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Did Green Day sell out?


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God forbid they be not only talented musicians, but also savy businessmen!

Lets face it, they side stepped every dumb-rocker mistake ever made!

I think its great. More power to them. They are the example for young musicians to follow!

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Here's some more input from me.

Selling out has nothing to do with how much a band makes. The money from their idiot club has nothing to do with the fact about them selling out or not. I dont believe they should charge for it, just because their fans are the reason they are still a band. A place for them to chat and hangout should be free.

But that still has nothing to do with selling out. Not even the price of clothing or tickets matters. A lot of that is done by their label or the people who handle the merch. I doubt Green Day cares or says how much their stuff goes for.

But like I said in my original post, that doesn't mean they've sold out. They have written music for the same reasons for nearly two decades. They still write with their emotions and each album. They don't put out something because they need money, or because they want to read about themselves in the most popular magazines. They write and put out their stuff with their own beliefs in all of their work. They dont try to impress anyone but themselves. Had they sold out, they would be writing what the record company told them to, because they knew what would sell.

Like Billie Joe said in that Vh1 thing a couple years ago "we've never kissed anyone's ass to get where we are."

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the term 'selling out' means to sell your integrity as an artist to the mainstream....which i really don't beleive green day did.

all they did was embrace their success, and so they fucking should have!!!

people call them 'sell outs' because these people beleive that selling a lot of cds makes you a sell out....not true.

you want an example of a sell out? try some other band...*cough* simple plan *cough*

green day have maintained their integrity and they are not fucking sell outs.

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I can't really say if they sold out or not, but I think a lot of what is happening with Green Day and AI is because of what happened with Dookie. They've said many times, especially Billie, they were never able to enjoy the success of Dookie because of the extreme backlash from the people they thought were their friends and how they wish they could live that time period over because they would like to concentrate on the positive aspects of Dookie, instead of the negative. I think the success of AI was unexpected because they told the record label they didn't think there were any singles on AI. Now it seems like it was a commercial sound and following a trend, but when they recorded it, radio and MTV were only playing rap and hip hop. AI is what allowed all of these newer bands to be heard. They were there, but they couldn't get played.

They were given a chance to relive, and change, their own pasts, by getting a second huge success and then letting themseleves focus on the positive aspects of AI. It is obvious they have loved this tour and Billie has said many times it's been the best period of his life. I think they may be so caught up in the great time they are having, and the whirlwind created by this much success, they aren't paying attention to what is happening with the merchandising and ring tones. I'm not sure they know how over saturated they are, because they haven't been in one place long enough to see what's really going on.

I also think Adeline might be Addie's thing because she needs her own outlet and Billie wants to make her happy since most of their life revolves around him and his career.

I don't believe for a minute the money from the ring tones and the merchandising isn't tricklling down to them, as someone in this thread quoted Billie as saying.

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But like I said in my original post, that doesn't mean they've sold out. They have written music for the same reasons for nearly two decades. They still write with their emotions and each album. They don't put out something because they need money, or because they want to read about themselves in the most popular magazines.

And here's the thing I find incredibly interesting. These guys are HUGE right now, and you NEVER see them in any of the rags. Because they don't run around acting like celebs saying "look at me, take my pic write about me" You really get the impression that they avoid that kind of thing.

Look at all the red carpet photos, they aren't even there!

They were nominated for a song off an album that had already won the previous year, not a common phenomenon, and still, no buzz, no hype, no interviews.

They are not behaving like sell outs.

They did something great in their industry, in a time when just about everything was fluff. They are getting accolades from their industry for it.

But I don't think they ever stopped doing what they have always done. They write and perform music that is from their heart. Did they make deals along the way that benefited them. YEP! Why shouldn't they? All artists hope to sell their art for a living. Its a good thing, so long as you stay true to your inner self. Which I think they have.

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radio and MTV were only playing rap and hip hop. AI is what allowed all of these newer bands to be heard. They were there, but they couldn't get played.

that is not even close to being true..

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Theres no need for evidence, that is completely and utterly false, AI did not start some huge rock explosion, rock was already making a strong come back before AI was released, AI was just another brick in the wall.

