their favorite band.)

Oh, and I hate it when people say their music is too sell-out ish. I just want to yell at them "THE MUSICS NOT FOR YOU, REJECT." It makes me so mad when people don't understand that. This is them, not what we want them to be.

There are just too many things wrong about that.

And if any of what I just said doesn't make sense, I can believe that. When I am this pissed at people, I can't get things out.

People anger me.

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To me 'Sell out' means turning your back on the reason you started making music and changing yourself for the reason of money profit alone. It also means abandoning those who were loyal to you before you got popular, but not having more fans, so maybe not being as interactive with your oldie fans as you were before. It also means only making your music becasue that is what people want of you.

In no way has Green Day done this, or so I think. So no, I don't think Green Day has sold out. And yes I agree with you.

The comment about why the guy hated Green Day had a few good points, but I don't think signing to a major label is 'Selling out'. Is it so wrong to want to be able to make a living doing the thing you love? Not really. Is it so wrong for you to want people to hear your message? Again, not really.

But that's just my opinion.

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did they sell out? who cares, i just know their selling those cds.........and im buying them

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i think it's stupid that people "hate" green day because they're "sell-outs"

i mean, they acheived their dreams didn't they? there's nothing bad about it.

they're successful, and probably a lot more successful then any one of those haters could be.

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this thread is beyond useless. the people defending green day are addressing issues that aren't even reasons issued for green day's selling out.

wow. that^ response was probably the perfect example.

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The comment about why the guy hated Green Day had a few good points, but I don't think signing to a major label is 'Selling out'. Is it so wrong to want to be able to make a living doing the thing you love? Not really. Is it so wrong for you to want people to hear your message? Again, not really.

But that's just my opinion.

I always thought it was kinda weird when people said they sold out because they signed to a major label. I get their point but Green Day never wrote songs saying that they'd never 'sell their souls' to a major or anything. Now if they'd done that and then signed a deal with a major that could have been considered selling out, I suppose...

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Could one of the "OMGZ Green Day did sooooooo not sell-out" people justify the Idiot Club, please?

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