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Green Day Performing Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve 2024


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  On 1/2/2024 at 2:03 PM, nopride84 said:

Fuck you supporting the overthrowing of government and the Constitution  in our own country

Cuz of people like billy1986 and his savior trump.


I never said that you can’t assume things like that about people or anyone in general calm down. 




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Green Day is everywhere on X. People are so mad at them!! Wishing them overdose and naming them leftist cocksuckers. 

It's crazy.

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@AlissaGoesRAWR My dad was on the phone with my very conservative grandmother yesterday and started to tell her I was “up late on NYE to watch…” and I started violently shaking my head no. 😂

All the butthurt weirdos fail to realize that bitching about Green Day only boosts their engagement. We’ll take it, thanks lol!

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The media is once again blowing things out of proportion.   The Maga comment and the gay kiss at New Years.....get a grip. nobody in real life cares.  I know a lot of Republicans here in the south that love Green Day even though they don't align with Billie's opinion.   They just say "yeah, those California folk are liberal" but there's no hate behind it.

Anyhow.  This Era rules.  Let's not let anything get in the way of a good time.  Life during wartime.  It's a perfect crime.  

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  On 1/2/2024 at 6:51 PM, CherryBombs&Gasoline said:

It’s absolutely beyond me that conservatives and right-wing activists and their supporters all around the world actually believe that they’re somehow part of a revolutionary anti-establishment movement. These people are obsessed with free speech and constantly claim that the mainstream media is taking this right away, yet they can’t deal with even the slightest criticism. So good job, Green Day. I’d actually be disappointed if these people supported the band.


I especially love the people claiming that Republicans are now anti-war despite the fact that every primary candidate (including Donald Trump) has threatened to invade Mexico if elected.

Edited by blackplanet
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Subscribing to either side (Republican or Democrat) is pro-establishment. If you identify with either label, you are part of the crony establishment. Just being Democrat is popular now doesn’t mean that group is anti-establishment. Even in recent history, they are part of the problematic system.

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  On 1/2/2024 at 7:09 PM, DookieLukie said:

Subscribing to either side (Republican or Democrat) is pro-establishment. If you identify with either label, you are part of the crony establishment. Just being Democrat is popular now doesn’t mean that group is anti-establishment. Even in recent history, they are part of the problematic system.


I don't even enjoy hearing about. It just feels like such a soul-sucking thing.  I'd rather spend my time on things I enjoy.


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  On 1/2/2024 at 10:06 PM, AlissaGoesRAWR said:

In case it's not obvious: this is a satire website. :P


Honestly who can even tell anymore?

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  On 1/2/2024 at 1:22 PM, The Grohl said:

The altered lyric is so Green Day that I didn't expect it to get such a  strong reaction. Where have these people been for the last 2 decades? Its like when the alt right tried to claim Depeche Mode and the band was like um.... Have you heard our music? 


Rage Against The Machine in the back being like:

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Do you guys remember when Billie sang with morrisey and a good chunk of you had meltdown?…. No?…. Me either… 


…or when they recorded bill mahers theme song? 

the point I’m making is the both sides get defensive about shit. The left gets just as defensive over Barack Obama or Ruth Bader Ginsberg and shit as much as conservatives get defensive over Donald fucking Trump. 

It’s not shocking for people to show retaliation to political opinions anymore unfortunately. 

If Billie came out and yelled “fuck Barack Obama” my guess is that an equally fair amount of people would be just as upset and be calling for the band to be cancelled. 

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Apparently Fox News talked about this a couple times too. This is truly so funny. I’m glad they’re getting lots of coverage ahead of the new album release! 😂

@CuntThe reason why this is so goofy isn’t because both sides get charged over things; that’s not the point. Of course everyone gets defensive about politics. The reason it’s hilarious-bordering-on-feeling-like-satire is because Green Day has been loudly liberal their entire career, so any conservative believing Green Day has been lost to “wokeness” or had any love for Trump is just a complete moron. A more appropriate comparison would be if liberals were shocked that Kid Rock said shit about Obama. Because of course he would. We all know this already.

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  On 1/2/2024 at 5:13 AM, billy1986 said:

Im a republican and a Trump supporter and I’m not mad about Green Day saying what they said….they are still my favorite band ever and that will never change they have the right to say whatever they want. So people are way overreacting but I don’t think it’s fair to say (republicans/democrats/trump fans/trump haters are bad) the world isn’t blank and white you can have different beliefs then your favorite band…either way glad they are getting traction they sounded great as normal….anyone have the coverups set 


I'm not a fan of either major party really  maga seems like the tea party under another name but Trump definitely leans more like a dictator the you're either with us or against America! bs he farts out he quoted hitler I mean what kinda nazi propaganda is that? 

I mean there's a part of me like dude focus on saviors you don't need this kinda distraction while trying to promote an album but billie has a right to speak his mind just like anybody else 

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  On 1/2/2024 at 11:18 PM, stories and songs said:

The reason it’s hilarious-bordering-on-feeling-like-satire is because Green Day has been loudly liberal their entire career,


So people just aren’t allowed to react because Green Day has been openly liberal their whole career? C’mon that’s just ridiculous. Just as much people bitch about Dave Chapelle, Ricky Gervais, Bill Maher, or Joe Rogan as people that are bitching about Green Day.

You cant just expect everyone to know everything about Green Day no matter how open they’ve been about it. If you’re gonna criticize or praise anything MAGA it’s going to get reaction good or bad no matter what. 

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  On 1/3/2024 at 12:44 AM, blackplanet said:

No one's saying they aren't allowed to react, it's the fact that they seem totally blindsided by Green Day's views that's funny.


It’s not even that everyone is blind sided. It’s just that people are fed up with the other side always swinging their dicks around. Everything is so polarized because when left wing people started going around canceling a few years ago it this exact "counter cancel culture" that you’re seeing with this exact situation. This is what happens when one side just starts going around and calling people racists and misogynists and Nazis just for fun. 

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Ιf there are any right-wing people that are fans of Green Day, well they shouldn't. Green Day since the get go represent everything those people are against. It's funny the people that bitch the most about freedom of speach are the ones that get so mad when someone uses it.

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  On 1/3/2024 at 1:01 AM, petros said:

Ιf there are any right-wing people that are fans of Green Day, well they shouldn't. Green Day since the get go represent everything those people are against. It's funny the people that bitch the most about freedom of speach are the ones that get so mad when someone uses it.


The members of the band don’t even represent this kind of attitude. 

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