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Billie on the Coolest Conversation with Mighty Manfred on Little Steven's Underground Garage this week


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Not only will they be playing tracks from Saviors all this week but they have Coma City as their Coolest Song in the World this week. Also Billie will be chatting to the Mighty Manfred and more (see post below) 


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6 minutes ago, Montclare said:

There's so many events to try and remember this week!

I almost can't keep up with it all :lol:

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Info on how to access the interview, per the show’s website: Coolest Conversations airs live every Friday at 2:00 PM ET on SiriusXM Ch. 21 and is posted online that Monday.

Where online, I’m not totally sure, bc their website’s archives start at 2021. Maybe on SiriusXM?

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Wasn’t too impressed with Manfred’s chat with Mike so hope Billie’s is better.  It is becoming full time work keeping up but loving it.  Still waiting for Tre’s interview with RS.  They surely wouldn’t talk with two of the three!?

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I just need 3 more “snow days” at work this week to keep caught up 😂

7 hours ago, jengd said:

 It is becoming full time work keeping up but loving it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anyone happen to catch this live? They usually post the replay to Spotify on Mondays, but I noticed they didn't post one last week (which I'm assuming was Billie's episode). Maybe it will be posted tomorrow?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for posting @pacejunkie punk! Great talk. Loved hearing insight in Coma City, I really enjoyed what he had to say about it.

Even though Billie has now spoken about Dilemma multiple times, every single time I feel like I get nervous on his behalf and am like “you don’t need to talk about this if you don’t want to!!!” 😅 Good on him and I’m so proud of him for talking about it, but it must get a little tiring to keep discussing something so personal. And then he got asked about his relationship with his dad right after! I’m sure he has canned answers that he’s comfortable with for all this stuff, but I’d find it hard.

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I thought this was the most detail he’s given on the Saviors recording timeline and how it evolved from just recording a handful of songs to bringing in Rob and going back and making it an album. Although he didn’t specifically mention “1972”, it seems like the first UK recording session was pre-Rob

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I agree, it was cool to hear him talk about the timeline a little more specifically because I’ve been a bit confused about that. In one interview they did while in New York, I think Mike said they even took 2023 off of touring even though they had an opportunity to do so because they wanted to focus on getting the album out. I’m guessing that was just finishing stuff up and conceptualizing the rollout, but I find that interesting.

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That was great! I loved it was more Saviors focused. I love getting some insight about Coma City and Corvette Summer and that comment about Living in the 20s being a hives-esque really made me happy (I love the hives!) Good stuff. I hope we keep getting more interviews like this leading up to their tour. I would love to hear Tre do one. He's been offering some great responses, not just his usual jokes, which has been a nice change. 

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