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Green Day dreams


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i had a dream last night that Billie Joe came into my room wearing nothing but blue plaid boxers, singing elvis costello's "alison" to me. oh man... i only wish it wasn't dream...

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No I have not had ANY dreams about green day :( I did have a weird dream a few nights ago though about the dude from halloween and it was kind of weird.

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Fuck! Posting in this topic made me have a Green Day dream!

I dreamt I was at a Green Day gig, something like an exclusive showcase for a few hundred people. They opened with JoS, and I was right at the front. Anyway, BJ ends up stood right in front of me, and I take out a pack of cigarettes and start to light one. BJ leans down and says 'can i have one?', so (obviously) I gave him a cigarette. After the show, he picks me out, takes me backstage and takes down my phone number before I leave for home.

So I'm walking home, and my phone rings, and I end up having a 30 minute conversation with him! And then he hangs up, and no-one believes I was talking to him!

Then I got woken up by a phone call! :o

From my mum. :mad:

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I don't have time to type the GD ones but...

I had one awhile back where I was hanging out with Tom Petty hahaha I don't know why I think that's so funny....

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Guest 16PaperLanterns

i had a dream that billie was the equivalent of my friend's dad or an uncle or something. idk. anyways, we were at his house and i was talking to this person who i knew there, and billie was on the sofa across the room and.. i cant remember. but he was like "Hi, Roz!" and gave me a hug and was like "oh yeah, you can watch some TV with *person's name* and talk to her while i read these magazines."

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i had a dream last night that Billie Joe came into my room wearing nothing but blue plaid boxers, singing elvis costello's "alison" to me. oh man... i only wish it wasn't dream...


amazing :wub:

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I once dreamt I was at a Green Day concert and Billie Joe broke his foot and I could have his shoe...

And also that I was playing on a concert and Billie Joe was over there and he sang with me.

And I once dreamt that Tré told me something about Shakira... that was like the weirdest dream I ever had...

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last night i dreamt that i went on GDA and read that Billie was murdered. :mellow: and that Adie was raped and killed also. and i think the dude was after me..not sure. :unsure::ermm:

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once i dreamed that :

i was too a green day koncert. with some of my friends who dont like green day but they did in my dream (:

& then we where standing at the front. Really really close to green day.

and then i peed in my pants :blink: yeah weird. so i went to the badroom

and when i walked out i saw Billie. in the toilet .. in front of the mirror you know :P ?

and then i dont remember more ?

i also dreamed one day i was at my school ?

and in one of the classrooms Billie and Adrienne where there.

and i walked over there too say hi .

but they where fucking cold. and stupid :S ??

they didnt wanna talk too me ? like i was there enemy or something .

:/ it wastn fun, at all ? sycko dream .


i was at my school. and its like there is a dentest and beside that there is a round parking lot.

and i was at my way too the dentest, when i looked out the window and i saw Billie walking outside the parking lot . ;o . with his "woodstock 1994" look . when i ran outside he was jumping on a trampolin.

with his gUITAR. blue. and i think mike also where on the trampolin.

So i went on the trampolin and then i was jumping on it with them ! .

:wub::woot: iiit was so awsome .. GOD ????

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I had one today.

I was sitting in my lounge and suddently Green Day appeared. I went to greet them and kiss (of course) Mike. Billie Joe was a little surprised (maybe cuz usually the girls go to see him but anyway). They said to me that they will stay to my house for a few days cuz i will take an interview :lol:! And i was sitting there, questing them several things, like "the kids say all the time you are 'kings of punk' and 'legents of punk rock', what do you think?"...

