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Green Day dreams


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Yeah i thought i was the only one who had twisted dirty dreams like that :eyebrows: For some reason i always have a dream about really really dirty sex with Billie in all kinds of places, tre' s there sometimes too. (see my dream mentioned in previous pages) Wayhey :P:eyebrows:

now i can go tell my buddies that i am not the only twisted one on the planet. they seem to think that dreams like this makes me a psyco. well if that is the case, then at least i am not alone :cool: ! i love having dreams like that... :whistling:

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I dreamt once that Billie, Mike and Tre all moved into the house next door to me. They came round one day to get to know there neighbours and i gave them a tour of my house. When we went into my room, they noticed all of my Green Day stuff and said im really cool for liking them. I got all embarrassed and they gave me a hug. I showed them around the rest of my house untill Billie got a call. It was Adienne asking where he was. All three then left because Adrienne got in a stress because she was in labour with Tre's baby. Billie didnt know that it was Tres though. When she gave birth, The baby had Tre's hair and attitude. Billie got really pissed off and walked out. He came around my house and came into my room and sat next to me on my bed. We started talking about random shit and some how (cant remember how) ended up sleeping together. My mother walked in when we had finished and he was getting dressed. She fainted and i got worried about what she would say when she came around. Billie was gone by then and she just had a go at me for under age sex. Then Tre came over the next day to talk and the same happened again. This time my mother grounded me. The next day, it all happened again but with Mike. I was grounded for the next 6 months. Then the next day, Billie turned up, we started kissing. Tre then turns up while me n Billie are kissing and he joins in on the fun. Then Mike turns up while me, Billie and Tre are all having sex and he jumps in to!!

It only happened like two nights ago, thats why i remember so much. :P

*wishes REALLY hard*

can i have a dream like that? i never have that good of dreams anymore... :/

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ive had a 2 i remember

i once had a dream that i twisted my ankel at school and i sat on a bench lookin at how black and blue it was and i heard something behind me and it was billie joe with flowers!!! then he was like "these are for you and what happen?" and i was like"i was running and winning and then i fell and into a hole in the ground and litteraly fliped over" so he ended up feeling so sad he kissed my ankel and then i ran and did the mile in 6 minutes...it was cool

hears another

i was all grown up and in my early 30s and i lived in a house near east 12th street on the edge of the city of the damned and i walked out to get the mail and when i open the door tre was like standing there and i was like "who the hell are you?" and he said "your favorite worst nightmare....*he grumbles a little bit* your favorite block of man meat.." and i was like alright then...

sorry i dont remember any mike related ones

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yay! my third dream.....

okay, to make this short, Billie and I were playing chess on a huge piece of cheese. 0_o

so, it wasn't that....normal

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ok i just had this weird dream that i was doing my spanish home work and all 3 of them were in a corner of my room watching me. then after a while they started poking me and laughing. i told them to stop and billie and mike said ok and left. tre stopped but he continued to watch me do my home work. then after a while he said "i'm bored...can i poke you again?" and i of course said no. then he sat next to me and whispered in my ear "not with my finger" :eyebrows:

then i woke up...laying on top of my half finished spanish homework... :mad: stupid spanish homework...

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ok i just had this weird dream that i was doing my spanish home work and all 3 of them were in a corner of my room watching me. then after a while they started poking me and laughing. i told them to stop and billie and mike said ok and left. tre stopped but he continued to watch me do my home work. then after a while he said "i'm bored...can i poke you again?" and i of course said no. then he sat next to me and whispered in my ear "not with my finger" :eyebrows:

then i woke up...laying on top of my half finished spanish homework... :mad: stupid spanish homework...

yeah, spanish sux.

tre is a horny beast sometimes, right? lol, that was funny. :D

^^nice siggy, too. :P

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I just had one about two days ago. Two of my friends that are in a band were back up instrumentalists on a Green Day tour, and I was backstage somehow.

