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Are Green Day Vegetarians?


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^ yay at me? haha.

I hateeee meat and it's horrible how animals are killed.

It`s possible to eat soya meat, but I don`t like It, It`s disgusting :down:

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my personal view:-

I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian!

i love my meat just as much as i love my veggies, balence is the key.

they only thing i dont realy eat is eggs and milk (well drink). its party to do with i dont like the conditions the animals are kept in and 2nd cause milk makes me sick and i just dont like eggs :)

wonder what the world would be like if we all turned into vegitarians...

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i dont like the conditions the animals are kept in

Then how do you still feel ok eating meat? Have you seen the way that livestock is tortured?

And what would the world be like? Alot more compassionate, and we'd all be healthier :)

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hi all. I've been a FULL veggie for a while now. I'm probably gonna stay this way, i'm glad i'm stickin to it.

:D:D i LOVE veggies :D:woot:

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I'm a vegetarian, but my dumbass doctor thought I was way too young to be one but I don't care, I don't like eating animals. And everyone always has to shove meat in my face :dry:

But you can get soy protein with peanut butter, and soy meat. I have my freezer filled with veggie ribs,corn dogs, chicken patties, hamburgers, hot dogs, taco meat,etc.

I've been a vegetarian since October :D

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I'm a vegetarian, but my dumbass doctor thought I was way too young to be one but I don't care, I don't like eating animals. And everyone always has to shove meat in my face :dry:

But you can get soy protein with peanut butter, and soy meat. I have my freezer filled with veggie ribs,corn dogs, chicken patties, hamburgers, hot dogs, taco meat,etc.

I've been a vegetarian since October :D

OMG. Veggie burgers ROCK!!!!!!!! :P

And the above, forget who posted it, but about 'octo-lavo vegetarianism', thanks! Exactly what I am, wanted to know^^ :D

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to be honest i dont support vegatarianism. I think its unhealthy and most ppl who do it are just putting on an act.

I'm a vegatarian, and my friend said that the other day, that its "unhealthy".

i dont agree at all... i think if you eat the right foods, and you have a variety of foods, and you havee some other way of getting the vitamins that you would normally get from meat, then how is it unhealthy?

and yeah, some people might be "putting on an act", but thats a sterotype... a lot of people have many reasons why they dont eat meat

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Who cares if they are veggies or not why do you care?!!!

i cary couse if they vegetarians i get kick in ass from my friend

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Then how do you still feel ok eating meat? Have you seen the way that livestock is tortured?

And what would the world be like? Alot more compassionate, and we'd all be healthier :)

i feel ok eating meat cause i enjoy it. as for the torture thing, well its dead now so not sufering. batter hens etc suffer there whole lifes till they drop down dead.

as for being healthier... there is a reason we are ominvories(sp?) well need a balenced diet as we get all the vits and minerals we need from both meat and plants. the main reason people arent health are because they eat to much meat so there deit isnt balenced.

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I'm a vegatarian, and my friend said that the other day, that its "unhealthy".

i dont agree at all... i think if you eat the right foods, and you have a variety of foods, and you havee some other way of getting the vitamins that you would normally get from meat, then how is it unhealthy?

and yeah, some people might be "putting on an act", but thats a sterotype... a lot of people have many reasons why they dont eat meat

Yeah, I absolutely agree. I've been a vegetarian for eight years now and well, I'm fine.

I know some people being really convinced that a human being needs meat. They just don#t understand that being a vegatarian isn't necessaryliy about "putting on an act".

There are maybe some people, who chose to be a vegetarian due to some celebrity but I don't think that they are the majority, are they? Everybody should be able to decide whether he wants to eat meat or not without other people interfereing.

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  • 5 months later...

OMG, when I read that Billie Joe wasn't a vegetarian anymore I almost started crying.

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  • 5 months later...

hm who knows.

but i am a vegitaran.

meat is NASTY!

and those poor aninmals the factory farms should go to hell.

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see, for me it was I woke up one morning and went to eat breakfast and realized I hadn't eaten me in about two months, and when I told my mom she said not to eat it because I've gone so long without it that I could get sick from it. My doctor said I could ween myself back onto meat by eating small amounts, btu I figured why bother.

So I'm an accidental vegetarian. No complaints though, I love my baked tofu :) .

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I love my meat. BBQ pork ribs are my favorite.

oh man, my dad used to make KILLER bbq pork ribs when I was a youngin' and we had little fmaily picnics with our cousins. they were meat-melting-off-the-bone tangy stickes of heaven.

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oh man, my dad used to make KILLER bbq pork ribs when I was a youngin' and we had little fmaily picnics with our cousins. they were meat-melting-off-the-bone tangy stickes of heaven.


Now I want ribs, and it's 12:30 am.

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No. Billie was in the early 90s, but he lost a lot of weight and felt weird so he gave up.

to be honest i dont support vegatarianism. I think its unhealthy and most ppl who do it are just putting on an act.

I've been veggie for 10 years (since I was born), and I'm fine. It's not unhealthy.

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No. Billie was in the early 90s, but he lost a lot of weight and felt weird so he gave up.

I've been veggie for 10 years (since I was born), and I'm fine. It's not unhealthy.

You're 10 ?

I might go veggie to lose weight.

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You're 10 ?

I might go veggie to lose weight.

Yeah, I'm 10. Going veggie is a good idea, I get a bit of shit from my "friend", but I'm not bothered. :)

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