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Defending Green Day


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Well put Andres! I don't think any one of us Green Day fans could've put it better :thumbsup:

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eh, i agree and disagree. it IS kinda pathetic for green day fans to be running around defending green day. buuuut i think its cool to make more people like green day! green day is the best effing band EVER! and this world needs more people who agree with that! if you dont know and like green day, you dont know the meaning of life. that is why there are still many stupid people on this planet.

i attack people who dont like green day. *starts chanting 'green day, green day'* WEEEEE!

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well i think ppl should at least be able to say "well i like Green Day. maybe you have a differant taste in music than i do, but i think they are great. and so do at least 40,000 other ppl." but over all i basicly agree with the article Andres. and thanks for posting that it really made me think about the fact that instead of saying "you're wrong Green Day is awsome." i probably should say somwething like what i said at the begining of this paragraph.

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I enjoyed reading the article, pretty interesting. But I do enjoy defending Green Day, and kind of debating/argueing with people about Green Day, it's nice to be able to challenge people's views on Green Day. I'm not trying to change thier opinion, I'm just getting my own opinion across. I understand that some people defend Green Day in a really idiotic way that can give GDA a bad name, but since when has it mattered what people think of GDA??, Green Day fans like it and thats all that matters right?

Anyway, I like the editorial idea, should be another good section added to GDA :) So is anyone allowed to submit an editorial?

Why does it matter what people think about GDA? Because we don't want GDA to become a stereotype site for a certain type of fan. A lot of older fans come to GDA because we always had the kind of image that meant something. Like, we weren't just ANOTHER Green Day site praising Green Day, we did it with some class. And i'm not saying that to toot my own horn, that was my impression of GDA before I joined it. It was the site that I always felt could be reliable and upheld by people who actually cared about Green Day and was visited by other fans as interested in the band as I. So it bugs me that some people can make GDA look bad, and that turns off some other visitors.

And no, not everyone can submit an editorial, we'd get too many. I already have a few ideas of what the next editorials will be, and in the next week or so I'm going to ask some people if they would be interested in writing on a certain topic. I'll give more info once I start getting ideas as to who i'd like to write one.

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I totally agree. I love their new material but that's not why I got into them when American Idiot came out. I already knew who they were but I was only like 12 when AI came out. Plus i wasn't really a rock music fan at the time. they really changed my views on music all together. I agree that if you don't like them because they are getting a wider ranged fan base, you're just an ass because they don't really do it to gain fans, though they love their fans very much. They do it cuz they want to and people just react to it.

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Nicely said, Andres.

Your article was quite interesting, but I actually enjoy defending Green Day, whether it looks idiotic to you or not. Why? Because as a devout Green Day fan, I feel like I have an obligation of doing that. For instance, if someone disrespects your family member (mother, father, sibling), you'll obviously get pissed and argue back, right? Well, when people talk smack about Green Day, I feel the same way. I also enjoy making people angry.

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I really like green day and I think that if people don't like it then respect the ones who do.

At my school not many people listen to them and they think I'm satanic or somethinkg like that just bcause i don't like the music everyone does bcause everyone hates rock, they all like latin pop. and i never criticize them for what they like, but just bcause bj wears eyeliner and wears black and red cothes it doesn't mean every gd fan also is like that. I also think people shouldn't judge younger fans like me, before gd i didn't like music at all i was always reading or doing homework and i never had real friends, i really don't want to sound pathetic but in some ways it has changed my life! right now i have more self confidence. by the way sorry 4 the terrible english, natal language is spanish.. :wink:

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Nicely said, Andres.

Your article was quite interesting, but I actually enjoy defending Green Day, whether it looks idiotic to you or not. Why? Because as a devout Green Day fan, I feel like I have an obligation of doing that. For instance, if someone disrespects your family member (mother, father, sibling), you'll obviously get pissed and argue back, right? Well, when people talk smack about Green Day, I feel the same way. I also enjoy making people angry.

See, I'll defend Green Day when people say totally idiotic things about them. But when some fans argue with pointless statements, it hurts Green Day's rep more than helps it. Thats the problem. If all these Green Day fans who have outrage because people hate Green Day used a sensisble argument, it would make Green Day look better because they had smart, logical fans out there defending them. But when a bunch of kids go on a rampage posting pointless shit it makes people think of Green Day as a little more pathetic because of the type of people they attract.

