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New single - The American Dream Is Killing Me - Out Now!


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I think the vast majority if not all of those first week sales for FOAM were people who had pre-ordered the album in order to get a presale code for the tour. After that, there was no incentive to buy it, when you could stream it and after hearing what the singles sounded like there was little interest in it otherwise. 

With Saviors I hope more people want to add it to their collection because it’s a motherf&$king Green Day album.

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4 hours ago, Red said:

OMG! It's almost the end of Nov 1. That means a new song releases tomorrow! 🤘🤘

*... realises that America is probably still in October*
Goddammit get with the times, guys!!!

Lets try this again...

OMG! A new song releases on the 3rd! 🤘🤘

Sorry I’ll get back to the future right away!

8 minutes ago, devilskind92 said:

Here in Brazil I go to lots of pop punk, punk, and emo parties. These are genres that people usually identify Green Day as (regardless of whether or not GD is emo, ppl seem to conflate pop punk/emo these days, so let's not get into that). And honestly most of the people don't seem to care about the band nowadays. They have nostalgia for Dookie, American Idiot, and 21CB, and that's about it. I was at a party the other night and when the DJ played Basket Case and Holiday, everyone went crazy. A few minutes later, Bang Bang came in and nobody cared. I was one of the few who lost their minds lol

My point is, people don't dislike Green Day, but they do seem to only care about their past material. I think it was the same thing with Blink until their reunion, which kind of drew attention to their new album. GD doesn't have that kind of narrative. The return of Rob and CLA is only relevant to us fans, but to the casual pop punk crowd that's meaningless.

I'm guessing the new album will be as successful as RevRad, tops. I really wish the boys had a third big hit in them, but I don't think that's ever happening again. The world has changed.

Blink fans are excited about the new album because of the circumstances.

They still want to hear old shit at the show and not many new songs.

The problem is Green Day’s peak levels were massive peaks that are unheard of today even in top 40 music. It’s never happening again. If they have a first week like Uno’s that would be solid for them.

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18 minutes ago, Lenny said:

Sorry I’ll get back to the future right away!

Blink fans are excited about the new album because of the circumstances.

They still want to hear old shit at the show and not many new songs.

The problem is Green Day’s peak levels were massive peaks that are unheard of today even in top 40 music. It’s never happening again. If they have a first week like Uno’s that would be solid for them.

If they have a first week like Uno, that wouldn't just be solid. That would be peak for just about any rock band nowadays

139k for them wouldn't have been great in 2012. Today that would be a great first week for any rock band

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I don't wanna sound like an old man complaining about "kids nowadays", but electric guitars seem almost like a repellent for the mainstream audience. They like beats, bass, and autotune. And if there's guitar, they like it either acoustic or very muted like in that Amazon show Green Day did. I was watching a video the other day of a teacher who showed 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by MCR to his students, and they liked the beginning of it because it was "chill". Then the guitars + fast BPM came in and everyone absolutely hated it. I guess we're just old lol

What makes me sad is that back in the AI and 21CB era I was too young to realize how big they were. Yeah I was a teenager but a very dumb one. Now that I could really appreciate my favorite band being one of the biggest hits out there, it's never gonna happen.

Oh well, it's fine. As long as Green Day keeps putting out music, I'll happily enjoy that.

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5 minutes ago, devilskind92 said:

I don't wanna sound like an old man complaining about "kids nowadays", but electric guitars seem almost like a repellent for the mainstream audience. They like beats, bass, and autotune. And if there's guitar, they like it either acoustic or very muted like in that Amazon show Green Day did. I was watching a video the other day of a teacher who showed 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by MCR to his students, and they liked the beginning of it because it was "chill". Then the guitars + fast BPM came in and everyone absolutely hated it. I guess we're just old lol


At first the idea that everyone hated WTTBP after the beginning section shocked me. But I actually watched some guys review 21CB a while back and they seemed to enjoy some of the softer chill sections like the beginning of Viva la Gloria & Before the Lobotomy but didn't care for any of the sections that were louder & heavier. So yeah, there might be some truth to that. I can't really understand that though.

I'm 25. Not that old. And I don't really remember my friends from school/college hating rock music. But I am wondering do people younger than me just hate any kind of heavier sounding rock music? Of course there will always be new rock fans from generation to generation but how much of a minority is it?

I can't imagine listening to music and not enjoying songs that have a build from soft & quiet to heavier sounds by the end of the song

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33 minutes ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

At first the idea that everyone hated WTTBP after the beginning section shocked me. But I actually watched some guys review 21CB a while back and they seemed to enjoy some of the softer chill sections like the beginning of Viva la Gloria & Before the Lobotomy but didn't care for any of the sections that were louder & heavier. So yeah, there might be some truth to that. I can't really understand that though.

