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Surprising Green Day?!


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i just think its dumb that alot of ppl have this thought that celebrities are something special. i mean its hard to say u wouldnt flip out if u met someone or a band or ppl u really admired, but when it all comes down to it, green day are not less human than we are, so why is it surprising when u hear about them being dicks or w/e, ppl make mistakes some more than others, but..they have sooo much to deal with daily, i think they deserve to be assholes. :/ :wacko::rolleyes:

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i mean its hard to say u wouldnt flip out if u met someone or a band or ppl u really admired,

it's not that hard when you step inside a cafe in italy and they're sitting right beside the rest-room door you just intented to go through and don't even recognize it's them,but they recognized you being a huge fan :wub:

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when i found out about jason white i was a little disapointed that they had 4 people in the band but it really doesnt make much difference cause all he does is play a guitar lol

WOOT 100th post lol

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no ive not read or heard anything about them that i didnt like so far.. i only judge the guys in green day based on their music so even if they did do something bad i wouldn't care

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He's definitely not; he's...umm....well, a mutt.

you had a mistake! Adrienne is jewish, not billie.... but he was catholic before marry.

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Someone said that there was a picture or a video where Tre was doing a line of blow in the studio.

I really didnt like hearing that.

Drugs are bad, people die. :lol:

idk if that's true but he's a dad now so i don't think so and if

drugs kill then the rolling stones would have been dead years ago

The only things that were slightly surprising was when I first started liking them and I found out they had 10 records. And that they were 34. Oh and that Billie Joe and Tre are bi (I'm not sure if Mike is....?)

When I found those out I was like "Oh okay then" but I wasn't really surprised.

me too and that's the first i've heard about tre being bi but

it dosen't shock me

I was suprised that Billie Joe had naturally red hair or I think it would be auburn or something.

me too

ok here's something my friend *who claims he met them*

says that tre has TS but he dosen't as far as i know

celebs are ppl too you guys are over reacting to this

way too much every one shits and pisses including

green day,this is like "what woul you do if you knew that

brad pit picks his nose and some times eats it"

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That picture of Tre supposedly doing drugs in the studio was a posed; he's not that stupid as to take a picture of himself doing drugs and post it on his official website. The website probably wouldn't even allow it!

Nothing really surprised me about them; especially now, anyway. You have to expect the unexpected with green day.

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I was suprised that Tre have only one ball :lol:

I was suprised to hear that Billie's familes come from UK and Adrienne have a Lebonan family (I thought that it's cool that there not pure American) :D

you had a mistake! Adrienne is jewish, not billie.... but he was catholic before marry.

Are you sure? I'm prett sute that she don't. I know she is Lebanon

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well......my friend told me that Mike and Tre did it once......that surprised the piss outta me :blink:

or did they? i dunno.

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I was surprised when billie brought out the clothing line. I thought the record label was fine becasue he's into music and always has been. but to suddenly be into clothes and making money just surprised me.

Also what surprised me was the idiot club and how nyou have to pay money for it.

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I don't think I've been suprised by anything the guys have done.... :/

Oh yeah...when they appear in all these teenie mags...that really gets me .....I love Green Day an all but I don't wanna be seen buying those mags :blink:

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Their names....The 1st time i read an article about them (when i really didnt know anything whatsoever about them) and it said Billie's and Tre's name I started laughing and started going around saying "Did you know his name is Billie Joe Armstrong??" haha yeah...long time ago

After I started liking their music more and discovered this site i was surprised about their age and the whole married dad thing too.

And of course the bi thing. my friend and i would argue about it cuz she was sure it was true, and i didnt deny it ,i just thought it was never confirmed...but that rgument ended with an article/interview thing she sent me from like 1995 where billie himself confirmed it.

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i hate it when billie makes fun of slipnot. most of my friends and brothers are magots. plus he makes fun of their masks. BUT THE MASKS ARE VERY IMPORTANT! a lot of guys only get girls cause they say they're one of the slipnot guys just without the mask. think of all the loners there would be. :cry:

plus they're not that bad

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't really believe Tre and Billie Joe had sex. I mean, c'mon! I think that's what they said on trl or sth. they were joking IMO. Seems quite obvious to me when I watch the video. It wouldn't surprise me, though, if they were mean to their fans. It would only make me feel sad for a while if I knew for sure they were.

But the one-ball story is something completely different :lol: . I thought it was just a stupid rumor... ahh, well :rolleyes:

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It made me mad when I first found out that Billie had a DUI. A guy at my school was just after getting killed by a drunk driver so it really made me mad that he would do something stupid like that.

Haha finding out Tre's real name!

When I first started getting into them and when I found GDA and read his name I nearly died laughing! I told my friend and we both put in into our msn names :P Haha the good ol' days :)

Oh and the fact that Mike's second wife divorced him because he was "spending too much time in the studio"

bull. UT WAS FREAKIN MIKE DIRNT!! (Sorry for that tenny moment :P) It made me mad also.

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yeah i didn't like hearing about the DUI but

at least he didn't puul the "i'm a celeb"game

or a mel gibson, but no one is perfect and

once i heared that he didn't puul the "i'm a star"

game it made me feel better.

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Just remember. I heard sth about Tre getting drunk in a bar and trying to pick up a girl and when she objected, he was thrown outta there and said something like "I'm the Green Day drummer and I can have every pussy I want". Drunk, but still a little unpleasant :/

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when i first heard about green day and started liking their music and starting to know more about the band, i was at first a little surprised by their age and the fact they were all married (or at least at one time) and had kids. i was just surprised cuz most bands i listen too, not to many of them are married or have kids.

i was also surprised to heard about billie joe's DUI. thats kind of up setting. yeah i know "people make mistakes and no 1 is perfect and that is he human too", but its still up setting. but now days nothing surprises me when it comes to green day. i have learned to expect the unexpected. :D

also many of the things ive read that people were surprised about....arent even true :/

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I was suprised when i found out that most of the things that suprise people never happened. most of the suprising stuff listed is completly false.

actually it never suprised me, i figured a lot of people would be dumb enough to believe shit that;s made up.

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The first time I heard that Mike and Billie kissed I was kinda surprised.

the first time I hear that I was thinking " Is there room for another?".

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