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Billie Joe Armstrong


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I've seen this picture around fanpages on FB... - don't think its private, right?- & everyobe is saying it's new... so is it?

It looks like another one I saw time ago, but still can't remember. :S


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Another drawing that I'm not sure should be posted in here but I'm going to anyways :ninja:


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I've seen this picture around fanpages on FB... - don't think its private, right?- & everyobe is saying it's new... so is it?

It looks like another one I saw time ago, but still can't remember. :S


Beautiful :wub:

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I've seen this picture around fanpages on FB... - don't think its private, right?- & everyobe is saying it's new... so is it?

It looks like another one I saw time ago, but still can't remember. :S


Not saw this one before,and I saw a lot of pics with blonde billie O:

I think its a new one :happy:

beautiful btw :wub:

Edited by V3R0L3iN
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It's not new, it's from the Ascap awards in 2006

Ah okay :happy: .. i was not sure if i saw it or not.. :P



The 2006 MFA Icon Awards. :happy:


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can anyone tell me where this is from and if theres a vid anywhere? sorry if its the wrong thread :/


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I've seen this picture around fanpages on FB... - don't think its private, right?- & everyobe is saying it's new... so is it?

It looks like another one I saw time ago, but still can't remember.


nah.. it's not new. :)

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I'm gonna echo this! :o

That might have been the show where someone threw a cigarette on stage, and he picked it up and said something along the lines of "Mmm, tobacco!" I'm pretty sure he doesn't smoke on stage very often. And I think there is a video for the show I'm thinking of, but I wouldn't know how to find it if I tried. Sorry. =/

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