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Working Class Hero


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i'll be honest. it is good but i'm not completely satisfied with it. i'm sure it's just the fact that i only heard like 30 seconds of the song and not the whole version. i like how they try to make it their own-ish. i guess i'm more of a green day person than a john lennon.

but as far as it goes, it's not so bad :) ...

you can hear the complete one on youtube :)

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oh, god! i think i got the clean version :o

Ha, that's ok. My Dad made me buy the clean version :dry: but it's still Green Day, and the song sounded good from the 30 second preview.

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i've been at school and stuff

GAH i know i miss you all

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ARGGHH My Dad is such an ass. He won't let me borrow his credit card for an AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL SITE!

Guess I'll just have to wait for NZ iTunes to get it :cry:

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you could hear it on youtube for the time being.

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Ha, that's ok. My Dad made me buy the clean version :dry: but it's still Green Day, and the song sounded good from the 30 second preview.

yeah, but i wanted to hear "fucking" :/

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Having listened to the song some more, I feel the placing of those lines is an act of respect - it's like having done his own interpretation, Billie Joe hands John's song back to him.

I completely agree and even though Billie Joe's version is on an epic scale, to use your term the "industrial" guitars are silenced in deference to John's acoustic arrangement. A powerful ending.

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Since some people are iTunes n00bs, and I'm a tech guy, here's a little tutorial.

1.) Get the song? Good. Select it, go to File, then "New Playlist from Song"

2.) New playlist like that. You are in the playlist (it'll say in the "source list", that side bar thing on the left), go to the bottom right of the window, there's a burn to CD option there.

3.) Insert CD

4.) Press the burn to CD button

5.) Should say someting about creating an audio CD.

6.) Yes you want that.

7.) Sit back, wait a minute.

8.) VOILA!

9.) Re-import, play in car, whatever. There ya go!

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Cover is excellent.

Billies voice works very well.

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I think it's brilliant. I can't say whether or not it's better than the original because i'm not a huge Lennon fan to start off with. But i think they did an awesome job with the song. I like this one much more than 'Saints'. I think Saints just felt a bit over-produced, and had a lot of ego in it. It was a good song, and I like it fine, but it seemed a bit much for Green Day, and this is much much more to my liking.

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^^ I can only agree with you.

Thanks to the person who posted the link for the people who can't download from iTunes. Now I can buy it and lsiten to it.I love my dad for giving me his debit card :eyebrows:

I think the song is amazing ,although there's nothing better than the original. The end is wonderful and I can't wait to see the video :happy:

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I really like, but had to get a copy coz its not available over here grrrr! :down: will buy it honest as soon as it is! i think its awesome, and agree with who ever said earlier its better than saints coz it sounds like GD its sooo cool to hear a new song! :thumbsup:

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Just what I was thinking, a very respectful gesture and an extraordinary way to finish a song! Haha, I've listened to just that part, again and again and love the way they managed the change of key. :-)

Before it was released, I thought "oh my god, quiet a challenge they are taking with that song!" , but they've done it pretty fine and imo they've done him justice.

Btw Do you feel like a peasant, now?

No, I'm not a class - I'm a person! Nevertheless, I still had to go thru the process of freeing my mind from all the shit John talks about. John's song is trying to wake people up as to how they're being fed to a machine from day one, but the conditioning of society is such that it's hard for them to see that, or see that it could be any other way. I think of Billie Joe shouting 'you have the power' to the crowds at the AI shows, also trying to wake people up, and wonder how many actually took it onboard.

I have to also say I still love Saints Are Coming, even given the production. It's a beautiful song, I loved Billie Joe's vocal and the power of the two bands playing together, the emotion of the performance and the context of it - there's a lot going on with that song for me, from The Skids onward.

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Thanks to a special someone on this forum I now have the song!!! And i think it's amazing, a lot better than the Saints Are Coming.

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For everyone outside the US that can't buy the song off iTunes yet:

You can buy the song -legally- here


Now, I haven't had a chance to try it yet, so please don't kill me if it doesn't work..!

Thank you very much Ingrid for this link. It works perfectly fine. I feel great that I could buy it straight from Amnesty. :thumbsup:

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Link to Amnesty International = Love :P Much appreciated, I bought it this morning and I've listened to it 5 times already. I also listened to the original, the Green Day version has a lot mor grunt and I'd go as far as saying more feeling to it.

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Having listened to the song some more, I feel the placing of those lines is an act of respect - it's like having done his own interpretation, Billie Joe hands John's song back to him.

I read that Angeline, and actually felt really choked up.

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I think it's brilliant. I can't say whether or not it's better than the original because i'm not a huge Lennon fan to start off with. But i think they did an awesome job with the song. I like this one much more than 'Saints'. I think Saints just felt a bit over-produced, and had a lot of ego in it. It was a good song, and I like it fine, but it seemed a bit much for Green Day, and this is much much more to my liking.

I agree

I liked Saints...but it wasn't great. I didnt listen to it after a short while because it was too...idk I guess the way you put it was perfect. over-produced and ego-astic!

I like this cover way better because it feels like a Green Day song

the title, the music, the lyrics, everything

it feels like Green Day

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Well, I have listened to Working Class Hero probably about 15 or more times and I love it so, so much. Billie Joe's voice is the most beautiful I have ever heard it, and that's saying something because in so many of Green Day's songs my heart's done somersaults when listening to Billie Joe sing (eg WMUWSE, BOBD, Redundant, Christie Road and so many more). Then when I focused on the music itself I was blown away. For such a basically simple melody they made it explode. Tre's drumming is amazing, once again proving Billie right that he really is the greatest rock drummer in the world (of course I know there are a lot of people out there that don't agree with that, but I do) and I have to say that Billie's guitar playing is effortless and gorgeous. No doubt Mike's bass adds the roundness and fullness that pulls it all together. They truly are an amazingly talented trio. I am absolutely certain that John Lennon would be beaming with pride for what Green Day did with his song, and I'm so very proud to be a a huge Green Day fan. :wub:

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I read that Angeline, and actually felt really choked up.

I just saw a beautiful moment in it; thanx. :)

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I know this is a complete change of subject but still, my friend told me that he had heard a rumor that billie joe once had a t-shirt/and or hankerchief(like the one in BIAB) that said: Small Dick, Big Head..

Is there any truth to that?

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I think it's brilliant. I can't say whether or not it's better than the original because i'm not a huge Lennon fan to start off with. But i think they did an awesome job with the song. I like this one much more than 'Saints'. I think Saints just felt a bit over-produced, and had a lot of ego in it. It was a good song, and I like it fine, but it seemed a bit much for Green Day, and this is much much more to my liking.

i agree with u the orginal song had no like solo with an amp and green day made it sound 10x better i want the chords for there version

I know this is a complete change of subject but still, my friend told me that he had heard a rumor that billie joe once had a t-shirt/and or hankerchief(like the one in BIAB) that said: Small Dick, Big Head..

Is there any truth to that?

:off: go ask that somewhere else but i dont know anything about that

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