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New album - Saviors - Out January 19th


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The Rolling Stones reviewer really doesnt like the lyrics for "Living in the 20's"

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are you guys looking for leaks? well there's a leak on my roof , water is leaking in , need to call my landlord about it.

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I really want to hear Saviors... I think this will be Green Day's best album since the release of AI in 2004.

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I don't know why people are DM'ing me for the leak.
I never said I had one. And as we know their is no leak available yet.

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19 minutes ago, StefanD said:

The Rolling Stones reviewer really doesnt like the lyrics for "Living in the 20's"

He just didn't like the way billie talked about a real shooting that happened in Colorado he needs to get over himself same people praised Springsteen songs inspired by true events 

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So since we’re only a week and a half from the official release of the album, should we start talking week 1 strategies to help get this album to #1 on the Billboard 200?

I have 4 physical copies preordered, but obviously I’ll only be streaming the album upon release so they can get those streaming numbers. I’ve been streaming their singles on repeat every night while I sleep and I plan on doing the same with the album. I read somewhere that if your volume is turned ALL the way down a stream won’t count, so I have it on very low and use a sound machine to mask it.

If anyone else has any strategies / tips, please share. I want to make sure I’m putting in maximum effort to help our boys out. Especially that first week after release!

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3 hours ago, AlissaGoesRAWR said:

As I've said before, I can't moderate what you're doing in your PMs or outside GDC. Just don't be stupid about it. :lol: 


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NOBODY share the leaks with me. That would be so horrible!!! 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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2 hours ago, Little Boy Named Booze said:

I don't know why people are DM'ing me for the leak.
I never said I had one. And as we know their is no leak available yet.

I think everybody's DM'ing everybody.   I emailed the record label but there's a near-zero-percent chance they are going to give me anything, so no point in messaging me, guys.  And if by some miracle they did send it to me, I absolutely would never share that with anyone.   I might run around telling people that I'm best friends with Green Day now, but no leaky-leak business.    lol.  I just want to have a big ole' positive review out in a timely manner on YouTube.   


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1 hour ago, That Dude said:

I think everybody's DM'ing everybody.   I emailed the record label but there's a near-zero-percent chance they are going to give me anything, so no point in messaging me, guys.  And if by some miracle they did send it to me, I absolutely would never share that with anyone.   I might run around telling people that I'm best friends with Green Day now, but no leaky-leak business.    lol.  I just want to have a big ole' positive review out in a timely manner on YouTube.   


lol i have no idea why you'd think they'd do that in the first place tbh

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52 minutes ago, paperlanterns22 said:


30 minutes ago, ekim said:

Sorry journalist  turned music critic but if anyone can save rock it's definitely green day! They've proven their worth multiple times over the  years probably even back when this chick was still shitting her diapers 

Probably just still pissing and moaning about the kids picture on the cover so she's already against the project not gonna let this bitter tools article sway me and the fact she dismissed all the rock and only liked the slower ballads proves she's probably not a fan of rock n roll 

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That's what I was talking about the other day lazy ass so called music critics how about talking less about themselves and focus more on writing a fair article you big nose cow!

Just sucks idiots like this get to hear the album before true fans can hopefully no one is dumb enough to base their opinions on what morons like her have to say and go with how much good music green day have released over the years 

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10 minutes ago, AlienVisitor said:

Will streaming be allowed at the listening party?

Mine says to have a fully charged phone so it almsot seems like they're encouraging it, if so I might record some, but I also just wanna experience the moment so we'll see haha

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Goodnight adeline soft strums so is this the song heard in the first snippet?

14 minutes ago, AlienVisitor said:

Will streaming be allowed at the listening party?

Stream away and send  link to us unlucky bastards sitting at home lol 

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