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Green Day dreams


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I had this wierd dream about Billie. It started out with Mariah Carey on Jay Leno, and then Jay was like"Do you remember this" and Mariah was like" o no dont show this" so then Jay showed the clip. Billie was in a bed with jennifer anniston (not having sex) but Billie didnt have a shirt on and there was tons of people around the bed. Then the door bell rang so Billie got up and went to the door. Then Billie got this Itlian accent and was wearing a suit and when he answered the door it was some mob guy asking for money. Then Billie magicly grew a mustache and said "HA! you cant get money from me, i can turn into a dog!" so then he turned into a little black dog. Then the mob guy picked the little Billie-dog up and the Billie dog said "see im fuzzy". Then the mob guy kept rubbing his face on the Billie dog, and every time he did that Billie would say "fuzzzzzzy". Then he dropped the Billie-dog and he fell down the stairs. So the mob guy went and talked to his mob people. Then Billie was magically no longer a dog and came out and started kicking every ones ass. Then the phone rang and i woke up.

Thats the only dream ive ever had of green day.

fuzzzzzyyyy :lol: i loved it

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I've never had a Green day dream that i remember. however I did dream that it was thanksgiving in april..which was really fucked up.

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I had a dream that I saw Billie at Toys "R" us with his kids :lol:

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iv had a couple, first one they came to our school... but didnt play... billie just started playing basketball to ciara 1/2 step... The radio was on...

And one I was in the car with my family and Green Day were on the side of the road wearing Green Day tshirts and we pulled over beside them... then me and Billie were standing in the car and I was thinking hmmmm... what could i say to him? so I asked if i could lick him... he said no. and got really annoyed with me and got out of the car..

One I had just come oput of a pool and i tryed to steal his pants.

and one i was shaking his hand and saying "Omg im touching Billie Joe!" then i asked Billie for his tie and he started taking it off shaking his head.

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Ok this is really weird

my dream had all three of them in there plus Jason freeze was in it I was in my school cafeteria, they were presenting something like or award or something, cant remember exactly, tre came up first then mike then Jason than Billie they all had something to say, after they presented Billie read a poem he wrote about Adie and his son, tre song some weird song he came up with and Jason just stood there, Mike also read a poem a lovely poem about his daughter, then al of the sudden they are got splattered w/ slime green and purple goop as a prank from Ludacris, in there was a letter from him addressing to the guys to come to tea party I was also invited we all ended up becoming nice friends!

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the only dream i had with green day was when green day came into my social studdies classroom riding on camels dressed as arabs...and i was pooping in my seat cause there were no more restrooms in the world, so they cheered me on as i was pooping

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i had this 1 once where i got to hug tre! ha that was awesome, but thats all i can remember ( :/ )

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  • 3 weeks later...

i had a dream once that was in bed reading a book (which is odd, i don't read before i go to bed :blink: ) and then the next thing i know Tre' cool comes in and drags me into a car with him and he drives to this strange airport and demands that i go on a plane to cali. with him. so i agree, (becaus ei am shit scared at this point because of what he'll do to me if i don't agree). tre' throws this weird victorian outfit at me and says "put this on" but i can't help but to laugh :lol::huh: so i pit the victorian thing on.

then he hides me behind a corner, (at this point billiejoe and mike are around the corner and i don't know!)

then tre' says " u guys owe me 400 bux!..presenting my victorian wench!"

and at i that point i walk around the corner and billiejoe and mike's faces are like - :o and they hand $400 dollars each to tre'.

Then mike says " let me clue u in kid. we bet tre' he couldn't find a wench of his own. sorry he dragged u here, he can be an idiot at times" (tre' does cartwheels in the backround)

So i put back on my 21st century clothes and i smack tre' in the face and say "na na .. u can't catch me!"

and then this dream ends with tre' chasing me ( :blink: ) and billiejoe and mike laughing and strolling behind us as we all walk/run into the sunset. :lol:

i'd bet the comic book guy from the simpsons would say "weirdest episode..ever!" :D

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back when i was majorly into green day i had a dream where me, a bunch of famous people and Billie were sent to break into a massive white crooked house. a definate WTF dream, espically as he had Nigel from Spinal Tap's voice

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i had a dream once that was in bed reading a book (which is odd, i don't read before i go to bed :blink: ) and then the next thing i know Tre' cool comes in and drags me into a car with him and he drives to this strange airport and demands that i go on a plane to cali. with him. so i agree, (becaus ei am shit scared at this point because of what he'll do to me if i don't agree). tre' throws this weird victorian outfit at me and says "put this on" but i can't help but to laugh :lol::huh: so i pit the victorian thing on.

then he hides me behind a corner, (at this point billiejoe and mike are around the corner and i don't know!)

then tre' says " u guys owe me 400 bux!..presenting my victorian wench!"

and at i that point i walk around the corner and billiejoe and mike's faces are like - :o and they hand $400 dollars each to tre'.

Then mike says " let me clue u in kid. we bet tre' he couldn't find a wench of his own. sorry he dragged u here, he can be an idiot at times" (tre' does cartwheels in the backround)

So i put back on my 21st century clothes and i smack tre' in the face and say "na na .. u can't catch me!"

and then this dream ends with tre' chasing me ( :blink: ) and billiejoe and mike laughing and strolling behind us as we all walk/run into the sunset. :lol:

i'd bet the comic book guy from the simpsons would say "weirdest episode..ever!" :D

hell, forget the comic book guy from the simpsons. i say that :lol: . that made my day.

i just had this weird dream where i was at this club with some of my friends. one of them got piss drunk so we all just headed out. when we got out of the club, we saw billie run towards us and he hid behind us. then he said "sorry. we're playing hide and seek. just cover me up for a while." so we hid him in the middle of the group and walked along untill tré run up to us and said "I SEE YOU BILLIE! HELP ME FIND MIKE!" so then billie said thanks for hideing him and ran off with tré to look for mike. my friends and i all were saying :blink: wtf.

the weird thing is when i got up my sister wanted to go outside and play hide and go seek. :/ i'm still a bit creeped out...

