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Bullet in a Bible


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Do you agree with me that a ten year old shouldn't even know what that means?

I agree.

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wonders that too :huh:

I don't have a problem with a ten year old on the forums. Just as long as she's sensible and doesn't be a retard. But...yikes.

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has anyone noticed that when tre runs into the crowd ehen billie introduces him he has a huge sweat patch on his ass?

yeah haha but it must be frikkin hot with those pants and sitting on his ass drumming his ass off!! haha god I love your avatar btw :woot:

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Bullet in A Bible - as usual, too much Sam Bayer and his crap, not enough Green Day and their natural shit-hotness, playing their fucking kick-ass music.

Where do I begin? Ok, the following were so not needed -

- gimmicky camera work, jumping all over the place, edited like the camera had ADD - all he had to do was just film Billie in action. He's all the fucking special effects you need, he's unique, he's magic on stage - all the visual shit just interfered with the flow - he has the audience in the palm of his hand, and he runs the show. As he says in the KROQ show, 'this is my fucking house now!'.

- black-and-white to colour and back again: you don't need to spell out 'epic' and 'classic' for us - we already noticed that this band are fucking heroes - than's why they have all these fans, y'know.

- Billie being interviewed through his eyes and his lower lip. He's framed to look like Michael Corleone in the Godfather. The interviews in general were way too solemn - of course, I wanted to hear Billie's deeper thoughts, and that was very moving, but the guy has a bitchin' wit, and tht never came out in the interviews, and only fleetingly in the backstage footage.

- subliminals - fucking pointless. Spare me.

I could go on and on.

Watch the KROQ Christmas gig that's in the Video Downloads section here, and see the difference.

That's an actual fucking Green Day gig. Billie's running the show; I don't know about you, but I think he does pretty ok .

I agree completely! Completely! Anyone who followed Green Day around with a camera and interviewed them could have made a better half-hours footage than that. The random stuff was pretty funny but the interviews made Billie Joe look like a stuttering rambling idiot who kept coming out with lines like "There are certain smells you smell everyday" or "Yeah.... communicating your music.... it's a great feeling" I'm sure it's no way reflective of what he's like in general, everyone (even Gods like him) come out with stupid stuff sometimes. The ten minutes plus dedicated to watching all the workmen put the stage up and how Sam fucking Bayer was working the cameras was beyond pointless. Why the fuck would I want to watch Sam Bayer and a load of tech guys working cameras???? They could have fitted in Letterbomb (my personal favourite), Knowledge and Jaded in that time.It was a like a Film student handing in a film essay on how many special effects his new camera can do. Give the greatest rock band in the world a bit more respect!! Exactly, Billie Joe needs absolutely no special effects, and zooming in and out all the time was just irritating. Sam Bayer is the worst thing about Green Day, as I also believe he is responsible for their music videos, none of which I have a high opinion of. Come on Green Day, fire this bastard!

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I agree completely! Completely! Anyone who followed Green Day around with a camera and interviewed them could have made a better half-hours footage than that. The random stuff was pretty funny but the interviews made Billie Joe look like a stuttering rambling idiot who kept coming out with lines like "There are certain smells you smell everyday" or "Yeah.... communicating your music.... it's a great feeling" I'm sure it's no way reflective of what he's like in general, everyone (even Gods like him) come out with stupid stuff sometimes. The ten minutes plus dedicated to watching all the workmen put the stage up and how Sam fucking Bayer was working the cameras was beyond pointless. Why the fuck would I want to watch Sam Bayer and a load of tech guys working cameras???? They could have fitted in Letterbomb (my personal favourite), Knowledge and Jaded in that time.It was a like a Film student handing in a film essay on how many special effects his new camera can do. Give the greatest rock band in the world a bit more respect!! Exactly, Billie Joe needs absolutely no special effects, and zooming in and out all the time was just irritating. Sam Bayer is the worst thing about Green Day, as I also believe he is responsible for their music videos, none of which I have a high opinion of. Come on Green Day, fire this bastard!

Well if they make AI into movie with Sam Bayer......... imagine what that would be like.....

yeah flicking between black and white and colour cameras annoys me too and more backstage antics would have been good

btw after brainstew when billie starts introducing everybody what is mike playing? is it someone elses song or is it his own? cause its not too bad, if theres tabs for it i want them.

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It takes so long to watch that I've only watched it once. I tried again today but I got tired. I love the part where he's dancing to the Rocky music, lol. I could watch that several times. :thumbsup:

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i agree that this has the most annoying camera work ever....

what is with all the f'ing greyscale? ffs, anyone can do that with windows movie maker. it isnt impressive in the slightest. its just leaves a great show which was a riot of colour with the flags etc......and the movie is in black and white half the time.

but the dvd is buyable if just for the tre parts. he is great...he should have his own show...

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i love bullet in a bible. its the best dvd ever. its like being at a concert on ur lounge. xcept of cors i wooda rather gone...


i love king for a day/shout i have fallen in lvoe with that song

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I got Bullet in a Bible for xmas and its so awesome.

Aside from the camera stuff, i agree with that, it is a lil annoying.

