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If you could..play on stage with green day


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i will like to play the guitar

Oh Jesus, you're back... :D

I'd like to play guitar and backup vocals on 'Scattered' or 'Haushinka'. I fucking love those songs!

Cuz everyones gonna say AI

Evrybody does :down:

If you were Prince

1. No :down:

2. Fuck you :down:

3. anything from 1039 to nimrod, dumbass :down:

If you hadn't put you were a NY resident, I would never have guessed from that attitude.

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I'd play King for a Day at the trombone, It would be hilarious, Or. Good Riddance at the acoustic guitar.

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I always have these dreams where I'm playing Christie Road...probably because it was one of the first Green Day songs I learned on the guitar.

But I'd love to play Redundant because that songs means a lot to me (no matter how corny that may sound :wink: )

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Cuz everyones gonna say AI

Evrybody does :down:

If you were Prince

1. No :down:

2. Fuck you :down:

3. anything from 1039 to nimrod, dumbass :down:

took your time to reply

yer what about warning forget that did ya

plus i wouldnt wanna play on stage with them not enough fun

some band like slipknot motley crue or children of bodom they make touring look fun and interesting

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I'd get 'em to play some old Johnny Thunders classic like Chinese Rocks or Little Bit of Whore. I bet they'd have more fun doing that than playing their own stuff that they've played night after night hundreds of times.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I would play Hitchin A Ride on a bass xD Platypus on drumms and Prosthetic Head on guitar xD muahaha me take over the stage in the end xD

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i'd play trombone for King For a Day.. :shifty:

Lol my mate'd probs do that too...

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when september ends on guitar and stand at billies side so he could spray his body fluids on me

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I don't really play any instrument, at least not very well. so I guess I would sing out of tune to king for a day :lol:

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I would probably just insist on standing on the sideline. I can barely sing (I'm not out of tune, I just sound like a doped up Britney Spears) and I can't play any of the instruments a traditional GD song contains. So I'd be fine on the sideline.

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Ehhh your sig irks me.

uhm...But probably bass guitar on "All The Time". :whistling:

I would probably just insist on standing on the sideline. I can barely sing (I'm not out of tune, I just sound like a doped up Britney Spears) and I can't play any of the instruments a traditional GD song contains. So I'd be fine on the sideline.

Why don't you just be their background dancer? :)

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