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Do You Think About/listen To Green Day Every Day?


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In a sense aye, because of my forum.. Even though it's barely even about GD anymore haha.

And cause of here.

but apart from that, god no.

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I don't listen to them every day, but I can't exactly overlook all of the posters covering my wall.. :rolleyes:

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I used too. I haven't listened to them in months.. ive been stuck with Arctic Monkeys and The Shins.

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yeah, both - listen to them daily, and yeah i cant ignore my GD collection of shizz in my room, wouldnt be possible lol

its like there's a song for any mood and my mp3 comes with me EVERYWHERE so whenever im in the mood i listen to music.


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i think of them everyday and i even listen to them everyday :wub: ....my friends call me GreeN daY adik or smetimes they call me billie even though im a girl... :whistling:

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I used too. I haven't listened to them in months.. ive been stuck with Arctic Monkeys and The Shins.

Arctic Monkeys and The Shins <3 :wub::thumbsup:

Moment of spam is over...

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Think about: yes.

listen to them: Yes.but some days more than others.

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I listen to Green Day every day it might only be one song but yes I do listen to them every day.

I guess that means I do think about them :D

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I haven't listened to Green Day in about three months, actually.

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Well, i come here almost every day, so I guess i do.

And i listen to my iPod everyday, and about one eighth of my songs are Green Day, so, yeah, i probably do listen to them everyday as well. :)

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i listen to green day lmost everyday i would say.. especially since the release of working class hero.. i love it.

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Yes, I listen to Green Day everyday.....Why wouldn't I? Every GD lover should. I love the lyrics, the sound, Billie's voice...... :wub: But I especially like.......the anger...even I don't know why. I think it was beacause I had such a sucky childhood and it feels good to have someone else show their anger........after my dad left I really didn't try to show my anger, disappointment....or embarrassment. Sometimes I wish I could get into Billie's head. I want to figure out what kind of guy he really is.......depressing, suicidal, lashy, weird, cool, or even a predator.....you know? But, I guess I sort of got off track. Yes, I listen to GD everyday.

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Yes. I do. It's rather sad. I haven't for the past year gone an entire day without talking/thinking about Green Day. I don't think it's possible for me at this point. Either I'm writing a fan fic, listening to a CD, watching videos, looking at pictures, or discussing them with other people.

I have a problem.

Just added this, not trying to offend anybody, but...

If you don't at least listen to Green Day occassionally, why would you be on this website? Honestly, I couldn't picture myself discussing a band I haven't listened to in months. It just seems odd. Besides, how could anybody NOT listen to GD at least once a week?

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I do luv them but I don't think that I am that obsessed about them where I would listen to them or think about them everyday. You go through your phases for a while but yeah no I don't :/

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Yes. I do. It's rather sad. I haven't for the past year gone an entire day without talking/thinking about Green Day. I don't think it's possible for me at this point. Either I'm writing a fan fic, listening to a CD, watching videos, looking at pictures, or discussing them with other people.

I have a problem.

Just added this, not trying to offend anybody, but...

If you don't at least listen to Green Day occassionally, why would you be on this website? Honestly, I couldn't picture myself discussing a band I haven't listened to in months. It just seems odd. Besides, how could anybody NOT listen to GD at least once a week?


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i listen to them every night, my cd player is on all night, so when i wake up, the first thing i hear is their music...

and then i listen to them on my i pod a couple of hours a day... :thumbsup:

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