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Bravo. :)

The people that "dislike" Green Day are usually just followers of the punk culture. And it's been said before, punk music hates fame. Once a band becomes insanely famous, the entire culture disowns them.

But really...we don't need these Green Day haters. Like you said, they're the ones missing out.

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Wow.. it's been really long since I'd posted something here. But this was interesting and I'm liking the idea of an Editorial.

I agree that people shouldn't get their knickers in a knot just cause someone's dissed your band but then I hafta admit that I'm the kind who'd get defensive when someone does it to me. I weren't at that site or whatever so I'm just guessing that some naive ditties had taken it a bit too far and made themselves look embarrassing.

It just really depends WHAT they've got against Green Day. For instance, my best mate hates Green Day cause according to her they've been on the radio way too much lately and then their new stuff gets annoying. I was confused at that cos I knew she never listened to radio. Then I figured that she was probably trying to follow this other "norm".

Then there's this stereotype that Green Day fans of today are either pre-teen, poser wannabes, dim-witted, or unoriginal. Which is of course, untrue. It's reactions like those described in that Editorial that makes us look dim-witted. :down:

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The Editorials idea rocks. And that was very well said Andres.

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Wow.. it's been really long since I'd posted something here. But this was interesting and I'm liking the idea of an Editorial.

I agree that people shouldn't get their knickers in a knot just cause someone's dissed your band but then I hafta admit that I'm the kind who'd get defensive when someone does it to me. I weren't at that site or whatever so I'm just guessing that some naive ditties had taken it a bit too far and made themselves look embarrassing.

It just really depends WHAT they've got against Green Day. For instance, my best mate hates Green Day cause according to her they've been on the radio way too much lately and then their new stuff gets annoying. I was confused at that cos I knew she never listened to radio. Then I figured that she was probably trying to follow this other "norm".

Then there's this stereotype that Green Day fans of today are either pre-teen, poser wannabes, dim-witted, or unoriginal. Which is of course, untrue. It's reactions like those described in that Editorial that makes us look dim-witted. :down:

Your font is incredibly hard to read and really annoying, lose it.

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I have got to agree, i am a huge Green Day fan but i feel that earlya albums are better than American Idiot, i am not a really early fan and i do not claim to be, i have liked Green Day since the warning era but just because i feel that parts of themare not so punk rock any more and even things such as witholding live Tv appearances due to Bullet in a Bible do not stop me appreciating the fantastic music they produce, i often question wether they have sold out but that is another argument that will never be won. I am a punk and so are most of my friends, i get critiscsm all the time for liking Green Day and it fucks me off to anything because by judging someone by their taste in music is the most un punk thing i can hear and i feel that the best way of dealing with critiscm about the music we like and get a kick out of listening too, is to turn round and just say "Fuck off i will listen to what the fuck i like".

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I agree with the article too, I guess. Some people look pathetic defending Green Day when other people bash them. Other people have their own taste in music, too. We shoudn't go around trying to change that, it only makes us look moronic.

Plus the people who decided they dont like Green Day anymore because Green Day supposedly have younger fans and are very popular now are dumb. They worry that by liking Green Day it makes them not punk anymore, but than how punk is that? If punk is supposed to be about doing what you want, than why can't they just go ahead and like a certain band, even if that band has "sold out".

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If Green Day's music makes you happy, fuck what anyone says! Isn't is all about the music anyway?

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I, contrary to Andres and most of the people replying to the forum here, actually dissagree with Andres completely on this topic.

The integral part of obtaining the Green Day Fan title is to persuade and convince people who dont even like Green Day, or dont even like punk to realize that Green Day is the worlds best band. If people never gave others a chance to listen to music they deem not good enough, how would they know whats good? Plus, a great portion of the fans today dont even like Green Day for their music, but more for their stunning looks. So it makes perfect sense to expose all teenage adolescents to the mouthwatering beauty of lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong.

And Andres, who the fuck are you to say that us 'true' fans are the ones making GDA look like something its not. If it wasnt for us, GDA would just be a cool website that 4 people go to. Our mission as fans is to spread the Green Day and GDA love around. We are doing you a favor, we are doing your site a favor, we are promoting the best band in the world, and all you can say to that is that we are stupid? I start to question how you became in charge of a Green Day fansite if you cant even appreciate your own fans.

I agree with Tyke.

