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Why you like Green Day


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i can relate to their lyrics, and with what they say and i dont really fit in anywhere and im an outcast in my school, and basicly everywhere i go, and when i listen to green day, i just feel like i dont have to fit in, and that i can just be myelf, and i dont need to worry about what people think about me. i just fell like i belong somewhere for once. i cant really eexplain why i like green day in words, because its more than words. its my life.

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Because I can throw stuff at the walls and burn things when I listen to their music. Not.

I like them for every other reason everyone else has mentioned.

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why only american theres nothing wrong with us english?

I love Green day for there music not becaus eof the way they look. Liking a band for how they look is pathetic.

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They rock my world since EVER!

I love them!

I love their music

I love their personality

I love their opinions about things!

I love their point of view about things!

I love them because they're SUPER HOT!

I love them Because they're great artists!

I love them because they're AMAZING!

I love them because they're so damn Talented!

I love them because they're UNIQUE!

I love them because they don't give a shit about what people think!

I love them because they are very honest in everything they say or do!

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....

I love them because....


I love them because I do.

They are the BEST!

I could go on saying why I love them but then I would never stop lol


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im british and i fucking love green day to bits they've opened my eyes to the world and changed me completly. i love htem so much because there music has tought me so much and there's just somthing about it all thats really hard to discribe . god i sound pathaticly sad :/

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  breena said:

...when I bought AI it inspired me to do things I was unmotivated to do.

There is a lot more to my story but the overall drift is when you can't find your own inspiration and some friggin' great tunes can help you out with that-well-its just fuckin fantastic.

Besides-They just get it(lyrically)

Wow...this is exactly why I like them. I can't say it any better than that. :)

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  • 1 month later...
  starbucksfreak said:

because the threads now suck :)

And this one's great ?

I can tell you think so by the post you bumped it with.

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take songs? u mean buy them?

use itunes or something



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  Adeline said:

And this one's great ?

I can tell you think so by the post you bumped it with.

i know huh :eyebrows::shifty:

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I'm Canadian, and I LOVE Green Day!!! it's not just the American's that get all the good stuff and have all the fun!

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I like Green Day cause they make so fucking great music!! I love all they're songs.. And.. Green Day isn't only Billie Joe!! What would Green Day be without Mike Dirnt & Trè Cool? Nothing!! And Billie Joe's name isn't written Billy Jo!! BILLIE JOE!!

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Well I like Green Day cos of there music and I DONT LIKE THE BAND BECAUSE OF BILLIE JOE!!!!

I like the band for all three of them and thats what makes them who they are today not just one person!!!!

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  junkie skum said:

And.. America is shite, England Rules.. in fact we used to literally own america but we wont get into that one...

no one rules

UKRAINE RULES¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

and i like green day because thy are so explicit, funny and direct like me

and they dont care a bit what the people think about them :thumbsup:


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  punkrock-chick said:

then why dont you fucking get lost and die :mad:

omg you suck im not american and i love green day, you suck!

Its okay... no need to worry, she was being sarcastic. Have a bit of sarcasm in your life.

Green Day have rocked the world for 16 years now (well not all 16 of them) and they have made 8 albums (correct me if I'm wrong). Thats a fucking long time to be in a band. Every single album they made meant something, weather it was ment to mean somethng good or bad, they all rocked. And out of every song on every album I don't know of anyone on this forum that hates more than 11 green day songs (correct me if I'm wrong again). I think that that shows that this band has made history everywhere. Green Day arent one of those bands that peope can easily name 'try hards'. That is why I like green day

You can decide weather you want to read it or not. I don't care. :whistling:

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I hate this question. Thats like asking me why my favorite food is pizza. I don't know, I just like it!!

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