I'm 25. Not that old. And I don't really remember my friends from school/college hating rock music. But I am wondering do people younger than me just hate any kind of heavier sounding rock music? Of course there will always be new rock fans from generation to generation but how much of a minority is it?

I can't imagine listening to music and not enjoying songs that have a build from soft & quiet to heavier sounds by the end of the song

It all boils down to conditioning.

In my view, before the 2010s the music industry was more diverse. But from that point onward it shifted gears entirely toward pop and hip-hop. As a consequence, that's what most people are exposed to nowadays. This means the younger generation is accustomed to songs with lots of vocal filters and a focus on beats and bass lines. So when they listen to a heavier sound with strong guitars and a higher BPM, their initial reaction tends to be rejection. It's different from what they and their friends typically listen to, so it must be bad right?

This sets off a vicious cycle. The industry conditions people to appreciate a very narrow range of music, sidelining other genres. Since these less popular styles don't gain traction, many people dismiss them, continuing to listen to what's promoted by the industry, and the cycle continues.

I'm not blaming anyone for "falling for industry tricks", though. After all, I live in South America and all my favorite bands are from the USA. Who am I to judge? It's something that's always happened, but I think it got worse in the past decade or so.

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1 hour ago, Lenny said:

Sorry I’ll get back to the future right away!

Blink fans are excited about the new album because of the circumstances.

They still want to hear old shit at the show and not many new songs.


I kind of agree but also don't. Yes the album is exciting because we never thought it'd happen but I think fans are also excited because everything feels more genuine than it did during the first reunion. And the songs are really good that I think a lot of folks want to hear them live. I'm actually bummed I saw them before the album dropped because there are some cuts I would love to experience. But that being said people very much want to hear old stuff at a show. It's a tricky balancing act.

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12 minutes ago, devilskind92 said:

It all boils down to conditioning.

In my view, before the 2010s the music industry was more diverse. But from that point onward it shifted gears entirely toward pop and hip-hop. As a consequence, that's what most people are exposed to nowadays. This means the younger generation is accustomed to songs with lots of vocal filters and a focus on beats and bass lines. So when they listen to a heavier sound with strong guitars and a higher BPM, their initial reaction tends to be rejection. It's different from what they and their friends typically listen to, so it must be bad right?

This sets off a vicious cycle. The industry conditions people to appreciate a very narrow range of music, sidelining other genres. Since these less popular styles don't gain traction, many people dismiss them, continuing to listen to what's promoted by the industry, and the cycle continues.

I'm not blaming anyone for "falling for industry tricks", though. After all, I live in South America and all my favorite bands are from the USA. Who am I to judge? It's something that's always happened, but I think it got worse in the past decade or so.

It is interesting how Fall Out Boy was so successful during the 2010's with their more pop friendly releases like American Beauty/American Psycho. Even Mania, despite being hated by A LOT of people got decent streaming numbers. But now, their most recent album which is a return to the rock sound they were more known for in the 00's and generally seems quite liked has such small streaming numbers compared to just Mania, never mind AB/AP. Did none of those pop fans who followed the band for AB/AP & Mania stick around for So Much (For) Stardust

It seems like today, the only way to get a solid rock single/album performance is to break up for like a decade and then come back with new songs i.e. MCR, blink-182, or just release albums so infrequently that when you do release it, your fans will buy it i.e. Metallica

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Don't you think that punk rock gets a revival some day? I don't want to believe that we're just heading to shorter songe (produced especially for TikTok videos) until even vocals get replaced by artificial intelligence. I want to believe that someday listeners want to go back to hear "human" music played on wooden instruments.

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18 minutes ago, Flashback said:

Don't you think that punk rock gets a revival some day? I don't want to believe that we're just heading to shorter songe (produced especially for TikTok videos) until even vocals get replaced by artificial intelligence. I want to believe that someday listeners want to go back to hear "human" music played on wooden instruments.

Sadly the "revival" pop punk got with Machinegun Kelly and the likes of Travis Barker making songs with various pop artists is the best we're gonna get, in my opinion. It's just a thing of the past now.

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21 minutes ago, Flashback said:

Don't you think that punk rock gets a revival some day? I don't want to believe that we're just heading to shorter songe (produced especially for TikTok videos) until even vocals get replaced by artificial intelligence. I want to believe that someday listeners want to go back to hear "human" music played on wooden instruments.

