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Is It Still About Green Day For You?


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I has become more like a general forum for me, but i still love green day and wants to be updated on them. that's why i'm on this forum and no other

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Whoa. People only come here to increase the number of posts. Such a shame. The majority of topics are so useless.

I think that was a bit rude from you :huh: . Some people here always post on your topics helping you. And I don't agree with you that "People only come here to increase the number of posts". If you could spend a time here, you could know a lot of interesting and nice people; I like your topics a lot, but is all that you do: come here to get your answers and go away, so I think that you are pretty new here to say it about people, and many of them are really kind and helpful to you. Yeah, some of them post to increase the number of posts, let them have their 'fun' doing it :P , we have mods to control it.

I love green day, and I come here because of them, yeah :) but after almost two years coming here everyday, I come here because of my friends, some of them became a really close friends :wub: I still look for green day stuff and I will always look for because they mean a lot me....and its hard to explain, hehe

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They are still one of my fav bands, but I don't listen to them as much anymore. I guess I'm waiting for their new stuff.

not that I come on here that much anymore either. or post.

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yes definatly :D i`m still crazy about them and eagerly awaiting their new album lol

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At first it was all about green day for me.. I searched on google for pictures and stuff. But now.. I'm just here for the Genaral topics not so mutch for Green Day.. I like other bands too, like MCR. ( :thumbsup: )

but they changed my musical taste and my political opinion and will allways be one of my favorite bands..

I will allways love them :happy:

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Green Day news/discussion because Green Day make me feel happy.

The other discussions are interesting to read sometimes but I don't normally post in them.

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for some reason i listen to so many other bands, but green day are still my favourite. at one point green day were 51% my favourite band, the living end were 49%. green day just stick. i come on the forum for both green day and non green day related stuff.

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I told my mum That SD and MCR are my current fave bands.

my sister was shocked when i told her i disliked GD

wow...soon the name of this site will be changed to the "Green Day haters everyone else lovers Community"

Ive just read over the last few pages and it really disappoints me to think that a good few posts said that they were drifting away from Green Day...Jeez!!!

Green Day are my life...i dont know what I would do without them!

You dirty bastards hanging around here and not even liking Green Day. I should charge you guys a loitering fee.

hah Andres im totally with you!!!!!

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i like when there are topics about whats going on with green day but i come here more for the other stuff.

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For me, it's always been about Green Day and always will be. I come to GDC every day to look for any new video dowloads, etc., or any news or pictures of Green Day. After I've done that and exhausted all of that, I then have a little look through the General Chat and other stuff, but definitely for me it is all about Green Day. I love them heaps and am eagerly looking forward to their new album. I listen to other bands - I always have - but a day doesn't go by that I haven't listened to Green Day. My favourite threads are the ones about Green Day and their music (eg Camilla's 'meanings' threads).

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Green day have been my fav band for 10 odd years now i have collected so much of the stuff over the years i have seeen then live 15 times

so its safe 2 say that i will love them the same way forever :D


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it's ok to let them take the back-burner for a bit whilst they're not doing anything. I find it hard to be as completely obsessed with them whilst they're not around. it's like watching paint dry. So instead, i focus me obsessions on some other bands for a bit. They're still my favourite band, but it's nice to have a change of scenery whilst they take a break.

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it started out about green day and it still is about green day to me. because no matter how many awesome people i've met along the way here if it werent for those three guys i wouldn't even be on this site in the first place. so i always thank my lucky stars that i've found this music that i really love and that they've led me to an awesome bunch of crazy bastards who feel the same way about them as i do. of course the absence of new material from the band lessens the whole hype but i think i speak for most people when i say it doesnt lessen the love. geezus i should be quoted or something that was deep. :lol:

anyway, so i guess im here because i love being here. and i mean the whole of 'here', not just the green day stuff and not just the people.

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I come here mainly for the people and the talking, there's always someone to talk about things you make not necassarilly be able to find a person to talk about outside the internet. It's all about relating to people, for me. It's amazing to find someone you can talk so easily to, half way around the world =)

When Green Day puts out a new album, I'll move back in their direction. I mean I still love them, but I haven't listened to them much at all lately.

I agree completely. It's like if I come on here I can talk about things with people that I wouldn't be able to talk about with my friends. And though I don't come here to talk about Green day, that'll change when they come out with a new allbum. I still adore them yes, it's just that I don't listen to them as much and I've been able to open myself up to other music and stuff.

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i come here for a nice green day conversation, but i also like to talk with other members here about other stuff

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Any interesting GD question I have had over the years has already been asked and answered, which is what 99% of the threads are about anyway.

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I'm definitely still all about Green Day.

As far as why I come here, I'll talk about anything, so I don't wait for just a GD topic. I'm sure Billie, Mike and/or Tre pop in here from time to time, so I hope they get a chance to enjoy the tampon/pad discussion. :lol:

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I've always posted a lot more in the general topics or the other bands topics. I like Green Day, but I'm not that into them anymore. Not to the point that I want to talk about the band members or know all the latest news or anything like that, anyway.

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I started coming to this forum cause of green day, but not anymore. now i keep coming here for the general forum. And green day are still one of my fave bands, even though i haven't been listening to them much these days.

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For me, it's always been about Green Day and always will be. I come to GDC every day to look for any new video dowloads, etc., or any news or pictures of Green Day. After I've done that and exhausted all of that, I then have a little look through the General Chat and other stuff, but definitely for me it is all about Green Day. I love them heaps and am eagerly looking forward to their new album. I listen to other bands - I always have - but a day doesn't go by that I haven't listened to Green Day. My favourite threads are the ones about Green Day and their music (eg Camilla's 'meanings' threads).

Likewise. That sums up axactly what I do.

Also I find that when other things in your life take over and you cant come on here as often as you want , and then you later catch up with Green Day videos /pictures etc. you realise just how much you've missed them.

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