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Rotten: "Green Day are plonk"


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Haha what a hyprocrite.

Fuck You

I read this today couldnt stop laughing, cause to me, Green day aren't punk.

I read this today couldnt stop laughing, cause to me, Green day aren't punk.

Fuck You

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well, I love green day and i love sex pistols and i don't give nothing for labels so...i don't care about who is punk or not, i like the song, the attitude, the story...

:thumbsup: ditto. Pretty much exactly what I was going to say.

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oh christ so whats new?, i mean rotten criticised green a few years back, saying virtually the same thing.

And i honestly think that punk is now non-existent, everything punk has ever meant has been over used and frittered away, to a point of no return.

Sex pistols were a very important band, i dont care what anybody says, but the clash done it ten times better.

Neither the sex pistols OR green day come close....so there.

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there will be punk nowadays, it's probabaly just not what you'll think of it as.

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When is that guy going to die?

Isn;t he like 400.

And if he was so hardcore he wouldn't give a flying fuck.

Damn dude. Grow up.

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Give me a break, John "Lydon" is a fucked up old bastard with less street cred than Justin Timberlake. Johnny is a sell out himself; for fuck's sake he makes documentaries for the Discovery Channel! If he was ever punk, that part of him died long ago in the 70s. There is no point in listening to his opinions, because he isn't and was never, an authority on punk rock.

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this doesn't bother me at all. I don't give a fuck about labels or what people label them as. The music is at all that matters to me.

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screw him he obviously just jealous of Green Day. thats pretty sad. Billie and Mike really liked them, I wonder if they still do after that.

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im not a big fan of the sex pistols. some songs are ok, but johnny rotten kinda just yells out words not really in tune. and who says what punk is? personally i dont think green day is punk but its people like teenies and the media who label them that. too me they're punk/rock/pop

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That's fucked up seeing how Green Day has said in multiple interviews that The Sex Pistols are one of their favorite bands.

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I can't see how people can say that Green Day is absolutely not punk in any way, because "it's not about the music" and such.

Yeah, sorry, but I guess the early punk bands "accidentally" created an entirely different sound and style of music, that Green Day's sound very closely resembles.

To me, it's logic. If they have the sound, what else are you going to call them?

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i thought the sex pistols were one of green days influences to start music man i bet when the guys from green day heard that from him they must of been put down and mad

i dont consider green day punk but i consider them pop punk but their lifestyles are punk

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"if they were true punk they wouldn't look anything like they do."

i didn't think you had to dress a certain way to be aloud to sing punk rock :/

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I can't see how people can say that Green Day is absolutely not punk in any way, because "it's not about the music" and such.

Yeah, sorry, but I guess the early punk bands "accidentally" created an entirely different sound and style of music, that Green Day's sound very closely resembles.

To me, it's logic. If they have the sound, what else are you going to call them?

to me, they don'e even sound punk. i agree with rotten.

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