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Green Day dreams


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i had a gd dream once, we were going to a gd concert (you know i haven´t seen them yet) and we had really problems to get there we missed a train, left our bags in the other one, lost us. when we were ther there was still an other band playing, (they were looking very weaird, kind like horseheads with big yellow hats) than finally green day was going to come up,every where fans but , i don´t know, i saw very well... anyway, than billie cameup, i was sooo... excited!!! and... i woke up! i was so angry with me not have been sleeping a bit longer! just for one song, but no....

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Have you ever dreamed your falling? And you never hit the bottom. Thats because our brains aren't designed to cope with our own death. You always wake up before you hit the bottom, or as you are hitting the bottom, thats what the experts say.

Just useless imformation for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was marring Billie joe and during the cermory mike got up and said no she is mine then tre gets up and says she is mine. then billie joe was like she is mine and we are going to get married and on one cant stop that not even you guys. Then mike hit tre and all three of them get in a fight and i woke up it was the best dream ever

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Once, I dreamed that the guys were with me in the woods. we walked until it was a clearing. there stood a cheaply painted light ble wood half pipe. i dunno how, but I somehow flew into the air and body slided down the half pipe. i flew through the air and liek 60 ft. away, there was the guys. i slammed down on the ground. i could see i broke my foot cause the bone fragment was in my skin. they helped me hop through the city to the hospital. then they did surgery on me. we all magically got drunk so they were kinda out of it, but then i woke so..

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ah-hahaha. ok. the only one i've ever had was last night.

when i dreamed that billie was murdered.

it was freaking scary... :ph34r:

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I dreamed once about them. Mike Dirnt whas my mom. I saw him in a kitchenshirt presenting my breakfast. =/

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i have had probably 2 or 3 Green Day dreams.

and it usually applys to tre and me.

but i lvoe em there were great dreams


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Once I was dreaming that Billie Joe was in my kitchen.

In the morning, my mom woke me up to tell me she had a surprise for me, so I woke up, bolted down the stairs only to find that my kitchen was empty.

Wasn't such a perfect start to my morning.

I dreamed once about them. Mike Dirnt whas my mom. I saw him in a kitchenshirt presenting my breakfast. =/

hahaha thats fuckin' hilarious!

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Have you ever dreamed your falling? And you never hit the bottom. Thats because our brains aren't designed to cope with our own death. You always wake up before you hit the bottom, or as you are hitting the bottom, thats what the experts say.

Just useless imformation for you.

I died in one of my dreams. That was scary! It was war or something and me and my friend and my teacher were running away from a man with a gun, (this was in my house) and then the man first shot my teacher, then my friend and last he shot me, and I could feel the pain from the shot, and I was just lying there dying. Then I woke up and had pain in my chest were I had been shot in the dream. Oh my God it was weird! I couldn't fall a sleep again! Sorry.. This isn't a Green Day dream.. :/

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don't think I'm joking but I think, when you die in your dreams, you've 2 possability's: 1 emediately after the shot (or something else) you wake up or 2 you're realy got hurt, a dream is always realy close with reality, when they stab you down in your dream and you FEEL the wound in your dream then you got hurt in reality too.(but it don't have to be a wound of a knife, it can also be a hit of something in the randomn of your bed) but your thougts are something else,and your eyes are closed (you can't realy use your eyes in a dream) so your mind want an explination for the pain, so it's start to making a story. (the man who shot your teacher, boyfriend and you)

you got it? =D

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in my GD dreams i meet another GD member every other dream i have about them. so ive met tre in one dream, mike in the other, but i havent had my "billlie joe meeting" dream yet.

its weird as hell.

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Green Day dreams are my best ones. I love them!

I had one where Green Day was playing at this bar here (only smaller semi-famous bands play there) and Billie Joe pulled my on stage to play with him. After the concert we went out back and I made put with Billie Joe and Tre Cool at the same time. It was weird, but AWESOME!

I have that one often among others. lol

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I had a dream a couple days ago that Green Day came to my school and they were going to do a free, all-request concert in the gym. I remember meeting Billie beforehand and asking if they could play Having A Blast and Going to Pasalacqua. Then I woke up :(

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can't say I have ever had a green day sex dream, and I don;t think I would want to.

I dreamt I met them and we were all like in the woods camping and we went fishing.

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once i have a dream that pass like this that i was in the front of the people doing playing guitar and all the people start to shout

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i've had a few, most of them were great, mainly meeting them or hanging out...the worst one was right before i went to the concert...it's vague now, but i know i was trying desparately to get there, and things kept preventing me....like the car breaking down, etc....i remember hitching, no one picking me up, so i walked in the pouring rain...then my alarm went off.

but luckily in real life, i made the show without a hitch :)

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once i dreamed that i met green day and that they were my best friends

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I had this one GD dream that i was walking down the street and my shoe fell off and when i went to pick it up it was gone and i felt something hit my head. I turned to see Tre holding my shoe and mike and billie joe next to him so he asks "Can i have your other shoe? I need i to play on you head." So i hand him my other shoe and for some reason mike hands me another pair of shoes the have song lyrics on them then i walk along with them and a starbucks apears in front so we go in and find that its empty and billie chunks a cup full of milk at me and then there was a milk and whipped cream war and i don't remeber the rest.

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my first gd dream. my and a freind were in a hair sallon or something. i oppend the door, my friend was in a chair getting a hair cut or something, and billie joe was sitting on a chair like waiting his turn for a haircut. i was sitting in the door and after i saw billie i didnt know what to do :pinch: and i closed the door i front of me. then opened it again and aproaching billie bla bla bla and i asked him if he ever wanted someone to clean his wc or something i'm the right person cuz i'll do anything to be arund him. and them i woke up. what a stupid dream. i must be realy lonely :/

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once i dreamed that i met green day and that they were my best friends

I also had a dream like that :) But it was the only dream about Green Day I've ever had...

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  • 2 weeks later...

i had as dream about green day the other night. it wasnt really about green day, but billy joe was in it. he told that, and i quote, "go f**k those to girls of yours". he was talking about two of my friends, and i ended up doing that.

it was quite a real dream :woot:

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one was just meeting one of the guys in a bar, one of them was that gd played at our school to calm us down after a school shooting, another one was a really weird one it was that bj and adie wanted a daughter so they fucking adopted me, it was really weird, and another one was that mike was somehow related to me and played b-ball w/ me but the thing is, is that i hate b-ball, they were all really weird dreams

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I've had 3 dreams... I think.

the first one was that I was at this restaurant with my family.

the table next to us was where they were sitting.

I don't remeber it that well.

but somehow billie forgot his jacket and I took it back to him

before they left on their limo.

I had this other dream where Mike and Tre were old.

Their faces had all these wrinkles and it was horrible.

The weird part is I didn't see Billie Joe.

The last one I had was that I went to one of their concerts.

(I've never been to one before)

and all I remeber is that Billie took off his shirt.

I was completely shocked. :o

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Someone remind me not to listen to Green Day while reading the Doctor Who board!

I did that before bed last night, and I dreamed that Billie Joe was made into a Cyberman!

As if that wasn't bad enough, we found out that Tre Cool was in on it, and I had to shoot him!




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