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New Green Day + NRDC Video Posted


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It's great. The pictures of normal people showed how anyone can help. Adie is beautiful.

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It's great. The pictures of normal people showed how anyone can help. Adie is beautiful.


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I havent seen it. Im too lazy to sit there and wait for the damn thing to load for an hour.

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as I said before, I liked the video it was short and sweet

but why the hell did they take THAT long putting it together?

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I thought Im not in it but I am :woot: I cant belive it...

Im in 1:17 there are 2 dolls in the back ground I dont know why I didnt remove them Im wearing sth green


what have happened to the fast reply button?(I havnet been here for so long)


oh I found it I was so blind >.<

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adrienne could achieve world peace just with her smile.

Yeah, I agree.

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That video made me tremendously sad for some reason. I think it's because Good Riddance always makes me sad. :(

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That video made me tremendously sad for some reason. I think it's because Good Riddance always makes me sad. :(

I feel the same way - not about the video, but about Good Riddance, and it's such a powerful song that it dominates the mood whenever it's used as a soundtrack. Personally, I don't think it should ever be in the backround - it's not a backround kind of song.

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^ Yea, I assumed it would be little longer. But I did like the way they made it look.

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I havent seen it. Im too lazy to sit there and wait for the damn thing to load for an hour.

I know how that is. My computer's slow, too :dry: But I deal; I watched it anyway . . . I went to the library and used their computers to watch it :lol:

It was a great video though. I love Adrienne and it's great she got to get her message out, because we never really get to hear much from her. :(

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Ahh it was fine. Adrienne looked great, I loved all the fan pics!

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i thought it was a really good video.

adrienne armstrong is gorgeous.

I agree.

The video is actually quite great.

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gosh I didn't like it at all. but I can't really say why so just ignore this.

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My friend is in it. she is that girl with the bubble gum, :D

that's cool...it was a little short, but whatever works I guess

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it was cool...

Adrienne seems really nice, and she is gorgeous!

but i don't get why it took so long to put together.

anyway, i liked it :wub:

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8 pages and how much of that is about how good Adrienne looks?

this was done for a reason people. and how Adrienne looks on film has nothing to do with it.

I can well imagine that the band and all involved are banging their collective heads against the nearest wall wondering what it takes to get fans to actually discuss the issue they are trying to draw attention to. rather than how Addie does her dreads and if she looks good on camera or not.

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8 pages and how much of that is about how good Adrienne looks?

this was done for a reason people. and how Adrienne looks on film has nothing to do with it.

I can well imagine that the band and all involved are banging their collective heads against the nearest wall wondering what it takes to get fans to actually discuss the issue they are trying to draw attention to. rather than how Addie does her dreads and if she looks good on camera or not.

And GDCs conscience opens her trap yet again.

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