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Weirdest place you've heard a green day song being played?


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Last summer at a fucking disco party on the beach there was Basket Case. I don't even know why I was there, all I know is that all of a sudden everybody quitted dancing and started lamenting, except me. I was almost in tears because hearing Green Day in a place like that made me feel sad..

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sitting at home watching the Giants and Dodgers game and they played When I come Around when the pitcher came to bat.

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A couple years ago when I was watching NASCAR Know Your Enemy would play once a race when they would go to commercial break.

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I was watching a tv show where they show pranks, fails, fun stuff and i heard When I Come Around and Scumbag.

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1. In a really serious looking boetique for extremely expensive cloth. A friend of mine an I were there because shewanted, and when I stood there waiting for her to finish they played 'Burnout'. :)

2. In the bus, out of the headphones of a guy which was dressed like a rapper, what was weird as hell. He played 'No one knows'.

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Not too weird but I once heard "Minority" in an airport restaurant/bar while on a layover in Santa Cruz, California. I started talking to this random girl about Green Day for about fifteen minutes nonstop. She listened to my every word and agreed she should go see AI. I converted her. :)

Lucky for her, my flight wasn't nonstop. :thumbsup:

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BOBD/ Wonder Wall walking down the strip in Vegas. I got all excited my cousin was like whats wrong with the song, parts of that is not Billie.

I was watching Shaytards Mommytard and Shay were singing Basket Case.

Ohh yeah and my school band played Holiday, it was the only song I liked from them.

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My sisters were watching a Disney Movie, and I was on GDC when I heard Letterbomb come up as the background music :P

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Not really a weird place but;

While I was on holiday in Germany in 2009 (a few days after 21CB was released) I heard Know Your Enemy playing in the lobby of a hotel. The weird part was, it was at around 3am :P

And then the same hotel played BOBD during the breakfast buffet


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It's not actually the weirdest or yes it is. When I was flying over Grand Canyon it was played in helicopter Green Day song: Time Of Your Life and I was like: Yeah, I'm flying over Grand Canyon and I'm listening to Green Day - I reall have the time of my life here. :P (That moment could be better just in one way: If Billie, Mike and Tre would be with me in this helicopter and singing me this song (also Mike and Tre)! :D

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It's not that weird, but a friend and I were listening to a street musician, which was playing very great country-songs all the time & then he played 'basket case' and i punched my friend and yelled 'OMG, it's GREEN DAY!!" :D the musician was laughing at me xD

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They have this thing called Second Saturday downtown over here. These young teens had a Green Day cover band =)

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Probably at a public bus, it was Holiday, public buses here just play like shit and stuff like that, when I heard holiday I was like :shok: couldn't believe that I was actually hearing it there, but it was cool :happy:

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  • 3 weeks later...

At the end of my schools morning announcements, the flash a picture of the students who have birthdays on that day, usually the music to it is really cheesy (a meow version of happy birthday) then one day, I hear the beginning sounds of 21 Guns during the birthday announcements, and I'm like "WTF THIS SONG IS ABOUT GIVING UP, NOT BIRTHDAYS" :P

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