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Defending Green Day


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I totally agree. unfortunately some people haven't learnt that everybody has opinions and they aren't always the same as theirs.

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i'm sitting here, waiting for Andres to show up here and say something interesting to MT2....

unless, of course, he already did.

Hah nah. I have better things to do. There will always be people to disagree with me. He's one out of 100 that have posted here, and one out of the 40,000 visitors that go to GDA. I dont have time to get my feelings hurt each time someone makes an ass of themselves trying to make me look bad.

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i hate it when people trash green day i get lots of comments at school about green day like their posers or their music sucks it really bugs me but people have the right to express thir own opinion but really do people have to be so mean about it green days music is alot better than a lot of other bands out there like to quote bille joe "todays music is probably the worst its ever been" i totally agree with that like my the song my humps a two year old could write a song like green day writes songs that acutually makes scence and can help you with real life things i like green day so much because there music inst crap their music is somehting that we can actually call music like for god even paris hilton is coming out with an "album" i mean if paris hilton can get a record deal then anybody in the whole fucking world could get a record deal so if your gonna trash green day think twice before you do it actually have a good reason for trashing them

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I agree with andres.

soo many of same people who complain about things like religion and politics getting shoved down their throats turn around and bash people who don't like green day.

they are doing the exact same thing buut only with a band.

if other people don't like green day for their own personal reason, it is not our business to make them into green day fans.

let them and us live our own lives.

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This thread was boring, this thread is still boring... I hadn't seen any good argument since the beginning : Andres posted an editorial and then everybody just said : "that's so true...Thanks Andres...You're a genius.."

I'm waiting for a new editorial to see if they are gonna be like this all the time or if it was just the first that was fucked up.

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^ only that MT2 guy, me and Tyke did not agree with andres...

I agree, this is a boring thread.

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I agree. If you don't life Green Day, it's not really our problem, so We shouldn't be mean and harsh to them about it.

Yeah I understand.

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Yeah, If Green Day needed and wanted to be defended they would do it themselves.

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Guest steph123minority

Do you mean that if we have posted enough we have the right to insult others and wish they was dead???

all i have to say is he used common sence by getting another account before he sassed andres wait to go "no effence andres "

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What sticks out the most to me in the editorial is the fact that Andres said the majority of the people who are trying to defend Green Day are making themselves –and others who like the band- look stupid. I think that is true. I look around and notice how many people are half-brained most of the time. Very few people ever put an ounce of intellect behind what they post. I know there's plenty of smart people here, it just strikes me that it's the half-brainded people that are the loudest.

People do need to defend Green Day, but they need to use knowledge to do so. Instead of arguing and calling people names and throwing insults and stupidly around, try asking why the person doesn’t like Green Day. You could even take the extra step of explaining why you like Green Day.

I’m not a person who cares about looks. I’ve never been into a group for how cute or hot any member of the band is. Truth is, I don’t even know the names or faces of the members of most of the bands I like. I base everything by ear. I came to love Green Day for how I can relate to the words that Billie Joe writes in his songs and the passion I can feel behind them. I fell in love with the simple melodies that make the hidden meanings in so many of the songs so clear to me. I didn’t come to Green Day because I saw Billie Joe on a poster. I came because I heard a song I related to on every level. I had never felt that from any other band before.

You explain something like that to others and it can make them interested in what you are hearing and seeing in the group. It might even convince them to open their mind to the idea that there is something more to the band than ‘a pretty face.’

All in all, if people actually used their brain once and a while and turned defending Green Day into an intelligent discussion, I think more people would come to love the band. Without intelligence in the discussion, it’s like banging your head against a wall. You get nothing but a headache. The other person loses respect for you and you lose respect for them. You still mindlessly love a band and they still mindlessly hate a band. You never know how far of an impact your words may have. By at least putting some semblance of meaning behind what you say in your defense of a band you could actually persuade someone to look at music in a new way. They may not become a Green Day fan, but they might start appreciating music itself just a little more.

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What sticks out the most to me in the editorial is the fact that Andres said the majority of the people who are trying to defend Green Day are making themselves –and others who like the band- look stupid. I think that is true. I look around and notice how many people are half-brained most of the time. Very few people ever put an ounce of intellect behind what they post. I know there's plenty of smart people here, it just strikes me that it's the half-brainded people that are the loudest.

People do need to defend Green Day, but they need to use knowledge to do so. Instead of arguing and calling people names and throwing insults and stupidly around, try asking why the person doesn’t like Green Day. You could even take the extra step of explaining why you like Green Day.

