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Green Day dreams


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I'd love a dream like that lol...

lol....I wish I have a dream where tre is my bf....but no...It had to be Billie...the 89 Billie :sick: ...

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lol....I wish I have a dream where tre is my bf....but no...It had to be Billie...the 89 Billie :sick: ...

Ah yeah I see your point...

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i had a dream last night actually...i was at a green day concert with only like 50 people and they played holiday and tre sang all by my self and he threw a drumstick DIRECTLY at me! ahhh! and on the drumstick it had my name and tres name but he spelt my name as 'jeanine' my real name is 'jeannine' :rolleyes:. i also dreamt i was telling all my friends :wub:

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Ah yeah I see your point...

lmao......see??...that's why I kept on ditching himm.....but the worse is that he kept on morphing...first was the 89 Billie..then I turned around and it was the 2000 Billie :sick: (warning era!!!)...then Nimrod...but mostly the 89 Billie :/

it was pretty creepy

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lmao......see??...that's why I kept on ditching himm.....but the worse is that he kept on morphing...first was the 89 Billie..then I turned around and it was the 2000 Billie :sick: (warning era!!!)...then Nimrod...but mostly the 89 Billie :/

it was pretty creepy

haha poor you lol.... in those circumstances i would prefer Tre XD

And that didnt mean to sound like i dont really like Tre lol I do

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haha poor you lol.... in those circumstances i would prefer Tre XD

And that didnt mean to sound like i dont really like Tre lol I do

It sounded like that :laugh:

Damn...tonight I'll think of Tre and repeat his name so I can dream with him

bah...like that will work! :down:

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It sounded like that :laugh:

Damn...tonight I'll think of Tre and repeat his name so I can dream with him

bah...like that will work! :down:

I know! I want another Green Day dream but I barely ever remember my dreams anyways so I've got like no hope XD it sucks.

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i drempt that i was partying with jason freese and ronnie blake and then they took me to meet billie joe and billie joe fired ronnie blake and i became there trumpet player.and i never played trumpet in my life.so i toured with green day

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I know! I want another Green Day dream but I barely ever remember my dreams anyways so I've got like no hope XD it sucks.

yeah it's so true...what a crappy deal....we should always go to bed and say: Ok MF..I wanna dream about Tre being my bitch all night long" and then...ITS DONE...you wake up, come here and tell everybody about your orgasmic dream :thumbsup:

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yeah it's so true...what a crappy deal....we should always go to bed and say: Ok MF..I wanna dream about Tre being my bitch all night long" and then...ITS DONE...you wake up, come here and tell everybody about your orgasmic dream :thumbsup:

Ooh yes that would rock. :thumbsup::eyebrows:

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but no....

I've just remember...I had one a long itme ago. And Tre had blonde hair and he was shirtless :D ....don't remember the rest of the dream...I thikn he tried to teach me how to play drums but I sucked so he pushed me away :(...but who cares...he was SHIRTLESS and h ad a great body it was a dreaaaaaam)

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I was walking at school in this hallway. When I come by Mike but he is laying on the floor dead. But I keep on walking as if it was nothing. Then I come by Tre. He is also dead but I just keep on walking. Then I come by Billie again he is also dead but this time I actually stop and im staring down at him. The I woke up. It was such a horrible dream I was crying. My mom even asked me in the morning if I was having nightmares cuz she heard me like squirming and makings sounds in my sleep.

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My firend has dreams about her getting it on with Billie joe she says i tened to b there getting on with Tre

Im Like omg u have dreams about me doing Tre :mellow:

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My firend has dreams about her getting it on with Billie joe she says i tened to b there getting on with Tre

Im Like omg u have dreams about me doing Tre :mellow:

my friend had a dream where she was getting it on with billie and mike at the same time in a hotel and that i was in the next room with tre. she said that me and tre statred in the limo but that she waited at least they got to the hotel... i wanted to kick her ass but we were in gym playing basketball so i think there would be a lot of witnesses...

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I have been a fan for 12 years now and last night was the first Green Day dream I have had.

I was somewhere, with a friend, and we were staying at said friends house. Just so happened that Green Day was there. Not sure why, but I was happy to see them. It was like we were old friends. Turns out that the house was hanunted and at first it was kindof cool, but then bad things started happening. It was freaking us all out, but Billie seemed to be taking it the hardest. My friend and I seemed to be the only ones present who could comfort him. He requested that the three of us just chill in a room, alone, at let the others sit out in the living room where all the shit seemed to be going on.

Nothing of importance happened, but it seemed like a good, nice, bonding sortof experience...

not a great dream...but I just wanted to contribute to this thread...

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I've had a couple, but the most recent was where I was in a club type place. It kind of seemed like something from the surreal life. :/ but anyhoo, I was just hanging around and Billie and Mike (I don't know where Tre was...) were dancing, and I think they were drunk. I really don't remember that much. It was a while ago.

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i have green day dreams almost EVERY night... last night...i didnt have a ride home from one of their concerts and so they drove me home...then we went rock climbing..and tre fell kept falling on purpose so he could hang from the bungee cord...lolz....then we went to some fancy place to eat...but we were being loud and obnoxious...so they kicked us out

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ohh geez...mine are pretty fucked up...

i dreamed me and my best friend broke into their tour bus and i hid under the bed and it was tres bed. when he walked back there i jumped out and said "NO THE ONE EYED ONE HORNED FLYING PURPLE PEOPLE EATERS ARE UNDER THE BED AND ARE AFTER ME!" tre runs out either because hes freaked out or believes me then my best friend has BJ and mike duct tape together and shes in a mistress's outfit so im doubly freaked. next thing i now tre talked me into getting his name tattooed on my back.

yea i could go on but i wont

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I dreamed like 20 minutes ago that billie joe was in a grocery store I usually go to. some other kids followed him and billie wanted everyone to sit in a circle with him. we were all singing green day songs. then he said "if you love me so much, i want all of you to eat these plants!" and all of us actually did it! but me and this other boy ate the most. after billie started shopping again, i went up to him saying i love you blah de blah...and he was like "you are very beautiful, and I would go out with you, but i have a wife and kids..." which I knew, but i was just happy he called me beautiful and said he would date me! i must of stayed in the store for an hour just talking to him! tre was there too, but he was hitting on other underage girls. :P

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i can't do that. that is soooooo cool!! well i did have a dream once when billie joe was making out with my boyfriend. and you know billie is kind of.................yeah and well it was really weird. but then billie came over and kissed me!! it was the best gd dream i have ever had in my whole life of knowing gd!!!!!!!!

wow u people are lucky. I cant do that. Its only by chance that I have a sex dream with them. I had one the other night and it was with Billie and we where in a lake in the woods....it was weird..

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my friend was telling me about a dream she had were she was a private invetergator and discovered that Tre and i were long lost brother and sister! (i have no idea why coz i look absoultly nothing like him! except my friends say i have the same sorta twisted mind as him)

anyway she reunited us and we were all happy etc. etc.

weird huh?

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Haha. Once I had a dream they came to my school and I got to hang around with them all day. :P That's it.

same here! :laugh:

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I once had a dream that I was watching t.v. but I was in it at the same time(?) and all of a sudden this commercial comes on and I hear When I Come Around but it's not Green Day singing it. So I look and the screen says "BOB SAGET DOES GREEN DAY!" and it was Bob Saget singing. That dream was dandy.

I had about 6 really short dreams that night and I think 3 of them involved Green Day but I don't remember the rest.

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I MADE OUT WITH TRE LAST NIGHT....of course in my dreams only...but I made out with him...and it was YUMMT...weird...

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