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Green Day dreams


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oh yes. i have green day sex dreams all the fucking time.

haha same. Who doesn't? :P

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o i have pleanty but none i'm gonna put here haha

i once dreamt that i was sorting outmy wasing and i went to put it in the laundry basket and billie joe popped up out of it and scared me to death. he shouted ''would you like some tea?'' ina strong english posh accent.

well wierd

congradulations you just made my crack up XD

I had this dream that lasted like two seconds the other night. All i know is i was standing in front of Billie Joe, who was standing in front of the bath, which was filling up with water. I woke up just as i was about to push him in. It freaked me out and woke me up; he was naked as well. I was like what the hell?

haha shower sex yay :D:P:thumbsup:

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I had a dream about Mike about a week ago. We were sitting at a piano, across from each other and he gave me his bass to look at, which was filled with quotes he wrote in a crappy green marker and for some reason it was in my had writing. So we just sat there reading the quotes.

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i had this dream where i met green day in a pub.

and they were giving away free drinks, so i took a couple.. actually a lot. and started talking to them, basically because i was off my face.

then we all started dancing on tables.

yeah, i know.. it was pretty fucked up.

but that'd be pretty fun.

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aw, well truthfuly even tho i acctually like billie and mike more, for different reasons, i dream about tre the most, i think :cool: at'd be alota fun tho :eyebrows: haha lol he's a kinkly lil feller roflrofl :wink: :shifty:

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i tried to have a dream about green day but it turned into this thing where this guy was trying to kill me and i ended up a ghost

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I had this dream a couple of weeks ago.

I'd just gotten home from lunch and i went into my room, when i looked up i saw Billie Joe and Mike. I just stared at them in shock before Billie interrupted that with crying. I went over to him to comfort him and he pointed at me shouting, "GET BACK, DEMON!".. So i took a step back. I asked Billie why he thought i was a demon and he said, "Your CLOTHES! YOUR CLOTHES!".. I was wearing a Black T-Shirt with Jeans.. Then he ran out of the room sobbing.

After that Mike appologised and started Jumping up and down whilst snorting.. I sat down still shocked. Then i heard the door open, a burgler(sp?) raced into my room and took the Kit-Kat i was eating. I fought for it (So god damn tasty!) and Mike noticed. Mike then pulled down the Burglers pants and there were boxers with Mikes face on them, and a love heart around Billies head on the back. Mike then pulled down his pants and they both started dancing the tango together.. I went out of the room and shut my door to find Billie.

When i walked into my lounge room i was in a Green Day concert, up in a stand. Billie point at me and called me a Looser, then he bullied me.. I just stood there, utterly shocked and upset. Then he said to come on stage, so i did. And he pushed me off!!11! :o

I woke up then.. Pretty upset 'cause it ruined my day. Thank god it was just a dream ;).. or was it? *Dramatic Music*

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I don't remember it since it was a while ago, but something about me, Mike Tre and BJ were out walking around in the desert. Really weird.

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I had this dream a couple of weeks ago.

I'd just gotten home from lunch and i went into my room, when i looked up i saw Billie Joe and Mike. I just stared at them in shock before Billie interrupted that with crying. I went over to him to comfort him and he pointed at me shouting, "GET BACK, DEMON!".. So i took a step back. I asked Billie why he thought i was a demon and he said, "Your CLOTHES! YOUR CLOTHES!".. I was wearing a Black T-Shirt with Jeans.. Then he ran out of the room sobbing.

After that Mike appologised and started Jumping up and down whilst snorting.. I sat down still shocked. Then i heard the door open, a burgler(sp?) raced into my room and took the Kit-Kat i was eating. I fought for it (So god damn tasty!) and Mike noticed. Mike then pulled down the Burglers pants and there were boxers with Mikes face on them, and a love heart around Billies head on the back. Mike then pulled down his pants and they both started dancing the tango together.. I went out of the room and shut my door to find Billie.

When i walked into my lounge room i was in a Green Day concert, up in a stand. Billie point at me and called me a Looser, then he bullied me.. I just stood there, utterly shocked and upset. Then he said to come on stage, so i did. And he pushed me off!!11! :o

I woke up then.. Pretty upset 'cause it ruined my day. Thank god it was just a dream ;).. or was it? *Dramatic Music*

Haha, brilliant. These are so great.

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last night,

nothing too weird

just a dream of when Billie picks me to play guitar on stage.

thats mostly all I dream about.

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i have a wall in my room where i put my friends heights... and i had a dream where i was measuring green day and writing them on the wall. i have no idea where that came from

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About a week ago, since I'm all crazy about greenday. I dreamt i was in a hotel room and there was Tre. Suddenly out of nowhere, we were and kissing and the next thing we're makin love all over the room. That's something new... :eyebrows::eyebrows: :whistling: :whistling:

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I just had one last night! I don't remember much, but I saw Billie Joe and then later I was showing people pictures I took of him. I think he had his grey hat on.