I’m not a person who cares about looks. I’ve never been into a group for how cute or hot any member of the band is. Truth is, I don’t even know the names or faces of the members of most of the bands I like. I base everything by ear. I came to love Green Day for how I can relate to the words that Billie Joe writes in his songs and the passion I can feel behind them. I fell in love with the simple melodies that make the hidden meanings in so many of the songs so clear to me. I didn’t come to Green Day because I saw Billie Joe on a poster. I came because I heard a song I related to on every level. I had never felt that from any other band before.

You explain something like that to others and it can make them interested in what you are hearing and seeing in the group. It might even convince them to open their mind to the idea that there is something more to the band than ‘a pretty face.’

All in all, if people actually used their brain once and a while and turned defending Green Day into an intelligent discussion, I think more people would come to love the band. Without intelligence in the discussion, it’s like banging your head against a wall. You get nothing but a headache. The other person loses respect for you and you lose respect for them. You still mindlessly love a band and they still mindlessly hate a band. You never know how far of an impact your words may have. By at least putting some semblance of meaning behind what you say in your defense of a band you could actually persuade someone to look at music in a new way. They may not become a Green Day fan, but they might start appreciating music itself just a little more.

nicely stated....

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Dang, Blu, why you so smart? Everything you said was true. It reminded me of yesterday when that little forum invader came in and bluntly insulted Green Day. Half the people in the thread insulted him back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all... Green Day don't need to be defended... If they reached the level they are in today... that's one of the reasons!!!

Then... ppl have the right to have their own opinions and tastes...

Arguing with people about which band is better, is like punching a glacier (in the words of Stephen Colbert). It's not like it's going to make a difference. In the end, the best that could come out of it would be the two people agreeing to disagree.


Talking, discussing, sharing our tastes with other ppl may lots of time help "promoting" a band... I started liking some bands due to some discussions I had with friends of mine... healthy discussions, of course!!! Not like slagging other ppl just 'cause they like different stuff!!!

Who cares if someone slags Green Day?!

That's what u think that matters!!!

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P.S I agree with Tyke and *Megan*

You forgot Pedophile

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hmm, yeah I don't really mind people's opinions, but I hate it when people say "Green Day suck" right in my face on purpose to tick me off

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My brother says "greenday suck' in my face too...and some people at school, it's just sooo not funny!

i remember a while back i went on holiday with school, came back and my poster of mike, tre and billie had been drawn on by my brother, i almost killed him.

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Always will be people that hate a band or don't like your opinion, etc...

Well, those persons try to get us angry, mad, furious, etc...

What I do is, ignore the comments, because I know they are stupid peoples that don't have anything good to do... I know sometimes we get upset, and we want to kill them or whatever, and we say YOU FUCKING IDIOT or other expressions,but you will be a moron and they will be happy because they obtain what they want, bother us, first think about what to said to those morons before you answer them!!!

Hope u understand me, it doesn't mean that I'm happy that other persons said stupid comments about Green Day, I only said that persons like those will exist and hate something you like...

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only one kid at my skool said GD sucks b/c my old friend got a sticky note and put GD sucks, and had him put it on my back..i said i don't care and got the stupid sticky off & crumbled it up and threw it...

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If me and someone are talking about music and Green Day pops up and they say they think they suck I just say ohh, well I like them, I don't get all itsy bisty about it so..uhh..yea..so I guess there's already enough Green Day fans in the world that we don't need all 6 billion people in the world to like them.

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I didn't know this forum was here...

i never go down this half.

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i occasionally stop here. i enjoy a good argument, so defending green day is fun for me! :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

I don't really care if other people like them, it only makes it easier to get concert tickets if they don't. Why bother trashing someone else's site, it's like cyber gangs.

:lol: thats right damn it, I had to settle for seats on one my shows cause the floor tickets were sold out. The more people that dislike them, thats better tickets for the rest of us. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

:lol: thats right damn it, I had to settle for seats on one my shows cause the floor tickets were sold out. The more people that dislike them, thats better tickets for the rest of us. :thumbsup:

This is soooo true. Back on the Warning tour, me and my brother went to get tickets, and the line was at most maybe 5 - 8 minutes long. Yeah, alot of people were there...but wow. When i went to get AI tour tickets. holy crap, im glad i got there about 3 hours early, i bought tickets 35 and 36, and there were SO many people there. Plus, alot of girls dressed like Billie that day... :\ And it was just tickets.

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