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Green Day dreams


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I can't remember any of mine at the moment, but I have dreamed about them like a ton of times. It's funny how reading some of these posts, the things we all know about them are like in there somewhere, like Mike with his Coffee Billie with his eyeliner etc.

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once i dream i was in a show of green day (in backstage) and tre was drinking cofee and energy drink...all at once.billie was drunk.and mike was drunk too.

once i dream i was married with tre cool....was a GREAT DREAM!!!!

lucky you :D good dream...why do we have to wake up :(

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Guest n1i0m3r9od

My dreams are all weird... I never remember them.

I used to have this dream, it was the same thing over and over again.

Where I used to live when I was younger, there was this hill. And, it wasn't steep or anything, but, y'know it was there. And in my dream, I'd fall down it, but I kept falling. And then all of a sudden I'd jump and wake up.

Also, in my dreams, it's always in first person view... I never see myself through my dreams, I always, see through my eyes.

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Guest Phoebe.

This isnt a Green Day dream, but buggers to the lot of you, it's a pretty darn cool dream.

ME and my best friend Imo were nurses in this like WWII hospital thing, and there was this bodybag lying on the bed. We thought it'd be uber cool to draw all over the bodybag and bed in permanant marker. So we did. We drew all over the bed too, and this person came up to us and was all "OMG what have you done?!?!" And Miss Scott (my art teacher) came too, and told us it was a very good work of art.

Then I moved down the ward, and in the window sill there was a little pond, with some toads in, and a sign that said DO NOT UPSET THE TOADS. There was this like umm, you know.. little uhhm.. Eye-Eye? There was one of them, it was SO cute, It jumped on my arm and I petted it, it was uber cute, but I knocked over the little pond. As I was trying to rectify the damage, the Eye-Eye ran off up onto a wardrobe, and across the ceiling.

I was looking for something to coax it down with, and Toni (a bitch from school) was in a hospital bed, threw me a piece of apple. I got the little creature back, and put it on the window sill.

In all the other windows, I saw there were little bits of driftwood. I decided to free the toads. I took them outside with a piece of driftwood, and left them in the shadow of the house.

There was a postman coming up the lane, and my uncle asked something like "Do I have to pay to access this email?"

And I woke up.

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Mhm i dont have some green day dreams in the night,but in reality my dream is to see green day life :P

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Guest n1i0m3r9od

This isn't Green Day. I had this odd dream last night.

I was a rock-star, and one of my fans was chasing me with a gun, trying to shoot me, and I'm yelling "What the fuck, get this bitch away from me". Then this chinease guy ran up to me and was "You pay me ten dolla, you pay me ten dolla" and I'm like "I don't have no money, get away from me!".

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ive only ever had one green day dream, and it was extremely obscure.

i was at the milton keynes show, near the front right at the side. all the people were only standing directly infront of the stage, so there were big areas of grass on either sides of the crowd. it was nighttime, and they came on and started performing.

at that point, i realised i didnt have a camera, so me and my friend went to find my mum somewhere else in the crowd to see if she had some money for one. she gave me a tenner, and at this point it turned to daytime, for some obscure reason.

so we walked to the side, where there was a big area of grass, and there were checkouts there, like a big open air supermarket, and i went to buy a camera.

on the way, i saw tre and mike having a photo shoot by the stage, even though the concert must have still been going on, and we went over to try and speak to them, but the photographer pushed us away, and told us to get lost, cause we werent important enough to speak to them.

so we went and i got a disposale camera. we then went back to the concert, and it was night again, and thats when i woke up.

well, i wonder what that means. any psychiatrists out there?

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i dreamt last night that travis barker was sitting next to me in the cinemas and i told him i was having trouble stretching the holes in my ears and he showed me how to do it, then he pulled out this tattoo gun and tattooed 'i love blink 182' on my arm, then he told me he liked my rings and asked if we could swap, obviously i said yeah, then today i woke up and thought it was real, it wasnt until i was looking for his rings and couldnt find them that i realised it was a dream.. i was devasted.. it seemed so real.. :(

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Ounce i had a dream that I was at my mom's school and there was a green day concert in the cafaterea. I couldn't go in because is was too much money. After the concert, billie mike and tre came out of the cafe' but they looked like they did in the dookie days. Billie was REALLY tall and gradually turned into my dad. Reality took hold as he drove off and got a DUI.

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I once dreamed that Billie Joe came to my school and stayed in my classroom, but he didin't talk with me...

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Doing a project for school about the potential influences of different music on dreams. Please tell me about any dream you had while listening to Green Day. Let me know what song/cd it was and what you remember of the details.

Thnx a million!!!!!

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lol mine was funny and weird a bit

1st day sam bayer parked the van at the end of my paddock somehow i didn't notice anything

2nd day sam cam again then i spotted billie joe in the van then i beckoned him to come ova. Mike started beckonging me ova and so did the rest so i went to em. when i reached they all started goin crazy jumping on the van till it broke ahah then i climbed ova the van and saw tre rolling in the dirt ahhahahahahaha ....dream went on but yea..

i have alot more good ones :D

and some short ones too :)

umm there are goths, emos here

yea alot of emos and goths r like that "some" can be EXTREAMLY MEAN AND RUDE but thats just they way they like it or are

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have had three green day dreams, and they were all pathetic

1. green day concert, and halfway through, everyone left.

2. billie joe had breakdown was lying in the gutter outside a shop that selled plastic flowers.

3. green day decided they didn't need a drummer and replaced tre with a machine. all my other favorite bands did the same.

you see? all my dreams suck. either that or they're really really weird or freaky.

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oh you slut! :eyebrows:

but it was good.

I had a dream last night and I made out with himmmso I prefer that dream OVERALL!!! :woot:

haha i had a dream of mike wearing absolutly nothing :P

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my dreams:

1. Bj like picked me up from school...... and like chatted to me

2. I went shopping with Green Day

3. bj slept over

4. Mike just went crazy and Funny

5. Green Day like lived in this place with me and friend..... They talked with us and all..... Bj liked to cook

And i had 3 other good dreams :happy:

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Another one!

I was at mikes house, it was all messy me and him were siting on the couch watching spike t.v and eating junk food, and he had a sister she came in at noon strating cooking dinner, but all of the sudden the police came banging at the door and they said they heard that there was screming coming from the house and that mike was high of herion that was in the from of candy, the police came in check the house found out that it was a false alram, and arrested those lieing basterds that called it in, after they left mike asked me to in the living room w/ him and we strated makeing out! :eyebrows:

i had that dream! wierd

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just last nite, and i wasn't even thinking about gd much yesterday, i don't fantasize about rock stars anymore. actors yes, rock stars no. anyway, i dreamed i had to attend a "procedure" in the morgue. one of the bodies on the table was billie's and he was also alive and assisting. it was, needless to say, one of the strangest and shortest dreams in my recent dream history. freud would have loved it.

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Just a few days ago i had a couple of GD dreams

1. B.J was my teacher for all my classess

2. M.D moved to my town, and was living next door from me.

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The only one I ever had wasn't too bizzare. I went to a Green Day concert and I got my picture taken with Billie. The end. I was really disappointed when I woke up and realized it was just a dream.

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