I don't think not having a punk rock revival is the same thing as music getting replaced by AI. We can still have good human music without it being punk or even rock. Of course I hope we do get some sort of revival at some point but even if we do, I doubt it'll be soon and I doubt rock music will ever get back to what it used to be

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2 hours ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

It is interesting how Fall Out Boy was so successful during the 2010's with their more pop friendly releases like American Beauty/American Psycho. Even Mania, despite being hated by A LOT of people got decent streaming numbers. But now, their most recent album which is a return to the rock sound they were more known for in the 00's and generally seems quite liked has such small streaming numbers compared to just Mania, never mind AB/AP. Did none of those pop fans who followed the band for AB/AP & Mania stick around for So Much (For) Stardust

It seems like today, the only way to get a solid rock single/album performance is to break up for like a decade and then come back with new songs i.e. MCR, blink-182, or just release albums so infrequently that when you do release it, your fans will buy it i.e. Metallica

This exactly. I can’t agree more.

1 minute ago, CherryBombs&Gasoline said:

To be fair, it’s not like rock music doesn’t exist anymore and there are still rock bands (like Green Day) who can play massive tours and have (relatively) successful albums. The genre won’t just die but I feel like the popularity of rock acts isn’t measured in record sales and chart positions anymore. Instead, these bands live from their live performances. I’m sure there will always be good rock bands but they might not get the mainstream attention that bands like Green Day, the Foo Fighters or Blink got when they started.

The issue isn’t about organic demand. The issue is clear channel’s aggressive genocide against rock music.

Spotify has metrics to support that punk and metal are more popular worldwide than pop music. However, the breakdown into sub genres may divide the group a bit but still overall demand is there.

most people consuming music are younger in age and theyve lived throughout this sabotage and a lot of them believe in rock music being some age-old thing. Theyve been conditioned to think that way. For us older folks its harder to stay on top of new releases and consume it. But we have more resources and will hit up the shows and buy tickets/merch. 


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Something that I think makes it really hard for rock music to do well is the rock charts being filled to the brim with non-rock songs. Idk if anyone saw the Billboard chart for Top Rock Songs for the 2010's at the end of the decade, all of the top 10 were basically pop songs by pop artists or artists who used to be rock. I think this is kind of sabotaging rock's potential for commercial success even more. A rock song which does decent will still be beaten on the rock charts by pop music or music that is very slightly in the pop-rock category. Rock charts should be rock song exclusive. We don't need Twenty one pilots on the rock chart unless it's actually a song that's rock-influenced like Jumpsuit or something. I could be wrong but I doubt you see the same thing happening with other genre's charts. I doubt the Country charts contain Hip-Hop songs lol

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A lot of it is systematic, there used to be enough money in the music industry to sign and develop actual bands, now that has dried up where there is less of a focus on scouting out bands and more of a focus on finding a pushing individual artists that have potential to hit the charts

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1 hour ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

I doubt the Country charts contain Hip-Hop songs lol

Old Town Road

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6 hours ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

If they have a first week like Uno, that wouldn't just be solid. That would be peak for just about any rock band nowadays

139k for them wouldn't have been great in 2012. Today that would be a great first week for any rock band

Yeah exactly. Even matching rev rad would be solid.

2 hours ago, Christian's Inferno! said:

Something that I think makes it really hard for rock music to do well is the rock charts being filled to the brim with non-rock songs. Idk if anyone saw the Billboard chart for Top Rock Songs for the 2010's at the end of the decade, all of the top 10 were basically pop songs by pop artists or artists who used to be rock. I think this is kind of sabotaging rock's potential for commercial success even more. A rock song which does decent will still be beaten on the rock charts by pop music or music that is very slightly in the pop-rock category. Rock charts should be rock song exclusive. We don't need Twenty one pilots on the rock chart unless it's actually a song that's rock-influenced like Jumpsuit or something. I could be wrong but I doubt you see the same thing happening with other genre's charts. I doubt the Country charts contain Hip-Hop songs lol

Same on alt charts as well 

28 minutes ago, Clockwise said:

This song honestly just keeps getting better for me.

Yup its stuck in my head. Great tune for them.

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I saw a yt video saying that people who likes rock music are introverts with lack of self esteem. Maybe we're just a bunch of losers just like Green Day, who likes unique stuff and music and we think by ourselves, unlike this new generation. They barely do so.

Sorry it's off topic.

Go The American Dream Is Killing Me and Go GREEN DAY ❤️

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20 minutes ago, Annie, get your gun said:

I saw a yt video saying that people who likes rock music are introverts with lack of self esteem. Maybe we're just a bunch of losers just like Green Day, who likes unique stuff and music and we think by ourselves, unlike this new generation. They barely do so.

Sorry it's off topic.

Go The American Dream Is Killing Me and Go GREEN DAY ❤️

I could see that being true SOME of the time.  It also depends on the TYPE of rock.     

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The single debuted pretty high in a week maybe 2 I think it will be another #1 rock single for our boys. I think it will top several rock charts like they have always done consistently 

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Am I  the only who is complaining about this but compared to other new songs published on Apple Music the drums and bass seems a little bit weak on this mix.

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