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A Few Green Day Related Thoughts...


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Not at all, don't twist my words. Simply put, they'd be nobodies if it weren't for us. I'm not saying they owe us everything, but an album every few years would be quite nice.

If a politically induced Green Day punk-rock album moves you and changes your life, then i guess there would be hundreds of other albums out there that could shake your foundations.

Again, you make it sound as though they've gone abroad and fought for your freedom. They really haven't, they released a controversial album to try and bring down a government.

PS. How could the likes of Dookie and Smooth change your opinion on the world and life?

You're much thicker than I even originally thought. The way that a work of art moves you and changes your life is by whatever special quality that it has to express something true and honest about being human, and that lets you see the things you had seen a thousand times before in a whole new light. If you don't see the artistry in Dookie and 39/Smooth that's not something I can enlighten you about in a forum post. And if you don't feel moved by it maybe it just doesn't speak to you, and that's fine but then don't lecture the rest of us about something that you don't get.

The political content of a few of their songs has absolutely nothing to do with it. I knew about politics long before Green Day. I respect them for speaking out about issues, both in their music and in their personal likfe, and I think that's an important part of who they are, and if they were not who they are their music would be different as well. But the political content isn't what makes their work great and special.

Oh do behave. I don't for a second think i own the band at all, my base point was that if they cared about their fans for one minute, they'd create a little more for them.

Yeah my bad, they obviously don't care about their fans for even "one minute." How could I have made the mistake of accusing you of being clueless and whiny?
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I love Billie Joe singing Life During Wartime; this thread makes me think of these lines -

A call to action and a reaction

Taking our lives in our own hands

Instead of sitting around talking

About the same old stupid bands

Green Day's the opposite of stupid, but I think the message works anyway. They're people, doing what they do. We're people - talking about what they should or shouldn't be doing - now, what is wrong with this picture? :)

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haha thats stupid. leavem alone. they make music for themselves, they owe us nothing.

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^see, youre not really that tired. That was a brilliant comment.

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You're much thicker than I even originally thought. The way that a work of art moves you and changes your life is by whatever special quality that it has to express something true and honest about being human, and that lets you see the things you had seen a thousand times before in a whole new light. If you don't see the artistry in Dookie and 39/Smooth that's not something I can enlighten you about in a forum post. And if you don't feel moved by it maybe it just doesn't speak to you, and that's fine but then don't lecture the rest of us about something that you don't get.

Yeah, thats the point Dee, we can't teach no one how art can move one person....its something that we get or not, its personal. Some people are not touched by what art speaks, but just see the pratical side of all things.....and as Angeline said, people are "talking about what they should or shouldn't be doing", what is really easy to do, hehe..... :wink:

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What the fuck! :wacko: Green Day do not owe thier fans anything, yeh their famous cause we helped them along the way, but get off their backs, they will release the album when their ready, I know the wait is harsh and its killing me, but I'm willing to give them time out to do what they wanna do, who are we to give them permission! I'll gladly wait a lifetime if I have to. :thumbsup:

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Green Day are self employed! They don't have to answer to us. And no they didn't take much time off before AI. Haven't you heard of The Network? They toured for 2 years after AI was released. I think they deserve time off. I didn't become a GD fan just to grumble and go off them as soon as they decide to have a break.

Lots of bands take years between albums. I know it's been a long wait, but I don't feel GD owe me anything. Its more likely the other way round. I have made some great friends thru GD.

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I don't feel GD owe me anything. Its more likely the other way round. I have made some great friends thru GD.

That was great - and I agree! I feel the same way, as if I owe them a great deal for what they have given me. :)

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That was great - and I agree! I feel the same way, as if I owe them a great deal for what they have given me. :)

I second that :):wub:

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Third-ed :blush: I have lots to thank them for, they'll never know of course :)

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Could you possible be a more stereotypically American teenage girl?

Anyway, quoting people, debating a point, making your own points... Isn't that the point of a forum princess?

And as for 'not knowing shit', i was following Green Day before you were out of 'diapers' honey.

i usually don't judge people, but now your just being arrogant...

it doesn't matter how long you've been "following" Green Day or how old you are, that has nothing to do with anything.

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I'm so fucking tired of heard, Green Day it's going to do this, that, and this thing, for seriously.

I just want them back, their work, I'm going to listen it by myself.