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seriosuly, these guys are making millions now, and this is their living. there is no shame in wanting a house and an income for your family. and all three of these guys have families. i guess people who call them sellouts want them to live in the gutter starving to death. i dont think they ever conformed to mainstream, but instead experimented with what the public enjoyed, not just the underground scene. let the truth be told, a whole genre of music cant be 'crap', because people are out there buying it. yes, i am refering to rap, some of it can be alright. no just the sound, but also the meaning of it all. not all of it is about women shaking their asses and pimping. and its god that they experiment, cause then more people can enjoy it.

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blink 182 should not be grouped in there.

oh shoot me for adding another band to make my arguement stronger.

hate to break it to ya, but blink were sellouts, johnny rotten is a sellout. ramones werent. they pwn.

selling out ISNT signing to a major lable.

thats what i was saying. it was sarcasm.

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Did Green Day write their own music? Check.

Did they make the cd not caring about the reaction? Check.

Did they put together an original product? Check.

Is their success getting taken advantage of? Check.

Are they still kickass? Check.

Do all members have fun and enjoy each other? Check.

Yep, they've passed my list. Enough sell out worrries.

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this is the problem with this forum, people always say in threads like this that everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. I haven't read the whole thread but everyone, maybe apart from the odd few (but i don't know because i haven't read the entire thread) but more than the majority thinks that their not sellouts not even in the slightest. Anyway i know what i think, but i'm not gonna post my views because this forum has no freedom of speech whatsoever.

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Guest Quietus

I remember once they said set-lists were stupid and they wouldnt do them, yet every show on the AI tour, is exactly the same, exactly.

They make tons, and tons, and tons of merch, only because they know it will sell, yeah that might be the label, but if Green Day actually wanted it stopped, they would take a stand against it, yet they dont.

Okay, come on already. We've had the set-list argument three million times. Yes the same show is boring, but if you think about it, if they do different songs at every show, people will be pissed. "Oh my god they played Christie Road last week and not at my concert! That's retarded!" I can just imagine of how many threads of those we would have should they not have a set list. Remember when they played All By Myself at one show? It was a topic of discussion for days here. A set list is the most logical thing to do to make sure everyone is treated equally. And honestly, a set list makes sense with the music part of it, so they know what tunning they need etc before the show starts. A lot of their songs are tunned to different pitches (sometimes they go a half step down, somethimes they don't) and I doubt people want to wait five minutes while they tune in between songs.

As for the merch, I doubt they are sitting their doing the designs and thinking of new t-shirts. I bet they don't even give a fuck and they just handed the control over.

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that is not even close to being true..

If you watched any type of music television back then you would know that it is more close to being true than not.

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Alrighty, well i know this convo is never ending, but it is fun occasionally. And since I hold the 'Jesus' title I'm able to start threads like this.

So I posted a blog a couple days ago as a reply to my friends blog (which i posted here a couple weeks ago).

Here's what I wrote:

"Whats that...you're angry because Green Day is popular? Wait what...you hate them for making an album that people bought? You think they're sellouts because they are rich mother fuckers?

Well first of all, I'm sure they care what you think. Second, I'd like to know in what position you are in to criticize a band for writing their music.

It's not like Green Day just popped up out of no where after 9/11 and started making money by writing music about an unpopular war. Green Day has been making music together since most of us were small wittle babies. The past 17 years they have written music about whatever they're feeling and they put their own emotions into their own music.

They don't write to be like anyone, they don't write to sell music, they don't write to please anyone. They don’t write off anyone’s emotions except their own. They write for themselves. They always have. They write for what they believe in. Whether it be the war or jacking off, it's what they feel like writing, not what people want to hear. They used to write about being disenfranchised youth and sitting at home smoking weed all day. Everyone has to mature at some point, and the past three albums from them have reflected that stage in their lives. This last album just had a better combination of lyrics and style that most people could relate too, hence the over 11 million copies that were sold of American Idiot. It’s not just an “anti-war, anti-bush” album. It actually has a story about growing up. It’s the story that a lot of teenagers were able to relate to that helped them sell so many copies. American Idiot topped the US charts not once, but twice. Even a band like Thursday that has “been writing about this stuff for years” only got to number 7 with their last album. So apparently Green Day is doing something better.

