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Should Green Day still be Green Day

Mechanical Man

Do You Think GD Should still keep being a band forever?  

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i cant imagine my life without listening to green day. i hope that by the time that i have kids they'll keep playing so my kids can listen to the best band ever!!

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No, they suck, and Billie Joe isn't hawt now that he dyed his hair.

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they shouldnt over do it. most bands keep going long past their expiration date and put out complete shit, then ruin their reputation.

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I wanna see them OLD AND CREEPY! lmao...doing good music!...if the music decais they should call it quits

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This video thats been roaming around youtube and google video called "Green Day MinorityBeforeTrendyNow" pisses me off because the creator thinks that chaning your appearence makes you a sellout. I feel like fucking that persons face up. D:<

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well....i love the name. they should be a band as long as they like to. at least i hope not to brake up too soon. :(

i mean i love these guys....it wouldn't be fair to give it all up at least not in 10 years from now or more.

when my mom saw billie joe.. and i told her he was 33 she said he looks younger. so i think they will still be hot even at a bigger age.

green day rules 4ever! full stop :ermm: :roll:

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I love Green Day to bits, but I would also welcome something new from The Network, Pinhead.... the more the merrier

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IPB Image Am i the only person who finds this emoticon funny? :lol:

oh and green day can do whatever they want.

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Yeah, but I mean, I think they'll just fade out eventually, when they're like 60 or something.. They'll never officially split, but just discontinue making music. That's my theory.

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They shouldn't still be Green Day. They should turn into Elvis Presley or something equally random and slightly witty.

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They shouldn't still be Green Day. They should turn into Elvis Presley or something equally random and slightly witty.

haha! :eyebrows:

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I think they should make music for as long as they feel is right. :)

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I don't think it should be forever but as long as they keep bringing music out I shall keep buying it!!

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I can't imagine them being anyone else; I can't imagine anyone being them.

They're a perfect band that filled an empty music void in my heart and paved the way for me to listen to bigger, better things.

It'd be sad if they split up, I really do love them and appreciate their music.

But they've released enough material to keep me happy.

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I think that Billie , Tre and Mike should be a band until they want to ...Of course I hope that they will be a band for many more years !!!

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I don't want them to end up like the Rolling Stones, still a band when they're ninety but look ridiculous in concert and such.

But would anyone honestly be on this site if they thought Green Day should stop being a band?

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I WISH FOREVER! Haha... but even if they do stop, THEIR MUSIC IS ALWAYS STILL HERE! I mean, look at the beatles. They are long gone, but not their music. :thumbsup:

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Billie Joe once said " The only way where leaving this band is in a body bag" or something along those lines. So theres your answer, they'll be in Green Day for the rest of their lifes.

yeh, billie and mike told tre wen he joined the only way he cud leave was in a body bag. making music is their life, it's the only thing they've felt they're good at, i mean, billie even dropped out of skl for it, as did tre. they're good at what they do, no matter what the critics say, so they shud go on as long as they feel they are able. as soon as they feel like they've become a total parody of themselves, then it's time to quit, and it'll be a sad day for the fans, but they've impacted so many people's lives, and i know i for one owe them loads, just thru listening to the songs, so they'll never be forgotten in my household.

long live green day, in flesh and in spirit, and thank you for all you've done for your fans.

they're the best band in the world for a reason, and may they continue to churn out great tunes as long as they feel they can.

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Yes. They will be rocking out in their graves. :blink: No, actually I think whenever they think the "cycle" is over, as said previously by Billie Joe, then they should let go and just do what they want. I don't want them to stop too soon though. I want 'em to keep going for another thirty years at least. :woot: Look at the Rolling Stones and Aerosmith and AC/DC, their still going. Their music is still being played. And they all look like they've hit 100 fifty years ago. Especially Mick Jagger.... :blink:

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and i really give a care

Well you should. It made it harder to scroll through posts.

I think they should be a band forever. I think even if they do split up they will still be Green Day to everyone else.

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Bands shouldn't be allowed to last more than 20 years.

yeah they should!!!!!!!!!!!! they should be allowed to be a band for as long as they want to be

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they should be Green Day for as long as they want.

If they feel like they have something to say or write about, shouldn't they be able to?

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FUCK YA!!!!!

they luv their job, a gazillion ppl luv them....y shouldnt they??? i just hope that while they do all their band stuff, they pay attention 2 their family...it sux when ur husband or boyfriend or dad is always traveling......

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