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How Much Green Day Do You Listen To?


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i seriously cannot understand how you think mika is better then pete wentz. and i agree, pete is an asshole, but he's sexy :eyebrows:

I mean, mika is amazing.

I have a think for people that sing high pitched. Dont ask.

But anyhoo.

I just put like 3 Green Day CDs on my mp3 player last night. Its amazing now.

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So because I don't go to church each week, does that make me a non christian?

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Hey, don't spam this to death, enough about Mika and Pete, please. I don't want to have to close it :(

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Hey, don't spam this to death, enough about Mika and Pete, please. I don't want to have to close it :(

I stopped!! I said "Anyhoo" :eyebrows:

but i just have to say, I said "the only thing i listen to as much as green day is mika", and she said eww..so i just had to represent..


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Hey, don't spam this to death, enough about Mika and Pete, please. I don't want to have to close it :(

ohh my bad...


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depends what mood i am in, but i usually listen to about 5 songs a day

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Half the songs on my mp3 player are Green Day songs. I've been kind of getting into other bands lately, but whenever I feel like I need my GD fix I listen to their songs, and my heart floats. And I also play AI a lot while I jam along on my guitar. :D

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I don't listen to them a lot anymore- but I don't wanna get tired of them... If I had a CD-player that works, I'd listen to them more, now I canb only listen to them on a discman.

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my ipod is usually on shuffle, so since they are the band i have the most songs from they come up alot.

occationally ill pick an album or song that i havent heard in awhile to listen to, but i miss discovering new material now that ive had all theyre albums for awhile.

Yeah. My mp3 player stays on shuffle, and I've got every GD song (as far as I know) and they are the artist I have the most of on there. They come up quite a lot, and I never have gotten tired of them. Weird. There are some songs I skip (Wake Me Up When Sept. Ends being one of them) but overall, I don't skip them. Sometimes one will play that I haven't heard in ages, and I'll fall in love w/it all over again, or get a new appreciation for it (Like, most recently, Castaway) They rule, I love them. Never get tired of them.

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Green Day is almost the only thing that relaxes me, so I listen to them tons just about everyday. Mostly AI, but Insomniac and Dookie are frequently played. I don't listen to Warning unless I'm in need of something more positive and I'm directly told to listen to it. Nimrod, once in a while just because I realize I haven't listened to it in a while. But AI, I already went through it at least 6 times today and sometimes I listen to it more than that. 1039SOSH and Kerplunk I rarely listen to, but once in a while I still listen to them.

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only really on shuffle. i think i have 106 green day songs out of 1280 altogether.

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I listen them everyday, tons of songs, heheh....I never feel tired of them, of Billie's voice, of the lyrics. I have all cds and some shows on my mp3 player and I listen them everyday while Im going to work and during the day.

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I dont understand why everyone here is a Green Day fan, but only likes them when they have something new out.

A true fan, at least to me, listens to them, no matter what.

I agree with you there I rekon that you are a true fan of the band you would at least listen to them once a day even if it's just one song on your PC or your iPod.

I luv GD and atm I am goin through a Nimrod phase I fucken luv that album so much :wub:

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i just keep my mp3 player and itunes on shuffle so i just listen to what ever song comes up but because i have all there albums on the playlist they come up about 1 in 3 times so i still listen to them lots :D

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maybe once every 2-3 weeks.

im over them a bit.

i need new material

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