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Kinda werid, so I was at my house w/ my old neighbors and greenday was there too as well as one of my previus teachers, so we were playing video games it felt like we were like in them(if you know what i mean)

time passed, another freind came over, he was high so high that he forgeting everything, so when I went to the restroom there was an IPOD in the bath tube full of water, I got it, and say "cool an IPOD i wonders whos it is? But it proablly dont work though" so I ask my old friends they said the know nothing about, I asked Billie, Mike same anwser and I asked Tre and My other friend, Tre said " I left there for you my love, My gift to you I guess I drop it there by mistake, I wanted to give to you to show how much I care for you and that your my dearest sweetheart", so I kissed, he did the same to me and then you know we started making love! :eyebrows:

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i've had this really weird dream about Billie Joe once. it was too weird for words. quite gross, if you ask me.

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i've had this really weird dream about Billie Joe once. it was too weird for words. quite gross, if you ask me.

come on... now im curious :shifty:

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I just had a dream about Billie. It was weird. He was at my house, and I talked to him about a dream I had about Adrienne.

I talked to him like he was a friend of mine.

I once had a dream about Green Day having a gig in Finland. I got to work in that place, thanks to my friend. I took them to his shop and we just wandered there. Did some stupid things. I only hang out with Tré, and we had so much fun. Billie came along too. But Mike didn't. He was by himself, cause he hated me. :mellow:

How sad is that?

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...I dreamed that i turned up in Billie Joe's home(i knew it exectly), I recall there was Adrienne... But i forgot what I was doing there...

On the next night i dreamd Billie Joe was surrounded by reporters, Many reporters and he was speaking about something (Adrienne was also there)...on russian for some reason :mellow: and I understood everything he said. Also he walked along the stage and touched the heands of his fans. He smiled. :blush::blush: And it seemd like I was watching TV instead of dreaming... :happy:

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I had a dream Green Days tour bus broke down infront of my house and they had to stay at our house. Billie slept on the big sofa, Tre on the small, and Mike on the floor (dunno why). They stayed at ours for like a week and i really got on well with Billie and Tre and they did a mini gig at my school, But Mike refused to come because he hated me and my mum??(Dunno why either) anyway on the last day they were at my house Billie gave me one of his blues and taught me to play loads of Green Day songs and also some of The Clash songs to

that was a cool dream!

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I had a dream Green Days tour bus broke down infront of my house and they had to stay at our house. Billie slept on the big sofa, Tre on the small, and Mike on the floor (dunno why). They stayed at ours for like a week and i really got on well with Billie and Tre and they did a mini gig at my school, But Mike refused to come because he hated me and my mum??(Dunno why either) anyway on the last day they were at my house Billie gave me one of his blues and taught me to play loads of Green Day songs and also some of The Clash songs to

that was a cool dream!

That sleep buisiness was all fucked up. Billie should have had the short one, Mike the big couch, and Tre coulda slept on the floor. Your subconscious is weird...

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i had this weird dream last night were i was just standing outside my house minding myown business.

Then my friend Lisa comes out the house and says "c'mon we're gonna miss the gd concert!" and my face is like > :lol::D Then i notice my lace is untied and i say "go ahead i'll catch up, not as if i'll miss anything".

And as i'm tie-ing my lace Mike just runs up to me covered in blood and starts panicing really bad. "T...T..Tre' tried to murder me and he killed billiejoe! " At this point Mike starts crying very loud, and ppl in the street are starting to stare :ermm: and i'm like WTF!!! worst thing is ppl were walking by and not bothering to look at Mike. So i pick him up, call an ambulance and wait . While we're waiting Mike says "Here's what happened, Biiliejoe took my bass and was pretending he could play it and stuff, so i thought i'd go on tre's drums. Then Tre' walked in and said "*gollum voice* NO!! MY PRECIOUS!!" and then he just tookhis drumstick, stuffed it in a pencil sharpener and stabbed it into billie, then he decked on me and slashed me down the side of my face!"

Then Lisa came running back and said "hey ur gonna-......wow, what happened to him?"

then she says "so, r u guys still gonna play? cause i payed my life savings to fucking see u play godammit! :pinch::pinch: "

then Mike magically makes his bass appear and whacks her in the head with it, and she dies, then he says

"do u like donuts?"

and i'm like >>> :D ........ :) .... :blink: ..... :ermm: ....

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i wont get into detail,but all i'll say is,i had a "kinky" dream about tre the other night :shifty:

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i had this dream, i was living in california for some fucked up reason, and i was failing my spanish course, so i needed a tutor. my parents, who were nothing like my real parents, hired this guy, who turned out to be Tre, so instead of tutoring me spanish, he taught me drums, so i failed my spanish but went on to be this really successful drummer in a band.

it was weird.

oh, and mike told Tre he was a dumbfuck for not teaching me spanish....tre told him it was fine cos he couldn't do spanish, lol.

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