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How far would you go to meet Green Day ?


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Boring :P

You seriously need to fucking chill with the Spam Happy.


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Well i want to ask you if its worth while to go to california just to see Green Day?

I meen i live far away from U.S.A (in Greece). I want to leave this country so i will probably fullfil this dream in about 3-4 years but first i want to know your opinion about that!

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Uh...in concert, or what? Because if there's a good chance you won't get to see them if you're just going around the state looking for them.

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Don't come here to try and find them in person. I live in Massachusetts, where Steven Tyler and Steve Carrell live. They don't live too far from my town, but I've never seen them.

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yes, for concert but no, for face to face because when u think they're at their houses or local places they actually might be in a totaly differnent city,state,country, or continent

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I went to CA to "see" Green Day. But from my opinon, even if you don't see them, it's just a fucking awesome place. I loved it there. I'm hoping to visit again next year.

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i honeslty dont get everyone thinking o i sooo wanna go to oakland!!! umm its a great place if you live here but dont come hear just to see green day please its lame and honestly youll be disappointed


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um...i don't think so..cuz you'd have to be in Berkley...look everywere...the way they are they could be on top of a building w/ a flag facing the opposite way w/ idiot sprayed on it...and your a maniac looking for them. like this

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what about mikes restourant? and ofcourse if you have luck...yesterday Because of my sister I went to athena to see sakis but we didn't have luck.... :wacko: :whistling:

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well if your a local as i am you know their hang outs . . . . its not a big deal to see billie but mike and tre pretty rare. . .

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California has way more than just Green Day

yes we do if you come here go to san fran tahoe napa or LA not OAKLAND :wacko:

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i wouldn't go to California hoping to run into Green Day there. it's not worth it.

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i'd go to see the sights and stuff..and if i just happen to run into Billie, Mike,or Tre..then that's cool too..but that's probably rare.

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i think is cool you want to come here but i would come for more just to see green day because of the chance of see them is small... but my friends aunt lives right by them so my friend has seen them a few time... lucky bitch :D

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On you tube there is a video of a guy shooting himself in the leg with a nail gun for green day tickets. I think thats taking it a little far.

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Well,If i saw them across the street or something Id'e go to them,or if I pretty much saw them anywhere I'de go to them,Unless security was there and they would kick my butt.

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If I would ever happen to see them, I'd walk up and say something like "Hi, I'm Jackie and I really like Green Day." or something, but inside, I'd be screaming like a teenie at a concert during WMUWSE, heh

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Maybe as far as the front door of my house.. Green Day are probably the most unaccessible band in the universe, has anyone actually ever met them, i don't have time for them personally and don't care for meeting them at all. I enjoy listening to their music, occasionally. There are far more talented people, who have time for their fans and make an effort to meet, greet and grope [joke] their fans, i'd much rather travel a long distance for these people..

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