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Weirdest place you've heard a green day song being played?


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well i was in italy for an exchange program with a few other ppl from school and we were in one of the italian's cars. the guy driving was like 20 and then bobd came on the radio and he started singing along.

it was funny-he had a really strong accent and sang in a really high falsetto voice.

so i guess that's the weirdest way i heard a green day song but not the weirdest place...

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when i went to grad night at disneyland yesterday...they had music blaring around the park and when i passed the carousel i heard whatsername, i ended up singing it out loud over there...it was great =) ( a little weird..but its one of my favorite songs on the album :D )

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kids bop comercial.

&&& when my grandmother was listening to Dookie when i went over a couple years ago out of free will.

lol.. that is so funny!!

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people were playing music in school the other day and they had when i come around in between thats SOS song and mariah carey! ugh.. tragic.

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Along time ago (in a galaxy far, far away....JK ^_^) in 1998 at a memorial slideshow

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the weirdest place i've heard one of their songs was at dreamworld on the gold coast. WMEWSE was balring out of the speakers on a ride called the Wipeout

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once we had a video about don't do drugs, and all of a sudden blvd. or broken dreams started playing.

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It was blasted through the speakers in my school,it was holiday

It was so awesome

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i was listening to wmuwse on my ipod then we got to sizzlers so i turned my ipod off and when we walked inside wmuwse started playing. it was quite a coincidince.

another time i was on a plane coming home from new york and they had a tv on every seat and they were playing bobd on the channel telling you about the service and stuff on the plane.

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I think the west place would have to be when I heard WMUWSE at JCPenny and Poprocks & Coke at Chilies

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Saw a bunch of 9 and 10 year old girls dressed up in little sparkly outfits do a jazz dance routine to Hitchin a Ride. Totally surreal.

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Okay I think i can beat you all with weirdest place to hear green day, in the bathroom.

I was going to the bathroom and holiday comes on, now isnt that a weird place haha.

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My sister's room. She was all anti-Green Day just a month ago, and now she admits she's joining the "dark side" (meaning listening to Punk, Rock, Emo, Screamo, Jazz and Blues).

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this super market which plays classical music, one minute it was Pavrotti the next thing I know Basket Case is playing.. weird

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when i went to the dentist he saw TV and he saw VH1 storytellers with green day.

that was a funny mument.

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At a handboll cup (I don't play...but I should I fuckin rock!) were they had karaoke and these two girls slaughtered Basket Case :dry:

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ok it was the day before the last day of school ( 5/25/06) and we were doing are award program and they played good riddence!!! shocking :o but of course i sang along :D

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-St. Jimmy at a Bodytalk advertisement on tv :ermm: weird but I sing along when I hear it

-WMUWSE on a pig school party (the rest of the songs was pop and hip-hop) :mellow:

-the whole AI in our school bus (actually my friends put it to cheer me up) :happy:

-Basket Case at Avril Lavigne's live DVD :blink: lol

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