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Green Day dreams


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I just had one last night. I was in this huge van for with green day and we were driving down this humongus hill! And i was actually represented as Kelly Clarkson *blushes furiously* and Billie Joe kept talikg about how each of us represented an animal and was baing all pyscoligical "sp??" so yeah i then told my dad and he helped me figure it ou. The going down the hill thing was because i was afraid of the next step , me going into highschool. ANd the Kelly Clarkson representing me meant that i was feeling insignifcant so i was replacing myself with myself which was true becuase i felt like my friends were always picking out my imperfections. And i think the animal thing was because i had been very observant latley, like ive written a story about how people act in school and how nobody really seems to notice. And i think the Green Day being there was just because they are something i really love and they express their ideas so i should express my feelings or i shouldnt just let someone say something mean to me and just let it pass, is hould stand up for myself?? at least i think thats what it mean..

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i had a dream a few weeks ago me and my mate were at one of the concerts and billie dragged up onto the stage and i went off to talk to tre for like ages, well it seemed like ages, and then suddenly my mate pulls out a gun and holds the whole crow hostage and shes like yelling ILL SHOT ANYONE WHO MOVES and everyone just stood there in slience and really stil what seemed like 2hrs and then she suddenly goes oh only kidding so who wants a sandwich? and all that time i was like wtf the id focus on what tre was was saying, for once he was normal lol :wub:

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I had a dream last week that I was hanging out with all the guys after the concert and then we went to a club. We were in this room and then they gave me some weed....It was so weird.

Btw, I like you sig^^

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heh i had a dream the other day. i saw tre in a restaraunt. we ended up sitting at the same table. his hair was like parted in the middle and shaggyish and it was all multicoloured. he asked if i wanted to come over to his house and i said 'yes' so we went in a limo together

interesting stuff

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I had one last night. I went to a mall, and Billie Joe was there signing autographs. I met him, and he kept crying and telling me he was sad. Then my friend and I got a photo with him, and we decided to be best friends. It was so random.

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i dreamed i met billie joe and we talk nonsense all the time, it was great...so if we knew eachother a long time...so funny

that was a cool night :D

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I had a dream I had sex with Billie Joe and Adrienne found us and she shouted to Billie, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I actually dream about that every night. Sometimes I even wake up with my pants unzippered. o.O;


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QUOTE(ExtraordinaryxGirl @ Feb 28 2006, 08:48 PM)

I had a dream I had sex with Billie Joe and Adrienne found us and she shouted to Billie, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I actually dream about that every night. Sometimes I even wake up with my pants unzippered. o.O;

who wears patns with a zipper to bed?? .. :/

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QUOTE(ExtraordinaryxGirl @ Feb 28 2006, 08:48 PM)

I had a dream I had sex with Billie Joe and Adrienne found us and she shouted to Billie, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I actually dream about that every night. Sometimes I even wake up with my pants unzippered. o.O;

who wears patns with a zipper to bed?? .. :/

who has erotic dreams of green day members?.....a lot of people here and why because this place is a pervet parade :/

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who has erotic dreams of green day members?.....a lot of people here and why because this place is a pervet parade :/

hah true yet all the same interesting as to what goes on in randoms minds.. :happy:

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A had a dream ones that I was in a shop and then I saw Greenday and I talked to them and then I hung on a really big balloon toghether with Billie and we landed at the roof of an house and then we talked a little and than we landed .

I have no clue why I dreamed that it's really stupid and about nothing :P

and a couple of days ago I dreamed that I was meating greenday backstage and there were a lot of people with eastpack bags and then my parents came along and I told my mum and dad that they were greenday and I told greenday that the people who were standing in front of me were my parents. and then i woke up

A had a dream ones that I was in a shop and then I saw Greenday and I talked to them and then I hung on a really big balloon toghether with Billie and we landed at the roof of an house and then we talked a little and than we landed .

I have no clue why I dreamed that it's really stupid and about nothing :P

and a couple of days ago I dreamed that I was meating greenday backstage and there were a lot of people with eastpack bags and then my parents came along and I told my mum and dad that they were greenday and I told greenday that the people who were standing in front of me were my parents. and then i woke up

Oh yes I forgot to say that in the second dream he also started to cry beacause he was so happy that he had so many fans who cared about him :P:P

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haha, i dreamed that Tre was my bf or something, and i had to read the results for all these people at this dog show, so all the dog owners were like..cocky cranky old ladies that only love their dog. and i was so nervous i couldn't talk and Tre just stood behind me holding my hand. hahaha. there was more to it, but i forgot.

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i just had this weird ass dream that i was in school and as i was going to my math class, tre was standing in the hall way. so i saw him and went over to him and said "wtf are you doing in my school?" and he looked at me and said "are you rebecca?" and i just nodded my head and he grabed me and took me out of the school. then he trew me into this little car in the front seat and started driving. i just said "where the fuck are you taking me?" and he said "we are kiddnapping you because...blah blah blah and junk" then mike and billie come out of the back seat and just say hi. and i was confused but i didn't care because i was with them. then they stop in front of this big building and billie said "ok..this is where we stop." then tre picked me up and took me into the building and when i was inside the room, my 2 buddies nora and steph were there...then bille and mike came up after them. nora said " why the fuck did you take us out of school?" and mike just responded with "we needed more people for strip poker..."

so we played that and my team ended up winning so we saw everything :eyebrows::lol:

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I had a dream when I won 5 backstage passes for after a concert, so i took me and 4 of my friends... Then we all got an autograph then started talking about frogs and eggs... dont know where that came from. :happy:

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You know, I don't think I've ever had a dream involving Green Day.

