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Green Day birthday cakes

nature is a whore

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acutally i HAVE had one

i'm so lameee.

it was killer though.

i ate billie's head.

my friend cassie ate mike.

my friend tanya ate tre's face.

and my friend catherine was realll freaked out so she just ate tre's tie.


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i've never had a GD cake.

i want an MCR cake, though. that would be yyuuummmyyy. :eyebrows:

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hand to god my grandma was gonna get me a beatles birthday cake this past year.

it had the logo like the one on ringo's bass drum and on the past masters cd's.

i told her not to cause that would probably be the most retarded thing ever, despite my love for the beatles.

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I don't really do birthday partys.

but it might be pretty schweet to have a green day cake...

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i had on before... my sister made for me... it was green and white with "green day" writen like on the kerplunk cd

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not very green day related but for my 13th birthday i had a bass cake. it was about 1 metre (3 feet or so) long cause i have a massive family and they all came for my birthday :D it was blue but i dont know where any pics are. the only down side was that i had to make it, but it was alright cause my cousin was helping

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I had a Green Day cake this year :) I took pics, but we still have to get them developed. It was really yummy, hehe. I ate Billie, my best friend ate Tre, and my other friend ate Mike. And yes I realize how wrong that sounds.

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Ah, well, I haven't had a Green Day birthday cake for myself, but I made a cake for them. Actually, it was for Billie Joe's birthday this past February. I made a double chocolate cake, and wrote his name with sprinkles on it. It was kind of a weird thing to do, but hey, it's an extra reason to have cake! And that's a good enough reason for me! :)

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for my 14th birthday, i had Tre scanned on rice paper on top of my cake. i tried to avoid eating his head and his...area.

grandma's cake+Tre on top=yummy!

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I wanted one so bad last year,I love yours,It's so awesome! I'm hoping to get one next year though,My mom wrote Green Day with icing she baught at the store for my 13th birthday with a guitar,It was so nice of her,I loved it=) maybe I'll get a picture one for my 15th next may :D

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I'd love to have a Green Day cake except i prob wouldnt eat it lol preserve it forever. :P

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A Green Day birthday cake? Brilliant idea!

I've never thougt about this. If I had one on my birthday... Wow! But I think my mother is not able to make a Green Day birthday cake. She doesn't even know how Green Day look like.

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Cool. I'd still eat it all the same, though. I'm just too much of a greedy fatty to waste all that delicious goodness.

Hehe me too

I'd just admire it for a while then stuff my face :shifty:

I think this is a cute topic!

Haha my friends do this thing every year where they make me a cake...

last year it was a guitar.. not really on topic but whatever :P

Besides if I had a party with them on it my friend would probably spit on it or something she hates Green Day :/

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I've never had a Green Day birthday cake... Nobody've ever thought about making me a cake like this :(

This one with Adeline logo is great :)

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I don't think I would want a cake with their faces on it, I would rather a cake with one of the logos, or the name.

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I'm asking for a Blink-182 cake this year, because I'm cool like that B).

I want it to have the album art from self titled.

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For my 14th birthday, I had a huge cookie cake with red and black icing. :]

That was when I received the tickets to their show, too.

That "party" was definitely inspired by GD.

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