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Should Green Day limit their swearing?


Should Green Day limit their swearing?  

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If parents have an issue with the music their children listen to, then it is up to the parent to enforce some sort of restrictions (although I don't particularly agree with that as a solution either). Why should the band- or any other musician(s)- have to censor themselves for the sake of strict parents?

Billie doesn't pen his lyrics to give uptight, middle-aged parents something to complain about. He writes them for the band and people who will appreciate the artistry for what it is.

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I think that Green Day shouldn't limit their swearing. I see uhm... a parental warning or something in the cd package when i buy Green Day albums like 21st Century Breakdown. The parents' should probably be more aware and i think they could see the parental warning on the cd package when they buy a Green Day album.

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I think they shouldn't limit their swearing. It's how they express themselves - if anyone has a problem with that, they shouldn't listen to them. I don't think some people should "suffer" because of others. Some are very sensitive, but others just don't give a damn about them, so why bother? Besides, in my opinion, changing something you have created or limiting your ideas to please others is just wrong.

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No not at all. Swearing is kinda a part of who Green Day are and I wouldn't want them to change that for anything.

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Fuck no. My initial thought as well.

The fact is: GD equals punk rock, which equals swearing.

Billie doesn't even has to limit his "You know?"-s as far as I'm concerned. It's just part of the way he expresses himself.

(His thoughts on the whole 'legalize marijuana'-discussion, that's a different issue for me... More important that the question whether he's 'allowed' to swear or not. I will not elaborate here, considering it's not on topic.)

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They are practically cutting down the swearing already! Not that much of a big deal considering they warn the buyers of their content before purchase! The swears add a different aspect of anger in their songs that helps with the message of the song, if there is one. But they have their fair share of songs without the swears as well. It works and fits for this band. I'm sure they never started to appeal to 10 year olds anyways....

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Parents who blame Green Day for their kids swearing are being ridiculous. I've been listening to them since I was twelve and I think I've perhaps said fuck to my parents twice, if that, and it definitely was not influenced by my music taste. My nine year old sister listens to Green Day all the time and absolutely adores them, but she has never sworn in front of any of our family. Surely the ages four to nine, the time period she has been listening to them, would be some of the most impressionable times for her to pick up words and repeat them.

I'm sure music taste can influence people's use of swear words, but as long as you know when it is appropriate to use the words, something which even my little sister can understand, then it must be mainly poor parenting that results in children using innappropriate language rather than purely hearing the word and thinking it is okay to repeat it.

I don't understand the whole offensive side to swearing anyway, they're just words. A way of expressing yourself which you can't achieve with less 'strong' words. Give it ten/twenty years and fuck and cunt will probably be fairly acceptable in every day language and we will have new words that you shouldn't say.


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thy're not gonna say anything inspirational.. they're just gonna fucking swear a lot.

they shouldnt change because there's nothing wrong with them, this is how they're supposed to be..

and they DONT always waist their time just wondering what other people think about them..


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they dont swear much at all

Seriously, it's not gangsta rap.

I don't mind it in the music because it has a purpose, but sometimes I feel awkward when my parents are watching an interview with me and they're swearing a blue streak. I like to watch things with my parents, but they sometimes don't appreciate the swearing.

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I don't give a shit if they swear. Pun intended. But I really don't care if they do. My parents may not be 100% about the cussing. but they can't complain since they probably cuss just as much the band. So i love blasting that shit in my room!!! :runaround:

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Seriously, it's not gangsta rap.

Thank god for that, lol. :lol:

I don't even get why 21CB got the "parental advisory" label. Uhmm, where is all the swearing in there, really?!

Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Good for them that they didn't allow a censored version to be made.

Hearing a beeped version of American Idiot makes me cringe a little. The same goes for beeped live recordings from TV-shows they've been on.

And, usually, they beep the f-words a little too late, which leads to drawing even more attention on them. :rolleyes:

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Of course not. Limiting their cursing would just be stupid. It's not like they excessively swear anyways...

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If they started singing about raping people in the street then maybe, but otherwise nah, it adds to the effect of the lyrics. They're not a kiddie band anyway, so if parents want to buy their kids Green Day CDs that's up to them, but they shouldn't complain about the swearing because they ignored the parental advisory sticker.

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ÍS this serioud???

ofcourse not!

thats like... a... part of them ;)

if you can say that...

no they really shouldn't

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No. Music is a free expression.

There are no rules or guidelines for how it should be expressed.

If Green Day chooses to swear, then so be it.

If you don't like it, don't listen to it.

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Hah. I was going to link that letter too *is beaten*

But no, they shouldn't make music for certain groups of people just because their mom's don't like cursing. Kids are hearing that kind of language at school every day now (no matter how much it sucks), and I'm sure Green Day isn't the reason why.

Plus I grew up listening to Dookie and Nimrod and things and I'm perfectly okay! xD

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