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Why you like Green Day


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First off, I love their music.


But also, I can relate to the majority of their songs.

They say what they think, no matter how people feel about it.

Their music inspires me.

They've taught me to be myself and not to care about what people think.

Not to do something just because the crowd's doing it.

..to be an individual.

And I could list so many more reasons.

But..I just love them.

asking someone who loves Green Day "why do you like Green Day?" is kinda like asking "Why do you love you friends and family?"

I just LOVE Green Day. You can't describe love.

I love thier music, and i love the men! :)

This is also true. :]

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I like Green Day because their music Rocks, i really love their music , well the lead singer sooooooo hot, billie is so sezy i can look at thier video's all day , too look at billie's eyes, he's got so sezy green eyes.

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The great lyrics, the way they change between each record, Billie Joe's voice, Tré's houmor and Mike's seriousness.

Well it's not because everyone else likes them cause I don't know anyone except on the internet that likes them, their way of saying what they think. They are incredible live.

+ their music makes me happy, and so does all their jokes :D

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The great lyrics, the way they change between each record, Billie Joe's voice, Tré's houmor and Mike's seriousness.

Well it's not because everyone else likes them cause I don't know anyone except on the internet that likes them, their way of saying what they think. They are incredible live.

+ their music makes me happy, and so does all their jokes :D

I was gonna type something but it would be exactly like yours. So ditto to what ^ said.

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They have awesome lyrics and their music is out of this world. I don't think I have the right words to discrive it. They are just inspiring in everyway.

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bekuuuzzz bily jo arm and hammer is likeeeee Mii GAWD,

I think they soem amazing lyrics and are fascinating people.

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Firstly, I enjoy their music. Obviously i'd be pretty pointless liking them if I didn't enjoy their music.

Secondly, they're not focused on one thing to sing about. One minute they'll be saying fuck you to Bush, next minute they'll be singing about dressing in drag and masturbation.

And finally, the guys themselves. I've seen countless interviews of them (as I'm sure the rest of you have too) and they're just great guys. Fame hasn't gone to their head, they basically want to get their views across but they're still here to have fun.

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i love themi guess cuz they just dont give a f.uck about what other people think about them, they are honest, & i can just really relate to most of their songs :wub:

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I love Green Day because, firstly their music kicks royal ass. I can relate my life and my past to many of their songs. Whenever I listen to a Green Day song it just gives me an uplifting feeling. Not to mention the fact that Billie Joe, Mike and Tre have awesome personalities. I also love the way that they are real, and speak their minds. They're not afraid of what other people will say or think about them. They write amazing songs and the lyrics mean something.

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I love Green Day for so many reasons. Their music is great and doesn't all sound exactly the same so it is always exciting. Their lyrics really speak to their fans. I can really relate to what Billie Joe Armstrong says and Tre, Billie Joe,and Mike are all amazingly talented. They make me not afraid to be who I am and to be proud of who I am. They make me not feel alone. They get me through everything in my life. They speak their minds. They can be serious about a message and have fun at the same time. They have stayed true to themselves by being the same punk band they were when they started. They have influnced and inspired me in so many ways, I do not know where I would be with out them. And on top all all of that they are 3 great guys with awesome personalities.

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Okay first up, agirlcalledkill, why are you even a member of the GDA site if you hate or even don't like Green Day that just doesn't make sense.

Second, I'm from New Zealand, not America.

Third, JAR is on International Superhits, Favourite Son is on Rock Against Bush Vol. 2, Governator is on a certain edition of American Idiot single, same with Too Much Too Soon (thought they're not both on the same one). The American Idiot single is not available in stores, but you can order both versions over Amazon.com.

Now to get to the point.

When I first heard of Green Day, I was ten years old and I LOVED Avril Lavigne. She said she liked Green Day in one of her interviews and for some reason, I decided I didn't like Green Day.

Then, I heard American Idiot and when the guy on the radio said it was by Green Day, I thought that maybe Green Day wasn't so bad after all.

Mum wouldn't let me get their CD at first (she did later on) so I snuck into the CD store downtown and bought it secretly. She never found out. When she did let me have it, I took it downtown with me and when I came back I pretended I'd bought it. I don't regret not buying it later as if I had bought it later, I wouldn't have been able to get the special edition.

Anyway, I like Green Day because I think Billie-Joe is a good songwriter. Ever wondered why their songs never have more than 3-5 different chords? It's because he prefers to concentrate more on the lyrics than on the guitarline, so the guitarline ends up being nice and simple.

Also, Billie-Joe and Mike are both fantastic singers, Billie-Joe is an excellent frontman, and Tre Cool can really do a song-and-dance act.

One song I do not really like by them is 'like a rat does cheese'. Was this written by Tre?

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i like them because i can realate to them really well and many of their songs have there own meaning to me... plus i grew up were they did :D they also dont give what other people think and i think that has been really helpful with get thru high school drama

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How do you get sleep at night? - because you said that about billie joe girls here gonna kill ya :lol:

Meh, he's a dork at heart *cough*Holiday*cough* :P

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I love them 'cause they are THE BEST! :D

The music is like a... like just for me. Do u understand what I try to say..? (okei, don´t even try... *hih*)

And their lyrics are interesting, and sometimes very touching (is touching even a word..?)...

But, I really like them. Green Day is a big part of my life. :)

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Mainly because they're music "reaches" me. It has helped me to face certian events in life and feel better about myself.

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Green Day opened my mind up to the possibilty of music outside the top 20. They got me into 'rock music'. They definitely changed my life.

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I like them because they don't do what society says tehy should be doing, they write what they want for themselves and not others, and because I can relate to a lot of their songs.

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i like green day for nostolgic reasons, basically. just becuase i used to like them so much.

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one day i heard their music...

then i totally realized, that's what i was looking for...

who like a band not becouse of their music...?

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