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i usually don't judge people, but now your just being arrogant...

it doesn't matter how long you've been "following" Green Day or how old you are, that has nothing to do with anything.

hey you see it from my point of view.. :thumbsup:

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i can wait long...i wait since 2002-when i become a fan-to listen new music

so i can wait more because time give bands alot of space to do great things

and the world is so fucked that when someone try to help the world and do great critics of the assholes in the sistem that is a point i like to share with everybody

i dont give a fuck about the technics the musicna use for do a song, they can use everything they need it, even a duck, the point is:the thing i care is if the music identify me, i dont care how they do it the music, i care the music, not the ''know-how''

in fact i will try to buy kerplunk here someday...i cant find yet

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i usually don't judge people, but now your just being arrogant...

it doesn't matter how long you've been "following" Green Day or how old you are, that has nothing to do with anything.

Usually, i'd admit if i was being arrogant but it actually is relevant. Green Day have been a part of my life for ages, i've seen them live, i've met them, hell i've even got one of Billie-Joe's guitars! Saying i know shit is a complete lie.

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That was great - and I agree! I feel the same way, as if I owe them a great deal for what they have given me. :)


"The world owes me so 'fu*k you'-Billie Joe Armstrong.

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Hello, first post and all. Big Green Day fan since well, forever. First album bought was Dookie, many moons ago.

Anyway, i have become a touch disillusioned with the band just lately. Whilst their campaigns to bring down every government and save everybody and everything in the world is touching and heroic, i think it's about time Green Day realised they're still a rock band and that they have fans.

I mean, is it really so much to ask for them to release more than one album in SEVEN years?

Before anyone comes back in with 'they can do what they like, when they like', i would like to say that whilst that may be partly true, they do owe us a lot. We're the reason Billie-Joe has a huge house, Mike has a flash car and Tre has an expensive kit to destroy every night. Put frankly, they'd be nothing without us and it's frustrating to see them do everything but what they're good at - making us jump around like daft gits.

American Idiot was brilliant, best album since Nimrod by some distance. It's been over three years since its release however, the Arctic Monkeys have released two quality albums in that time, Muse have released two epic albums too.

In short, stop trying to save the world and get back to doing your jobs!

I've been saying the same thing for a year now.

"The Saints Are Coming" was in my eyes a bad sign....it sounded as if green day was losing its edge slightly, as well as their playfulness and spirit.

only next years' album will tell whether or not our fears will be confirmed.

(also, green day released international superhits in 2001 and shenanigans in 2002, so its technically 3 albums in 7 years).

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Usually, i'd admit if i was being arrogant but it actually is relevant. Green Day have been a part of my life for ages, i've seen them live, i've met them, hell i've even got one of Billie-Joe's guitars! Saying i know shit is a complete lie.

You've been following them that long and you still don't get thing one about them or their music. Congratulations on your remarkable thickness.

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yeah and when i said he was being arrogant, I was referring to the "steriotypical american teenager" part, not the part of how long he's been following Green Day, I simply added that bit in because I was getting the impression of "I'm this old and I've been following them for X amount of years, so ofcourse, I know what it's like to be them"

and singing about politics doesn't automaticly make them politicians. in fact isn't AI the album that bashes politicians? What about the Sex Pistols and the Dead Kennedys? they made political songs and they weren't even close to ever being "politicians" so comparing Green Day to politicians was a pretty dumb thing to do....

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I believe that the gap between albums is disappointing. Those of you who said they owe us nothing are absolutely right, but it wouldn't kill them to at least give updates like the majority of other bands. Before American Idiot came out, they at least gave us pictures and semi-frequent updates what the band was up to. It's been more than a full year since they've done any original work, and we've gotten so very few updates from them that it's quite sad.

I sent an email to their manager in March, letting him know that I thought this huge gap between the band and their fans wasn't very good. I understand that the band has their personal lives to work on and get through, but that doesn't mean we couldn't get the minor update about how the stuff is going, what kind of stuff they're messing around with, etc. It seems the only time they will talk is when a big magazine gets an interview with them.

I got a reply from their manager that same day that i sent the email, and he agreed and said he would get me update from the band by the end of the week. It's been well over a month since then.

I'm not in any huge rush to get new music. I know they like to take their time, and I think it's silly for any fan to want their favorite band to rush out with material just to please them. But i do wish they'd give us some kind of update, some kind of anything. There just seems to be this huge disconnect between fans and the band, and it's really annoying. Because thats where I come in, i try to bridge that gap as best i can through GDA. When we get so little from the band, it's really disheartening to all the fans who are tired of not hearing anything for so long.

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did Pat ever email you about the "surprise"

or was the surprise the whole Working Class Hero thing?

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did Pat ever email you about the "surprise"

or was the surprise the whole Working Class Hero thing?

:D I thought Pat was me, hehehe, I was like "what surprise? :unsure: " :lol:

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