They're really cool because they do something they would probably never do but you wake up knowing that it was them. At least in mine, anyway.

yeah, but look at your avatar.

My avatar is the shiz, thank you very much.

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i had one where i was just talking to them and i can't even remember what the hell we were talking about! i have a bad memory, but i remember billie complimenting me on something... but i can't remember what the hell it was!!!! oh, well, i'll live lol

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I had i dream that billie asked me whether or not he should change his hair color to yellowish again.

Haha I find that funny since a few months later it happend. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

well it's more of a daydream

but I dreamt that I was sitting in class and I got called down to the office and when I got there, Billie was standing there. I didn't scream, I just stood there. then he came and gave me a hug cuz I was on the brink of tears (tears of joy) and then he just hung out with me all day. He sat in class with me and then we went shopping. um yea weird. I hate shopping haha

I usually dont have Green Day dreams, but when I do, it's usually just when im at show and Billie picks me to play guitar

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So Mr.L is this really strict and pretty mean teacher in our school; i had a dream that me and my best friend were in this military camp type thing and when we ran outside for roll call early in the morning Mr. L was the general and when he got to me and my friend's names (beside each other in alphabetical order) he trudged over to us and started yelling so loud; spitting in our faces because we forgot to put our white tights on :blink: Than Billie, Mike, and Tre rode up in a mini camouflage army van and told me and my friend to hop in...we drove off with them into a battlefield of bombs and stuff...and they saved us from Mr. L :)

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Last night I had this dream that I was kidnapped with GD, but they were disguised as The Network. :ph34r: The guy that caught us hated GD and was trying to kill them, but he didn't realize that The Network was GD. Don't worry, we all escaped. :thumbsup:

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ok... i have had a LOT of weird green day dreams...

here they are...

Dream 1:

• I do not remember most of this one, although at one point I am watching MTV.

• Soon, that annoying female voice starts talking on a commercial about some after-party for an awards ceremony, and how you can watch what happened

• I remember one of the things she said was “And you’ll never guess who escorted Mariah Carrey” *Pictures of Billie Joe bounce across screen*

Okay. Um, AAAAAH!

Dream 2:

• Somehow, my history class gets to some place that is an awards ceremony (for celebrities), but it is a white room with a long white table that our class is sitting at, and there is a giant TV screen on the stage. The screen has a sort of screen-saver with one of the abstract savers from macintosh.

• We watch a movie on Billie Joe Armstrong

• It shows Billie Joe and some of the pictures from something called “Behind The Music” that I have seen on the internet before.

• Consists of Billie Joe, his wife Adie and his two kids, Joey and Jakob. When they show Adie, she takes of her boots in the house before sitting down, and they are her legs!!!!!

• Next, we are listening to the radio and “My Humps” by the Black-Eyed Peas comes on. It sounds like one of the voices is different this time…

• Soon the DJ announces that Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day had joined the Black-Eyed Peas, and was singing “My Humps” with Fergie and a Will.i.am., etc.


Dream 3:

At a place that is supposedly my home. some people are setting up the first walk-in computer... so the walls are filled up with moving mac screen savers (what is up with the screen savers in my dream??"

People start visiting my house to see it. one of these people is billie joe, and he brings his son.

His son runs off to play with my little brother inside the computer.

My dad and Billie Joe become great friends. Not that they have a SINGLE thing in common (my dad listens to classical, is a college latin proffesor, and plays classical guitar).

Dream 4:

My mom tells me that it is possible to order green day on the internet (as in: order billie joe, mike and tre, not the cds or merchandise). I tell her not to, because they have their own lives and would not want to spend their days at my house.

Mom orders them anyway and they do not talk to me at all, other than saying "hi", but instead sip coffee and talk to my mom about italian rennaisance and baroque art (my mom is a proffesor and historian in those subjects).

Go to school (school in dream=run down, dark scary building with wall that look like wet cardboard) and find that Tre has come to make sure the crazy ppl at the school dont kill me.

Go home and they begin sipping coffee and talking to my mom again.

When ask billie joe to sign some things for my friends the papers disintigrates and they all leave.

Dream 5:

Somehow billie joe and i were in some weird place at night and he was trying to tell me something really important but people in costumes kept on interrupting and billie joe would be like "everybody this is roz" and then he would talk to them in code for like a bajillion hours. when he finally was going to tell me i woke up.

Dream 6:

I bought green day concert tickets and my friend and i were really excited but then my other friend took so long that we missed it =(

Dream 7: at the end of a dream i was at a green day concert

Dream 8: this one is long so i will just post it later.

and that's all for now!!!

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I had a dream that I went to a green day concert and th elead singer was an old fat man and then 5 minutes later the lead singer was harry Potter then I started making out with billie Joe/Harry Potter

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