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Weirdest place you've heard a green day song being played?


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I work at PetSmart and usually they play the crappiest music known to man but once or twice they played WMUWSE. I was very happy.

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at the very end of the school year and every one was in assembly they played american idiot

it was weird :wacko:

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Green day doesnt seem very famous here in spain so i never actually heard it anywhere apart from my cds :mad:

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I work at PetSmart and usually they play the crappiest music known to man but once or twice they played WMUWSE. I was very happy.

me too :blink:

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let's see...I found it insane when they played Welcome To Paradise at a school dance. I was freaking out( I was in the middle of the dance floor with a group of people surrounding me chanting 'Go Morgan! Go Morgan!' xD)and everyone else was sort of..."Eh? What is this? What happened to the pop/rap/hip-hop crap?! Play something good! MY HUMPS!" :/

Um...WMUWSE came on the radio when we were driving through the hills of PA and I made my family listen to it. It's not that odd...but considering...well w/e...lol

Im pretty sure I heard Holiday at Home Depot too! Alisa and I were singing along. :)

Good Riddance was on our slide show of this year's musical. At the end it played for the seniors but it had the begining where Billie messes up and Zoe and I were laughing our asses off at the stupid teachers. hahaha

American Idiot was on the Winter Olympics....im thinking...lol That's probably it....

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A guy died at my school last year and then they made this video about him...Boulevard Of Broken Dreams was in it...it just seemed odd

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Safeway (Supermarket) was playing Longveiw... I was like hmmm okay then, but its always fun to be in the dairy section singing to GD. :P

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Well At this wedding party, I was HELL board, I was sitting at the front yard then, some visitors came and parked close to drop some stuff off, and i Heard Wake Me Up When September Ends playing. It lightend me up :P

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Uh.. One time I was in Home Depot and When I Come Around was playing...and some old man was like 'whats up with this metal shit that they are playing?' lmao..metal....

And one time I heard Wake me up when sept ends in Winn Dixie.. And I was singing it...Because I mean who doesn't know that song? ..... dont answer that...

And like..this old lady was glaring at me.. like she wanted to beat me with her fucking purse...

I was kinda scared... Because I get paranoid in stores... and like...so i was watching her the whole time...But then some reject got on the announcer thing and messed it up ....bastards... :mellow:

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Yesterday I heard Good Riddance being played at a miniture golf place.

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Its not wierd but the other day I heard JOS in harvey norman, and longview was playing on 9am a while agao, and the fugly host was dancing to it, eww...

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I heard Green Day in a shop the other day. The weird thing is that I don't know many people in greece listening to their music but they had the whole Warning cd playing.

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^wow either i knew that.

i was watching a football match and i heard...American Idiot :blink:

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On my friends laptop :blink: sha has alwayssaid that she don't like Green Day, that it's too much noice for her, and all that...but she has holiday on her laptop and I know she's listening to it!

And one time I were at a party they played american idiot...that was weirde, 'cause usualy they play trance and suff like that...

Edited by wtsrname
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On MTV and VH1 I always hear american Idiot in like everyshow.

And yesterdya on MTV on a show they played waiting.

Oh and at the olympics i heard Holiday in the back ground along with a couple other GD songs.

Edited by Green Day rocks your butt off
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walking down the beach strip tonight 2 girls walked by and one of them was blasting waiting from her cell

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Yesterday I heard Good Riddance being played at a miniture golf place.

haha minature golf. That's awesome.

Anyway, I heard Welcome to Paradise at a pool.

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