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How far would you go to meet Green Day ?


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I'm too lazy to try to meet them. Plus... I wouldn't try very hard anyway because of fear of fainting if I saw them. I don't like fainting. It's no fun at all.

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i'd be my dream to meet my idols :wub: .....probably at a concert or something...but i'd probably get arrested for attempted stalking :D ... :eyebrows:

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already met them a couple of times :)

theyre nice guys

and billie told me some funny stories i will remember forever :)

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Let's just say I would do anything that didn't ruin my self respect. So in other words, I'd steal their identities and hunt them down. :shifty:

Spam: this is my 300th post! Crikey!

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I would go pretty damn far without making myself look like a fool. The farthest I would go would be anything before getting arrested for being a stalker.

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Meh I wouldn't try too hard. Hell, it'd be so awesome to meet them, but I don't think I'd do anything crazy. If I saw 'em I'd go over and say 'hi' or something.

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I would try to meet them after a concert, but other then that I don't know what I would do.

Actually, I don't think I want to meet them (at least not right now), because I would just end up saying something stupid and looking like an idiot. :thumbsup:

I do that *shame* I went spastic when I met Josh from Behind Crimson Eyes (an Aussie screamo band) and now I have a wonky autograph... :pinch: Pmpl.

To meet Green Day? Hm... Probably give all my money away :wink: (keep in mind, I have VERY LITTLE money lol) And if I met them, all I'd want is a hug :wub:

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not very, i dont really have the desire to meet 'em. But if i walked across the street or something and i see them :P . No i really dunno what i would do, bcause when i was in amsterdam last year i saw Paul Thomas( Good Charlotte) walking and pass me and i didn't do a damn thing! :blink: Maybe it bcause im kinda shy :ermm: , i dunno. And the next day i was at their concert.

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i would jump off a cliff if they were at the bottom of it just to meet them

me too....except....if i jump off i cliff i might die b4 i actually would be able to meet them

SO i would jump off a cliff if someone would catch me

or if there was like a huge mattress for me to land on.

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i would jump off a cliff if they were at the bottom of it just to meet them

Uhhh ... wouldn't you be a bit dead once you'd hit the bottom? Maybe they'd call an ambulance for you.

I'd hang around by the backstage entrance at a gig, but not for too long. If I go to see a major gig, I like to arrive a few hours early, check out the record shops and then go to the pub. Used to be for a pint, nowadays for an orange juice!

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  • 2 weeks later...

TotalBasketCase13, why the fuck would you not wanna meet GREEN DAY man? this is a kinda once-in-a-lifetime oppurtunity when it comes along so you gotta grab it - don't miss out on your chance to MEET YOUR FAVOURITE BAND just because of a fear of saying something stupid!!

Anyway, I'd probably give all my money away - not that I have all that much LOL. I wouldn't do sexual favours tough cos as much as I'm obssessed with Green Day, I am not a whore.

If I got the chance to meet them, OR go to one of their concerts, I'd take it immediately.

And liddledrumma, tracking Green Day down kinda wouldn't work due to the fact that A: they're not in the phonebook and B: they will have some sort of security against that.

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I would probably enter a competition for backstage at a concert, but I wouldn't stalk them and If we did meet I'd give them a friendly hello and politely ask for an autograph.

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Um, depends? I probably wouldn't try to hard. Cause then i'd feel like a douche. I'd much rather just meet them by accident.

I am sortof the same, I wouldnt want to meet them by accident i would go to great lenghts to meet them. But not to completly make my self look like an idiot

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I'd enter competitons, but if you cant meet em you cant, id just keep trying and hope I finally got to.

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