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i just had one last night... i have this freind who looks like she could be mikes daughter... but anyway i was at her house sleeping on her couch that i love. i wake up and her 10 year old brother is sitting on my stomach. he looks at me and says good morning. i say "good morning. why are you sitting on me?" he said "because you took up the whole couch." so i get up and go into my freinds room and wake her up. i dont really remember that part, but then we went into the kitchen and mike was standing by the stove and cooking us eggs. my freind said "good morning dad" and went to hug him. i was slightly bewildered. he said hi to me and i said "hi mike..." he looked at me oddly and said "mike? my name is patrick!" (patrick is her dad's real name) then billie joe and mike walk in the house to pick up her little brother and take him to golfland. thats all i remember.

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I dream often about them. Last dream I remember was in a church. My sister's wedding. Green Day were guests together with their familys. I can't remember that much but it was something from that dairy with them and blink before we ended up in church. lol

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The only Green Day dream I ever had was them in a car and I asked for their autographs and they said no and rolled up the window. :(

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The only Green Day dream I ever had was them in a car and I asked for their autographs and they said no and rolled up the window. :(

that would make me cry :(

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The only Green Day dream I ever had was them in a car and I asked for their autographs and they said no and rolled up the window. :(

oh no :/

That's cold... :mad:

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I have Green Day dreams all the time! the weird thing is they are always very vivid. Here's a weird one I had a week ago:

I was having lunch with Larry Livermore at an outdoor cafe, in London. I was asking him about Green Day and what they were like in the early days. "Ask them yourself," he says and suddenly out of nowhere Billie, Mike, and Tre show up. They invite me to spend the day with them and we end up going to meet the Sex Pistols(who look just like they did in the seventies and Sid is alive). We have a really good time together and at the end of the day Green Day invite me to go along with them on tour. We get to the airport and......I wake up.

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oooooooh! i have dreams about them all the time :) once, i had a dream that i was in some empty museum or something and everything was white marble, but there were these color statues of billie joe and mike, but it was easy to tell they were made really fast cuz they looked very jagged and stuff but then they started moving and became perfect and real and stuff so then they told me that we were in "treland" but they couldnt find "king tre" so we looked around and when we finally saw him he jumped on my back and billie joe said that i have to give him a piggy back ride and mike said that its our only hope really desperately so i gave tre a piggy back ride around the marble thingy and then tre got off and said that i gave him his sanity back or something (i dont really remember) and then i woke up but i think billie might have been bald at one point and im pretty sure mike looked weird....liek i think he had a moustache or something....and tre was like doing jumping jacks i think

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i had this weird dream once where i was talking on the phone with billie joe like he was just some friend of mine for years :blush: it was so damn cool... i wanted to die when i woke up

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one time i had a dream that i saw billie joe and his family in a parking liot, and adrienne(did i spell her name right?) said she liked my shoes(all green hi-tops). then i had one where i went to a Green day concert, with a track meet(or is it meat?) behind it, and my ex was there, and he was helping some little kid. dunno :ermm:

I also had a dream once where billie joe went bald and he had a beard.

OH!! and then i had a dream where i was at a concert, but i had to babysit my little brother, and i was sitting next to billie joe. I was so excited because he was looking right at me!! but then, he did this little nod thing acknowledging(sp?) that my brother had ran(run? i am sorry. i am having one of those, cant-spell-for-shit,-i-am-having-a-24-hour-brain-fart-type days.) away. I had to go find him, so i couldnt stay at the concert sitting next to billie joe. I could have shot my brother in that dream. But good thing it was only a dream.

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also oncei had a dream that billie joe and adrienne were staying at my house and my dad told me to clean my room cuz the maid shouldnt do it all by herself, so i asked my dad "we have a maid????" and he sad yeah its adrienne! so i did this big NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO like in movies an don tv and stuff and then i dont remeber what happened but i know at one point billie joe was talking on his cell phone and he said "well yeah ive been here but im staying for five days extra because of kato" (kato is my dog.....) but the sad thing is, I NEVER GOT TO MEET THEM! when i woke up in the morning i started to remember that i didnt meet them and i got really sad for a while.....

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I've seen about 3 dreams about Green Day and all of them were nightmares. They were all really mean in my dreams, once i woke up crying mwaahah!

I once had a nightmare that Billie and Mike were trying to kill each other. Tre was drunk and supplying them both with matches to burn each other with. When it ended Billie was swinging back and forth on a chandelier while Mike was throwing balls of fire at it...as I was sort of waking up I could hear the chandelier crash to the floor...woke up crying a bit so you're not the only one.

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I had one where I saw Tré so I climbed on top of his Trailer he was in and looked through the skylight (Aparently he lives in a trailer with a skylight :ermm: )And I fell through and he was like "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" and I was like "I'm a huge fan of Green Day,You guys rock,your one of my idiols" and a bunch of other stuff,They He was like "Okay,Want some tea?" and so we sat and drank Tea and talked in his trailer all day and then when I left,he came out side with me and when I went through the door,We were at a circus.

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The only one i can rememeber is me and my boyfriend are walking on a street and we see a huge poster with green day on it......that's all sadly. i've had a dream about Ryan Cabrera too, though :sick:

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