I have never seen GD live, i know i'm pathetic, so this dvd made my day

I watch it over and over again, my sister got it for me and i think she wishes she didn't now lol :laugh:

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I agree completely! Completely! Anyone who followed Green Day around with a camera and interviewed them could have made a better half-hours footage than that. The random stuff was pretty funny but the interviews made Billie Joe look like a stuttering rambling idiot who kept coming out with lines like "There are certain smells you smell everyday" or "Yeah.... communicating your music.... it's a great feeling" I'm sure it's no way reflective of what he's like in general, everyone (even Gods like him) come out with stupid stuff sometimes. The ten minutes plus dedicated to watching all the workmen put the stage up and how Sam fucking Bayer was working the cameras was beyond pointless. Why the fuck would I want to watch Sam Bayer and a load of tech guys working cameras???? They could have fitted in Letterbomb (my personal favourite), Knowledge and Jaded in that time.It was a like a Film student handing in a film essay on how many special effects his new camera can do. Give the greatest rock band in the world a bit more respect!! Exactly, Billie Joe needs absolutely no special effects, and zooming in and out all the time was just irritating. Sam Bayer is the worst thing about Green Day, as I also believe he is responsible for their music videos, none of which I have a high opinion of. Come on Green Day, fire this bastard!

'They could have fitted in Letterbomb' - Billie let this bloated cheesemeister leave out what he has called his own favourite song from AI! GD are way too humble - I know that's one of the totally endearing things about them, and one of the things that makes them still 'real' after all their success.

I would not want them to change this for the world, but I dearly wish they maybe had some friend or other who would protect them from shit like this, and tell them their music and stage performance is in a totally different league to Bayer's film-making.

It seems like they totally put themselves in this guy's hand s and trusted him, when he was off on his own trip.

On 'The Making of Holiday/Boulevard' you can see how uncomfortable particularly Mike and Tre are without their instruments - Billie's more ok, but then he's more theatrical anyway, and he's done some acting.

In 'September' - oh, i can't rant about that any more, I've done it too often - let me just say -

- the most personally significant song Billie's ever written, and Bayer totally subverts it for an opportunistic

anti-war soap-opera of mediocre quality

- he stops the song! He stops the song so he can dump a chunk of banal, improvised dialogue in the middle!

If he had the smallest respect for the music of Green Day, for Billie's life and his stature as an artist, he could never have conceived of doing such a thing. I thought it was the most insulting thing I'd ever seen.

The band are side-lined for September, then they're gone altogether in 'JOS' - just a glimpse on a tv screen as Bayer takes over their vision.

Billie wanted a movie like 'Rattle and Hum', that great documentary about U2's North American tour of The Joshua Tree. The camera basically followed the band around, captured their thoughts on music, showed them meet some of their heroes like BB King, and shot amazing footage of some landmark performances. The movie significantly advanced U2's reputation, and obviously made an impression on Billie.

I don't remember the director - just the band and the events; I think maybe that's the way it should be.

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The movie significantly advanced U2's reputation, and obviously made an impression on Billie.

I don't remember the director - just the band and the event; I think maybe that's the way it should be.

Wow THAT WAS AWESOME! Well said!!

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Following on my last post, I thought I'd mention that most of Rattle and Hum is shot in black-and-white - this for no reason other than budgetary constraints, black-and-white film being cheaper at the time.

However, it has the effect of making things seem more 'real' and down-to-earth, as well as giving more gravitas.

I know most people on this forum only know U2 as they are now, which is to say pretty moribund - and if there was a god, they never would have got Best Tour over Green Day - but back in the day, they were something else, maybe the best live band of their generation.

If you're a hardcore GD fan, you could do worse than take a look at this movie and see what Billie wanted -then you can compare it with what he got.

I don't think Bayer is the Prince of Darkness - he's just not good enough. And by the way, Rattle and Hum was directed by Phil Joanou - he deserves his credit!

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Ok, i have a question::

I CANNOT FIND THE PART where billie flips the camera off and the fast moving part and stuff... where is it?? i fastforwarded through every song to the backstage stuff and its like gone... does anyone know what song is before this stuff?

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It was right before BOBD. I couldn't find it at first either and it was really pissing me off so I kept looking and eventually found it.

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For those of us who had already seen a dozen American Idiot era shows, this DVD was pretty lame. The interview parts were scarce and short, and they did nothing new to the setlist - just the same old 'crown/shout/etc antics. I expected something a little extra.

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i love it!!!is a show!!they are very communicative with people and for me is very important!!

the best song in the concert is king for a day!it's so great!!!!!!!

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It was right before BOBD. I couldn't find it at first either and it was really pissing me off so I kept looking and eventually found it.

Thanks.. I was like WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?! I was like so frustrated.. jeez. :rolleyes:

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For those of us who had already seen a dozen American Idiot era shows, this DVD was pretty lame. The interview parts were scarce and short, and they did nothing new to the setlist - just the same old 'crown/shout/etc antics. I expected something a little extra.

still you gotta admit the fact that billie is running across that stage for an hour and a half

with the energy of a 12 year old with ADD is amazing. plus all the extra lyrics they add into

the songs is great. i did hate hearing a ton of british girls say billie over and over again. god

damn that was annoying. but over all it is a good dvd. even if you have been too a dozen

american idiot era shows. now the actual dvd is great. the menus are nice and appealing. the

transition of when you are looking through the chapters is awesome. plus tre is fucking

hilarious in it.



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that song makes me want to start jumping up and down

throwing my fist in the air. good stuff, good stuff. it was

so amazing to here live in person

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i always listen to that song before a basketball game or something important where im infront of ppl

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yeah, but on Hitchin A Ride they cut out the whole jacking off part. like when he screams SOMEBODY FUCK ME! thats not on there

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