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Green Day dreams


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I've had plenty of GD DAYdreams.....they refer to nasty things..heheh

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Guest 16PaperLanterns

the other night i had a dream that i was playing guitar and billie showed up and was like "can you play me some songs?" so then i started playing Good Riddance 'cause it's easy, but i forgot how to play all of the chords. then billie just looked at me, then smiled and said "aw, well it was nice of you to try."

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Mmm... Mike rubbing back-y-ness...

haha yes. :wub: i kept looking back at him like 'wtf' and he just looked at me and winked a few times and was like 'sup lady' :blink:

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whats really crazy,is that I never dream bout Green day :mellow:

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^ Your now officially a weirdo!! :P

No affence though! :lol:

haha yes. i kept looking back at him like 'wtf' and he just looked at me and winked a few times and was like 'sup lady'

Baha! :lol: I want that dream bitch!! :P

I used quick post as im too lazy to do it properly so thats why its fucked up quoting!! :P

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i dont think i've ever had a dream about green day... or maybe i just forgot as soon as i woke up... :blink:

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I've had two,

1) I was in a random room somewhere and me and Billie were about to do 'stuff' when my sister comes in and said I had go, so Billie gives me a belt to remember him by and my sister nicks it and loses it and the rest of the dream I just spent shouting at her and whining to my gran that my sister's lost Billie Joes belt.

2) I'm backstage and everything is white, Billie comes along and I hug him and he gives me a quick kiss, then Adrienne comes along and hugs me and gives me a kiss too!? And I'm like eh? then woke up. That's all.

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i also had two dreams

1. well i leave in town that will be the last place in world that green day may have a concert ther but i dreamt green day was having a concert in my city and it was second greenday concert in here. when billie joe was up there he had a panic attack and fell down into the population.

2. so as my city is all above greenday had a concert in this dream too :P . they had a concert and i was there this time i was realy near the stage. after concert greenday wanted to take some girls to the back of stage. billie joe was choosing the girls. but any thing i did such as jumping infront of him or any other things he didnt choos me :blush: then me and my friend went to ask for autograph mike and tre where realy kind esp tre but billie joe acted realy weird he didnt care at all.

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after watching potc 1 again yesterday i had a dream about the island scene... tre was jack and fell into the fire and like caught fire and i was elizabeth and rescued him. then he gave me his hands because he was so happy to be alive :/

it was a little weird, i must say.

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Wait, can you day dream with your eyes closed and count it as a dream?

If so then once:

They were playing at i have no idea and the crowd started attack GD so I turned into this evil monster thingy and killed all of the fans and went back stage to "meet" GD heheh

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I had a dream once my teacher died. About a week later I found out she had cancer, she died 3 weeks after.

That was quite scary, perhaps a coinsidence?

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haha yes. :wub: i kept looking back at him like 'wtf' and he just looked at me and winked a few times and was like 'sup lady' :blink:

:lol: you just made my day

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I apologize for laughing at your painful dreams. :\

haha. bravo. you might know me as my_love_to_st_jimmy and i can just say i wrote that i dreamt bj kissing me and i almost threw up. then try to guess what happened few days ago when i had a fuckin sex dream!!!! o...m...F...G!!!!!! thank god i was too shocked to do ANYTHING. but yeah okay it felt good so what? it still disguist me. me and my sick pervert brain... damn that emagination!!!

I had a dream once my teacher died. About a week later I found out she had cancer, she died 3 weeks after.

That was quite scary, perhaps a coinsidence?

don't think so. :eyebrows:

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Guest Billie_Joe_Lover27

I had i dream i was the drummer for Green day but it wasn't green day it was Billie Joe and his wife and their two sons!! they were all a band!! my friend was the bass guitar and Billie's son didn't like me and said i wasn't a true green day fan so i got mad!! then i said goodbye to Billie joe without an autograph so i ran and ran to catch up with him and them i woke up when i found him!!never gpt the autograph though! :(

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I had i dream i was the drummer for Green day but it wasn't green day it was Billie Joe and his wife and their two sons!! they were all a band!! my friend was the bass guitar and Billie's son didn't like me and said i wasn't a true green day fan so i got mad!! then i said goodbye to Billie joe without an autograph so i ran and ran to catch up with him and them i woke up when i found him!!never gpt the autograph though! :(

at least you didnt start make out w/ Billie who had no penis.....

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i had a dream billie joe was beaten to death with a base ball bat...it was sad...

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i had a dream billie joe was beaten to death with a base ball bat...it was sad...

Damn, why do I have to laugh?

Billie Joe beaten to death by a baseball bat?

That is sad.



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I have had two. No, three!

First, I was backstage, except their backstage was a recording studio, and they were about to go onstage, but Billie couldn't decide which guitar to use, so he was asking me, and I pointed to a flying V guitar, and he said, "Great, ok" and then ran off. Then I woke up.

Second dream was I was reading Tré's autobiography, and then it came to a section about Claudia, and then I WAS Claudia, and I was looking back on how great Tré was, and it was like I was speaking to a camera or something, but I was reading the book. It was weird.

The third one was again, they were about to go on stage, and I was wearing a Pansy Division shirt, and Billie said "Go and buy me one for the concert, but hurry, because we're on in 2 minutes" and then I went and there wasn't a queue, but there were loads of people in the way, and I finally got one, and it took ages to pay, and I ran back, and he put it on, and it had loads of holes in, so I had to take it back, and then I was ages again, and he had to go on without a shirt.

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