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I had a dream that i was at the mall and billie , tre' & mike came up to me ( billie had blue hair, Tre' had green and Mike's was brown) billie tapped on my shoulder and was like hey you do you wanna have... " AND THAN MY BEST FRIEND WOKE ME UP BY THROWING MY C.D CASE @ ME

what was gonna happen I wonder... :shifty:

I dreamt once that Billie, Mike and Tre all moved into the house next door to me. They came round one day to get to know there neighbours and i gave them a tour of my house. When we went into my room, they noticed all of my Green Day stuff and said im really cool for liking them. I got all embarrassed and they gave me a hug. I showed them around the rest of my house untill Billie got a call. It was Adienne asking where he was. All three then left because Adrienne got in a stress because she was in labour with Tre's baby. Billie didnt know that it was Tres though. When she gave birth, The baby had Tre's hair and attitude. Billie got really pissed off and walked out. He came around my house and came into my room and sat next to me on my bed. We started talking about random shit and some how (cant remember how) ended up sleeping together. My mother walked in when we had finished and he was getting dressed. She fainted and i got worried about what she would say when she came around. Billie was gone by then and she just had a go at me for under age sex. Then Tre came over the next day to talk and the same happened again. This time my mother grounded me. The next day, it all happened again but with Mike. I was grounded for the next 6 months. Then the next day, Billie turned up, we started kissing. Tre then turns up while me n Billie are kissing and he joins in on the fun. Then Mike turns up while me, Billie and Tre are all having sex and he jumps in to!!

It only happened like two nights ago, thats why i remember so much. :P

ahhhh that would be the best dream evvvvvvvvverrrr

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I actually had this dream last night. Can't remember many details, but here it is.

Apparently, I was having some renovations done on my house...adding a room or two and just upgrading lots of things. Oddly enough, Billie, Mike and Tre were going to be doing the work along with some other guys working under them. :blink:

Anyway, the first one I met was Mike, who came over to get some details on what work was to be done. He was very sweet and nice and we talked for a long time.

Next, I briefly met Billie, who seemed kind of stoned and was quite the turd. :lol: He didn't have much to say at all. He was a bit preoccupied with a couple of bimbos who were around him. ( Don't know who they were or why they were there.)

That's about all I remember. Tre never showed up at all.

I guess I win the prize for the most mundane GD dream of all time. :lol:

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Alrighty, well... I was watching this show called Power Rangers (:huh:) and all of the sudden one of Green Day's songs began to play in the background. I thought it was strange and so I kept watching. During the ending scene they played "Whatsername". (Strange that I remember that... :blink:) Then, after the credits for the show had rolled the channel began to play a live song from Green Day. Here's the thing that takes the cake... they were all in those tight short-shorts style underwear... and I remember which colours. :blush:

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my mom had one the other day where we lived in this nice naigborhood and Billie was our neighbor. then the neighborhood slowly turned into a trailor park and billie turned into a stoned midget.

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I had a dream that i was Green Day's manager and then green day became even more popular than they are now

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I remember that one GD dream, when i was with Billie, Trè and Mike in the shopping hall, they bought me clothes and something else, and then we run over the hall and we mashed whole place and we laugh, i was in some toy car and Billie push me and that car go very fast and i crash on the wall...

I don`t remember how it that end, but it`s was nice and wierd dream.

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I dreamt that I was going to meet Green Day personally because I was going to make an interview with them, but it turned out a bit diffrently. Weird.

Man, what a teenie dream...

But another dream is when Green Day had a concert in my apartment! That was great.

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I had a dream that they all came to my house and took me out shopping and we went to the Guitar Center. Billie bought me a whole bunch of guitars, Tre bought me a drum set and Mike bought me a bass, then they came back to my house and played guitar hero (a video game :blink: ) and we went out to eat at Joe's Crab Shack, it was really weird :lol:

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I've had many.. one of the more amusing ones was where it was a book signing, and Green Day was there, (so I'm assuming they wrote the book..) and I tried to get Billie to sign my book but he was a real jerk, and then Mike was nice and gave me a hug I believe. Tre didn't show up..