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The point i made was that GDA shouldn't be represented by a few dozen people. Like i said in the article, over 40,000 people visit GDA everyday. It's not fair for it to be given this image of ignorant teenagers because they are the ones arguing.

I thought it over and looked at it from your point of view. Of course GDA can't be equally represented, and you're right, it's not fair to the rest of us. You put a lot of time and effort into that site, and it sucks when a handful of foolish visitors give the site a bad name.

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I 100% agree. If people don't like green day,that's there opinion, if they do, great. We shouldn't waste our time trying to get people to realise they're not "anti-american" or they aren't full of them selves. We should just do what we do best and listen to green day.

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First, let me say I think the editorial is a great idea, and that this one set a good tone - there are no idiot posts in this thread.

Now, let me lay my cards on the table - I am a total fan, I love this band, I love their music. Billie Joe has been the biggest catalyst I've ever had for my creativity because he's so fucking good at what he does, because of how he looks at life, the ongoing honesty of his expression, his will and his commitment to his own standards, his artistic ambition.

You catch my drift, here?! I'm living a different life because I encountered this man's music, and if I meet anyone who slags it off, I'll have them like a fucking pit-bull - I have zero sense of humor about this! If it's a deep and emotional thing also, then I think it's understandable - like many other people here, I've been dragged out of a dark place by the honesty in those words, like a person saved from drowning. And I'm grateful and loyal.

Having said all that, I would never try to force GD on anyone else - this music wasn't forced on me, it found me or I found it, I experienced it for myself and I know it's not for everyone. I don't care about that - if people are finding what they need in some other music, well good for them, and I'll give their stuff a listen, because I'll always be open to discovering something I can like.

Old fans who are dumping them now because AI is a new direction - well, I think it's sad for them, because they're missing out on something beautiful and different, on artists taking chances and evolving, instead of sticking to what's familiar. How cool is it that this band has been going for sixteen years, and none of us has a clue as to what their next album will sound like?

As for the dissing that goes on about GD on other sites - well, if you want to annoy yourself with hurtful shit about a band you love, then you won't have any problem finding it! The hurricane of fucking lies is out there, and if you want to engage with a hurricane, then go for it, but it will blow over anyway, and it's kind of a waste of your energy.

My policy is, if someone is gonna turn up on GDC and diss the band, then yes, I will defend or debate, because this is their fucking fan site. But outside of that, they don't need me to defend them - they're the biggest rock band in the world right now, and I don't think they burst into tears everytime someone slags them off on a website - if they're even aware of it.

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First, let me say I think the editorial is a great idea, and that this one set a good tone - there are no idiot posts in this thread.

Now, let me lay my cards on the table - I am a total fan, I love this band, I love their music. Billie Joe has been the biggest catalyst I've ever had for my creativity because he's so fucking good at what he does, because of how he looks at life, the ongoing honesty of his expression, his will and his commitment to his own standards, his artistic ambition.

You catch my drift, here?! I'm living a different life because I encountered this man's music, and if I meet anyone who slags it off, I'll have them like a fucking pit-bull - I have zero sense of humor about this! If it's a deep and emotional thing also, then I think it's understandable - like many other people here, I've been dragged out of a dark place by the honesty in those words, like a person saved from drowning. And I'm grateful and loyal.

Having said all that, I would never try to force GD on anyone else - this music wasn't forced on me, it found me or I found it, I experienced it for myself and I know it's not for everyone. I don't care about that - if people are finding what they need in some other music, well good for them, and I'll give their stuff a listen, because I'll always be open to discovering something I can like.

Old fans who are dumping them now because AI is a new direction - well, I think it's sad for them, because they're missing out on something beautiful and different, on artists taking chances and evolving, instead of sticking to what's familiar. How cool is it that this band has been going for sixteen years, and none of us has a clue as to what their next album will sound like?

As for the dissing that goes on about GD on other sites - well, if you want to annoy yourself with hurtful shit about a band you love, then you won't have any problem finding it! The hurricane of fucking lies is out there, and if you want to engage with a hurricane, then go for it, but it will blow over anyway, and it's kind of a waste of your energy.

My policy is, if someone is gonna turn up on GDC and diss the band, then yes, I will defend or debate, because this is their fucking fan site. But outside of that, they don't need me to defend them - they're the biggest rock band in the world right now, and I don't think they burst into tears everytime someone slags them off on a website - if they're even aware of it.


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