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04 - One Eyed Bastard - Song Discussion


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I was not feeling this song much when I heard the leak. I thought the hook was dumb. Now, I'm all for it. I have no idea what changed, but I love the rabble rousing energy of it. And that hook is just begging for massive singalongs. BADA BING BADA BING BADA BOOM!!! 

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It shot up several notches whenI heard the Irving Plaza live version. Sounds great live and I think they play it a little faster which helps.


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5 hours ago, Hermione said:

C'est hilarant pour moi que non seulement ils aient mis hey oh dans une chanson, mais que ce soit un hey oh menaçant et menaçant :mdr:. C'est une chanson tellement amusante

And this is kids how you make a 2:50 minutes studio song into a 9 minutes live song. i do not think they will not take advantage of this coincidental event.

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It is definitely catchy and the chorus is very intriguing, but the lack of an efficient solo is what keeps the song low in most fans' preferences. Since i do not hear to other bands i am unable to tell you whether it sounds original or not, but still a good song. And it does not sound similar to "Father Of All" in any case.

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I'm wondering if it's the placement of this song that doesn't work for me? 

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This is an "Eh Oh", a completely different animal than a "Hey Oh".   I don't know why I'm up here dying on this strange hill.   They are related, I'll consede to that.

Eh oh 

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Gotta say I absolutely love the video of this! It's so weird, basically just still images of the Billie doodle (is it actually one of the ones he did himself or just based on it?) plus recently public domain old Mickey Mouse. But somehow it's entertaining and perfect.

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On 1/19/2024 at 11:25 AM, The Grohl said:

I was not feeling this song much when I heard the leak. I thought the hook was dumb. Now, I'm all for it. I have no idea what changed, but I love the rabble rousing energy of it. And that hook is just begging for massive singalongs. BADA BING BADA BING BADA BOOM!!! 

I came here to post just this. I really wasn't feeling the leak at all, but much to my surprise, I find that it's really growing on me!

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  • 4 weeks later...

For UK people, it's currently being used as the music on C4's "New reality on Channel 4" promo campaign. 

Can't find it online but I've seen it A LOT on air. 30" and 60" promos, so lots of GD. 

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Oh my goodness, I bloody love this song! 🤟It's kick arse and I adore the stop start guitars and the drums (as you can tell, I'm really technical!)😆 I think the stop start and drums make it sound quite menacing, yet at the same time fun! My favourite line is "get on your knees when you are kissing my ring". It always just makes me smirk and laugh because I'm so juvenile!😜🤣

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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, Montclare said:

Well, now this is charting.

Alternative Airplay- 29
Mainstream Rock Airplay- 35


Nice!!! 😃 But why, all of a sudden?

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That’s what I was wondering, I keep seeing things about OEB like it was just released as a single 🤷🏽‍♀️

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They should still release Suzie Chapsticks as summer approaches or re record last night on earth with the other Billie….not a huge fan of this song but glad multiple songs have charted from this album…maybe Bobby Sox can get some award nominations since it started charting and peaking in 2025

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On 3/21/2025 at 7:39 AM, Mollyluna said:

Nice!!! 😃 But why, all of a sudden?

Maybe it's related to the mysterious post to their socials some days ago, when they pinned a reel with a bit of the song and the lyrics? 🤷‍♀️

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9 minutes ago, Cris. said:

Maybe it's related to the mysterious post to their socials some days ago, when they pinned a reel with a bit of the song and the lyrics? 🤷‍♀️

That would be really effective advertising then...🙃

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