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one time i had this dream that i was in my room and green day barged in and i started freaking out. i was like "OMG!!! UR GREEN DAY!!!! I LUV U GUYS!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!" and billie just grabbed my guitar with tre and headed for the door. mike was the last one out and b4 he left he said, "billie wrecked his guitar, so we're gonna borrow yours. bye" and the door was closed. they never returned my guitar....

i had this other dream that i barely remember but i had a life sized sculpture of billie next 2 my bed


and i had this other dream that i lived in a crappy apartment w/ just me and my mom. tre was in it. he murdered my mom along w/ the 12 year old boy down the hall. but he left fast and i was stuck there crying over my moms body....it was really weird...and when i woke up, i was facing my gd poster and i just stared at tre in disappointment...i got over it after a few minutes lol

and i constantly have dreams about their concerts

I remember that one GD dream, when i was with Billie, Trè and Mike in the shopping hall, they bought me clothes and something else, and then we run over the hall and we mashed whole place and we laugh, i was in some toy car and Billie push me and that car go very fast and i crash on the wall...

I don`t remember how it that end, but it`s was nice and wierd dream.


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They were in my dream last night. Well, i was at Milton keyens but for some reason it was in a car park and no one was there so me and my sister got to the front. Tre kept coming out by himself and doing somersaults and things for no reason then when Green day came on Tre was playing guitar and my sister was drumming, then, as is in all of my 'gig' dreams i manage to get on stage and steal Tre's guitar. Then i woke up.


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Haha, that's so funny :lol:

I've had a lot of weird dreams about Green Day.. I remember one when me and my friends were at this kind of festival. And this extremely bad band sang before Green Day. So me and one of my friends got bored, and we sneaked upon stage. And who's there? Billie and Tré. Not Mike though, hmm.. Maybe he was sick? :unsure: Whatever.. On with the dream. Me and my friend walked up to them, and Billie asked us to join them. Then we realized what they did. Billie had like this small piece of paper, that he wrote down all the lyrics to. I don't know how they all fitted, but hey, it's a dream right? And Tré were writing the lyrics to Rock 'N Roll Girlfriend all over this huge sign, that he asked us to hold later. I mean it was HUGE. :lol: "I have bad eye-sight.." he mumbled.. in swedish. :unsure: Billie didn't speak swedish though! He spoke with an extreme british accent..


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I had three green dreams in my life.

1) (this one was very long ago. When I was like 12 and I badly wanted to know Green Day member's ages but didn't have internet) I was at school, and Good Charlotte was performing there. :blink: I was upstairs, not at the show, with my friend Jasmine, arguing about Eminem. SO I go downstairs (GC were done) and there was Billie sitting on the stage! I go up to him and talk to him and he turned out to be Brit. Than I asked him "How old are you?" and he answered; "Oh, I'm 60 years old."

2) Green Day were having a concert in my town and I got to pick them up from the airport. I asked if I could hug them and they said yes so I did. Than when they had the concert, my mum won't let me go but my sister went with my dad. I jumped out of my mom's car and went. But the show was already over and I cried. But then I met Jakob.

3) Green Day suddenly showed up at my house. I sat on the sofa with Mike and Tre and they were really cool. Billie just sat alone somewhere else being a total snob.

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yeah, spanish sux.

tre is a horny beast sometimes, right? lol, that was funny. :D

^^nice siggy, too. :P

Thank You

i had this weird day dream while i was watching the daily show that billie, mike, and tre were all sitting next to me on my sofa. we kept watching it and we were all laughing. then my mom came downstairs and said "wtf are you watching...why are they here?" i looked at them and then tre said "be gone! can't you see we are in the middle of something!" surprisingly my mom went upstairs and billie said "wtf?" and tre said "hey it worked right". we all nodded and i woke up...

i have got to stop falling asleep while i am doing things... :blink:

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Yeah i had this one where i had sex with tre....and im a GUY! :blink:

Haha! I bursted when I read that...must be weird :shifty:

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