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I've had millions of them recentley, but I can only remember the most recent one which was where Billie Joe came to this random house I was in with all my mates to play guitar with us. Then randomly I went outside with him and we were outside my local shopping centre. We went inside and there was this really big cake shop I had never seen before. Then Adrienne Armstrong just appeared and then they started arguing about what cake she was going to have, then I woke up. The thing I was dissapointed about was that I didn't get any of that delicious cake :P . I remember a tiny bit of another one, I met him at some adventure park, thats it. :D

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here i go... last night i was sleeping and billie open the door of my room and

tell me: "hi, maria!,i'm billie joe,i'm gonna be here with your long dream,i'm gonna sing to you wake me up when september ends under your ears,if like that you gonna sleep,sweet dreams" the next day

we date out with mike and trè in a restaurant and around the beach.

I've had millions of them recentley, but I can only remember the most recent one which was where Billie Joe came to this random house I was in with all my mates to play guitar with us. Then randomly I went outside with him and we were outside my local shopping centre. We went inside and there was this really big cake shop I had never seen before. Then Adrienne Armstrong just appeared and then they started arguing about what cake she was going to have, then I woke up. The thing I was dissapointed about was that I didn't get any of that delicious cake :P . I remember a tiny bit of another one, I met him at some adventure park, thats it. :D

Nice dream :pinch:

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It's not really a dream, but anyway.

When I get sick, I get kind of delusional, and I was in the shower a few days ago (when I was sick) and I heard one of my parents call out, and in my head I went "Shit! Green Day's here! Fuck! I'm not ready yet!" And then I got out of the shower and just stood there for a minute before I realised what the hell was going on :lol:

I had a dream a couple of days ago, and Mike and Tre were in it, but I've forgotten the rest :/


your post made me laugh for a minute


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Last night I dreamt I won the Miss World contest (yeah I watched it last night :P ), and Green Day was there and they said:"Congratulations!" and Tré was saying weird things and sudden I saw my sister watching me and Green Day on tv and she was saying:"Oh no... here he goes again." Yeah I do have weird dreams...

And thursday night I dreamt that Joey was on my school. And I remember I was thinking:"What? He can't be here in my school in Belgium?" So that was the end of that dream. :P

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I had one last night where i was in a book store, and I saw this REALLY weird poster of Billie on the wall. And it said that the poster came with this children's book about anorexia so I was looking through it. :/

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i had a weird dream that billie joe was pole dancing..

wow that is weird what in the fuck did you eat before bed

you're in love with a stripper :lol:

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I go to a grief group, for the loss of my dad, and i had a dream one time that Mike became our couselor. And then, crazy enough, he moved into the house that was for sale right next to mine.

Then another time, i had a dream that I went backstage at a concert. Mike was sitting there with his bass, and smiled at me, and asked me to come over there and play it for him, he wanted to see how good i was. I walked over to him, and he made me sit infront of him, and he wrapped his arms around me, 'helping me learn' the riffs. And then!!!....my damn alarm had to go off and ruin it, lol.

And then alst night, i had a dream off topic to this, but i have to write it, lol. Okay, i love this guy named Jordan Stewart in my English 10 class. I had a dream that he went to this place near my house that every one hangs out at, "the corn maze", with me. And when we went to the balcony of the hay loft, we were swinging on the rope together, and landed in the hay, and he randomly kissed me. LMAO, and then my alarm went off, and ruined it, lol.

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i dreamt Green Day released a new flim clip, they were all animated pink rabbits, but their faces were photos of their heads cut out and stuck on the rabbits face, rocking back and forwards....and they were all wearing baby blue muscle shirts lol :P

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I had the weirdest dream last night - this was only a tiny bit of it - the rest wasn't even about Green Day. But i dreamt that Billie Joe went on Big Brother :blink: :/ and they were all sat round a camp fire, and every time billie came into the room the other contestents would cheer and pat him on the back... and he was wearing this hideous outfit - he had this bright orange t-shirt with a big gold Nimrod logo on it and a shiny shell-suit jacket - he was wearing loads of horrid gold chains and he was wearing a tie with his own face on it :lol::lol::lol: it was so bizarre! The rest of the dream had nothing to do with that, and when i woke up i thought "....what the fuck was that bit about??" :lol: I remember feeling so gutted that he'd gone on big brother - it was like the ultimate no no!! :D

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