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Current FAV song off of Saviors: Fancy Sauce


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I know a good Green Day record has songs that sneak up on you one day.  Try to name your post with the title in it zmmn

It may be a song that you at first or for a while didn’t like and all of a sudden hate it.  This album, more than any I can remember, goes all over the spectrum. It has something for everyone. I’ve managed to hear a couple tracks before the releases and I knew this album was most likely gonna fly with the fans, especially the younger ones, I thought. However, it’s just tasty all over.

Ive already had my favorites change several times but I now keep landing on Fancy Sauce and I couldn’t figure out why and then it occurred to me that it IS quintessential Green Day. It’s a GD song through and through.

The intro. OHHHHH the intro. It’s like he knows how to get to my soul through my ear hole. I listen to his accapella melodic intro which turns into from the Eisley Brothers sound to a rock hit but doesn’t lose its mind (but will live). This is gonna be banger live, listen now, believe later. This song is an anthem.

“We all die young some day”

The old “the good die young” from the lyrics of Billy Joel which is to say “only the good die young” meaning if you don’t do shit in your life than you’ve died early no matter how old you got. So what are we to make of this lyric? I haven’t read them yet as I don’t until I’ve absorbed them. So what does it mean?

All die someday, all of us? Young? Does that mean he just thinks we don’t live long enough? Than none of us live to our full happiness potential? I truly don’t know and not sure I could be convinced yet.

But the song, to wrap this is up, hits me in a way I can’t explain. It feels like it could be any old Green Day song but name it’s musical dopledanger. I can’t. It’s like a song we needed because we don’t have yet.

This song is going directly into a unique, one of my favorite Green Day songs of all time. Lovely enough, there are a couple on this album that reach that mark.

Listen to this phone with cans and I don’t mean ear pods, but on a nice over ear headset, smoke a cone, or not if you don’t, but if you’re gonna start, listen to this, right after AI.

Ok so I’m settling for now on Fancy Sauce as my favorite current song (should say first) off the album as it will change but this is my must listen to every day song.

So how about you fuckers? If you can’t mail it down to one, then wait to you can’t. If you can’t, no post. I realize it fen change by the day but FS is just the song we needed and didn’t have from GD. 

Dint let people tell you what you think. I see so many people telling what you should like or change their opinion or so many songs based on some schmucks opinion. Just love life and enjoy what you enjoy. Anyway, I glanced at reviews and it seemed like it got solid reviews.

I can’t believe Billie can still write songs like this. There was a lot of Longshot influence on this and Longshot (Love is for Losers) was my favorite album since AI so not surprised.

This feels like an album that could have been made right after Warning and it would have been better than Warning.

Ok, I’ll stop blabbing. Write some shit, do it.

BTW, as I’m pretty sure this isn’t a super popular choice as favorite, it reminds me to say, let’s not bash others people but feel free to discuss why you agree or disagree.

I am so happy this album is good. I feel like I’ve been fooling myself last couple.  Looks like I’ll be busy this tour.as long as he plays at least 50% from this album.’

1…2….3…sink :) :) :) 


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