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Worst Green Day Merchandise you've ever seen?


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ummm. that GD pink shirt they were selling at the concerts was pretty bad. :pinch:

yeah they were pretty bad :down:

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I have Green Day chapstick. It's apple. 'Kerplunk' theamed.

Kind of odd, if you ask me.

Also, I'm not a fan of the picture of the granade with wings. :/

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Well, one time I was looking for a picture of the heart grenade, so I went to Google images. I typed in "heart grenade" and I came up with bikini cut underwear with the heart grenade on it...

But a Green Day compact mirror is pretty bad, as well... My friend's mom got my friend that for Christmas, and we spent a good ten minutes laughing at its stupidity.

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^ awww I'd buy the racing car :D Belly button ring...that's juts disgusting..(not people that have it but that green day one)

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My mom offerd to buy me it at Target so I said Okay and the smell is VERY strong,You open the package and like the next 3 rooms in your house smell like cherrys

oh my god, same exact thing happened to me...only i wasn't at target w/ her, so i get picked up from school like WTF? ok.. thanks

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Green Day G-strings....

No, I'm serious! They really tried to sell those... Stupid fucking idiots... The even bigger stupid fucking idiots were the girls that actually bought them, and I went and and told them so...

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I once saw this condom on the street and it had Billie Joe face on it. :huh:

Don't make things up! I know you USED it! :shifty:

Hhauhuaha! Green Day condoms! Now that's something that would make your night even more worthwhile! :lol:

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eww.. i think i just TOADALLY puked!

that was the worst...

but there was a Hot pink Notebook that said"OMG! Billie Joe Is SOOO HOT!"

that was preety disturbing :sick:

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i saw the other day a shirt with Green Day and mcr on it. this world is coming to an end i tell jyah!

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Yeah but random objects with band names on IS good.

Misfits have like, everything you could ever want on their merch page. Like, candles and shit.

It's awesome haha.

The cheap shite though, isn't good. When it's obviously fake and aimed at 9 year old girls.

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i saw the other day a shirt with Green Day and mcr on it. this world is coming to an end i tell jyah!

ew. why?

why would a condom have billie joes face on? hahaha

who ACTUALLY buys this stuff though? there must be some sort of demand for it.

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the worst thing must be the boxers imagining shatter all over them ewwwww

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Well I saw a toilet seat cover with Billie on, but the condom (if true) wins this thread!

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Green Day underwear.

Oh & the fact that Claire's has a whole Green Day section is just sickening.

I can't see the shirt from the first post. I just get the red x.


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