People have been calling them sellouts for over a decade, and it hasn't changed anything yet. Selling out would be writing without reason just for money. If half of you who hate Green Day for that reason knew a damn thing about them, you’d understand why they write. Until then, you’ll continue just pulling shit out of your ass to prove a point with the wrong logic. "

And most the comments were "yeah. omg. green day rules." and most were stupid.

Anyways, so this guy replies today with:

"I hate them because they helped turn punk corperate, they didn't sell out because they were assholes to begin with, they were looking to get famous and sell that shit out. Same thing goes with anti-flag and rage against the machine. They do write to sell music and please people, if they didnt, they wouldnt sell any records. That's the way music works, trust me. Also, Green Day has flat out stolen other bands guitar riffs. All this shit you're talking about could just as easily apply to any other shitty band like simple plan or and of that rediculous shit. Selling out is buying into a corperation, and following their rules, which Green Day does, or they wouldnt be on a label. Selling out is signing a contract with a major record label. Most of their music isn't that bad really, except their new shit is horrible, but the classic stuff still sounds good... it doesn't mean they aren't sell outs.

Think. "

So i guess I just wanted you all to have fun with that. Post your thoughts.

I think that guy is an asshole. I mean he obvioulsy doesn't know jack about green day. And other bands have stolen Green Day's riffs.

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Just wondering. For me their beliefs are extremely similar to mine, not just politically but the sort of things they think are important, etc., so it's not an issue. I have huge respect for them.

Indeed. It pisses me off when I hear "their beliefs aren't the same" and/or "billie joe wasn't as cool as I thought he was *insert crappy and illogical reason here*..."

So I'm left here, sitting, as starring at my computer screen, with one question in my head.

How the fuck would you know?

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If you watched any type of music television back then you would know that it is more close to being true than not.

i'm pretty sure they were playing shit like good charlotte and new found glory before american idiot came out... :rolleyes:

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i'm pretty sure they were playing shit like good charlotte and new found glory before american idiot came out... :rolleyes:

On MTV and VH1? I don't think so. I don't have cable so I rarely see those channels, but I have never seen either of those bands on them.

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.....if they are sell outs, who the fuck cares?

if the music is still good, and their situations outside (more money) are not influencing their songwriting (i.e. making a song called; "i have so much fucking money i could wipe my ass with 100's") then why the fuck SHOULD we care? who cares? honestly?

music is music my friends.

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On MTV and VH1? I don't think so. I don't have cable so I rarely see those channels, but I have never seen either of those bands on them.

i dont know, i dont watch them now and i didn't watch them then. i did in like, 7th grade though, and those bands were on there.

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i dont know, i dont watch them now and i didn't watch them then. i did in like, 7th grade though, and those bands were on there.

yes, GC, simple plan, and NFG were all on VH1 and MTV before AI came out.

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The fact that every other word is a curse word(at his concerts) & pretending to jack off on stage (while his kids are there), getting drunk often (including DWI), possible extramarrital relationship etc. those are great values and beliefs. Again if he didnt need to be setting an example for his kids, I couldn't care less, but he does.. Think about how much shit his kids friends probably give them about the one scene in Bullet in a Bible alone. As much as I enjoy watching it, bad fo his young sons to see..Not something I would want my husband to be doing.

What the fuck. The way he decides to raise his children is none of your buisness. Nor do you know what he does behind closed doors. From my knowledge, he doesn't swear infront of his children and he stopped doing drungs and drinking for a while, concerts aside. If I were in that position, I would explin why daddy swears, kisses dudes and touches himself during concerts.

And again with the people pulling shit from years ago. DUI, fuck, one mistake he made and now we got an angery mom flaming billie over the internet.

I actually think all three are good fathers. Being a rock star, and a dad is a hard thing. They do much better than about 90% of other stars. So i wouldn't be so harsh on them.

And now, points to back up my views.

-billie has said and I quote "what's the point of being a successful musician if you have nobody to share it with"

-"im trying to keep up my end of the bargen"

-"i don't swear infront of my son" (again, concerts aside, thats different)

-"i'd rather be the kind of station wagen parent"

-"i dont feed my kids fast food"

- talking about nature and it's power "Yea, there's nothing more humbling than the ocean. Even seeing my kids out in the water, wherever we are, it's like here's this tiny speck of human life, and there's this giant enormous ocean, not even a gun can puncture something like that."

And I shall stop now because that made me look very obbsessive.

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