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how many Green Day fans you have in YOUR school??!


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At college, theres a few I think, I dont really know

again, a lot of older teens deny they like GD because a lot of young kids do. it's stupid.

i think it's dumb to get on young people for being excited about an older band. hell, i love Aerosmith, and I wasn't even born when they started. does that mean i'm unworthy to like them?

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And some person in my grade who covered their locker in gd pictures. I don't know who it is, but it makes me lol.

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Not that many compared to the size of our school probaley only 50 in the thosand we have in our school.

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for ppl in my class there is about 3 green day fans and about 12 posers.... so yeah... the rest are like "whos green day" :P

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i don't know.

i've seen some people whereing those pink GD tour t-shirts. :sick:

and my friends all like them.

probably about half my school likes them. or at least 5 or more songs.

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including me about 2 or 3 (in the entire school)

none in my class (its kinda fun to be the only one :D ) everyone sees me in a GD t-shirt or saying something about them and says "you like green day?" (like really surprised)

and i say "hell yah" (theyre pretty shocked)

then there are the other 300 "fans" who if you asked them to name 2 songs not off american idiot, they would say "ummm..........." :unsure: :/

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well, out of the 45 or so kids in my school, about 20 are rednecks, and 20 more think they're gangsters, so... probably somewhere under 10.

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not enough, this year everyone who loved green day in my school all of a sudden thinks they suck now and hates them :/

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I've never counted..I can't really tell by what people wear cause I go to a private school, but when we can wear what we want I've only seen like 3 people with GD shirts on.

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not enough, this year everyone who loved green day in my school all of a sudden thinks they suck now and hates them :/

its probly because their not "in" as much as they were

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Lots. I always see people in the halls wearing Green Day shirts. And when I wear one people always say they like my shirt.

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Pretty much everyone in my entire school.

My school just likes what's on the radio and green day is the ultimate in 'cool' here aswell.

same as our school, as well as r and b, and rap :down:

itz kinda stupid

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well...... there alot most of them like GREENDAY and other type of music such as R n B, etc but most of the ppl I no like GREENDAY and type of music I LOVE lol!!! :wub: which is soo kool :D:lol::P:):bunny:

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like 4 or 5 out of 800

but none of them are die-hard losers like me who worship them and go to their fansites

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ehh there is 2 in my year including me out of about 150, everyone else likes rap or rave, my schools jus full of neds its crap, man alot of u r so lucky, if u walk about wearin a green day shirt at my bit u would get battered

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I think it's just me. But it seems like a few people pretends to like them when I'm near.. :dry:

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  • 3 months later...

two. Me, and my friend Kenny.

(out of the even 400 that we have. But then again, I LIVE IN THE GHETTO.)

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the day after the GD concert here, I saw a few kids with GD shirts. but I think I am the biggest fan there :cool: booyah. Im the only one there that wears Adeline gear, although one girl knew Adeline, I still think Im the biggest fan

1/1100 students

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well only 2. me and my best friend Val. our other friends call us the Green Day girls, and we are proud we claimed that title at our school. :happy:

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