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Rank Dookie Songs From Best to Worst!


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In honor of the 30th anniversary for Dookie, I thought it would be a good idea to share our ranking of all the songs from Dookie! Here’s mine:

1. She

2. Burnout

3. When I Come Around

4. Basket Case

5. Welcome To Paradise 

6. Having A Blast

7. Coming Clean

8. Chump

9. Sassafras Roots

10. Longview 

11. Pulling Teeth

12. Enemius Sleepless

13. FOD

14. In The End (Not a bad song, but every ranking list has to have a worst!)


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1- Basket Case

2- Welcome To Paradise

3- When I Come Around

4- Burnout

5- She

6- FOD

7- Chump

8- Longview

9- Having A Blast

10- Coming Clean

11- Emenius Sleepus

12- Pulling Teeth

13- In The End

14- Sassafras Roots

15- All By Myself

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1. When I Come Around

2. Chump

3. Longview

4. Having A Blast

5. F.O.D.

6. Welcome to Paradise

7. Pulling Teeth

8. Sassafras Roots

9. Basket Case

10. Burnout

11. Emenius Sleepus

12. Coming Clean

13. She

14. In The End

15. All by Myself


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  • 11 months later...

15. All by myself

14. In the end

13. Eminem sleeping (otherwise known as enemius sleepus)

12. Chump (sorry)

11. Having a blast

10. Sassafras roots

9. Pulling teeth

8. F.O.D.

7. Burnout

6. Welcome to paradise

5. Longview

4. Coming clean

3. She

2. When I come around

1. Basket case (normie pick)

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