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New single - The American Dream Is Killing Me - Out Now!


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1 hour ago, Red said:

After that era, it's widely regarded that the overall quality of album releases from the band took a huge nosedive. Every single album that has come out since then has had some kind of major con to it. You can't really say anything about that for anything that came out prior to Uno. (Revrad was the only real exception to this musically, but I think it still had a major flaw in that it's production quality and volume levels were a bit all over the place.)

There is nothing wrong with the band realizing this, taking a step back and asking themselves what worked in the past and what didn't.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the band trying new things and going in new directions.

However, FOAM was not the right way of doing that. The whole era gives of vibes of them trying to ask themselves "what's cool with the kids these days?" and then trying to do it, but completely misunderstanding what's actually cool with the kids these days and instead ruining what could have been a decent Foxboro Hot Tubs album by filling it with gimmicky sounds, cringe marketing and disgraceful album art. Their heart just wasn't in it and it shows in their tour, where they pretty much didn't play a single song from it the entire time.

21st Century Breakdown is my favourite album by them because they went in new directions, but they did it in the right way. You still get everything most people love about Green Day in that record, but it's also got their most diverse genre experimentation, high quality production and incredible art. There is an extremely well threaded balance of familiarity on that album while still offering completely new flavours of Green Day that we hadn't really heard before, and to top it all off, the album is so huge and ambitious that it not only has a song for every possible mood you could be in, but it also manages to make them all fit together in one complete package.

Saviours doesn't seem to be a concept album or anywhere near as ambitious as 21st Century Breakdown was and that's fine, but so far unlike FOAM, it does at least feel inspired and that the band are actually proud of it.
I am hoping it can achieve a similar balance of fresh and familiar, but with the same level production quality we have heard from it so far.

I think this is where I diverge from a lot of the fanbase. I personally don’t really like Revolution Radio at all because it feels like a step backward toward what made them successful before the Trilogy flopped. I appreciate its energy and it’s not necessarily horrible lyrically or anything, it’s just… I mean it came out 12 years after American Idiot. If they were putting out albums that sounded heavily inspired by Dookie in 2006, I think most people would agree that they were way off track. 

Again, not to shit all over Billie’s songwriting, but it feels a bit inauthentic at that point. Like they wanted to be a political band, but they didn’t quite have the chops to write lyrics with the same depth as System of a Down or the same angst as The Bronx. It’s an odd position to be in - the face of radio-friendly punk rock - but I think they’ve struggled to find a well that hasn’t been tapped dry ever since 21CB. Add to that all the super mainstream, very corporate stuff like the Amazon Music show they just played.. I mean it just doesn’t hit home for me. That’s why I really appreciate Money Money 2020 Part II and why I genuinely like FOAM for being a new sound for Green Day. I can’t say whether or not they were proud of it, but it sounded like they were having a lot of fun and I know I did listening to it. 

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20 minutes ago, Clockwise said:

Yeah, but that's the point. Is desecrating your crowning achievement as an artist not a massive statement in itself? The whole point is playing with expectations, it's not a fuck you to their record label, but a fuck you to the fans that want to keep them in a box. 


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5 hours ago, devilskind92 said:

To each their own, I guess. I liked FOAM just fine, had fun with it, but this single is Green Day for me. Powerful sound, great lyrics (which imo are not empty social commentary at all, quite the contrary), and no fear of sticking to what they're good at. Those are the main reasons RevRad was so well received: it was a return to form, just like this. But this is even better, even bolder.

Guys, they're a punk rock/pop punk band. There's only so much they can do before they start sounding like something else entirely. And we don't want something else, we want Green Day. They have side projects for different sounds, we can always enjoy those on the side too.

At the end of the day, you can't please everyone. I'm just glad I'm very, very, very pleased this time around lol

Agree. And my favorite and I think the most poignant lyric is "when it's all double talk of insanity"

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31 minutes ago, Clockwise said:

Yeah, but that's the point. Is desecrating your crowning achievement as an artist not a massive statement in itself? The whole point is playing with expectations, it's not a fuck you to their record label, but a fuck you to the fans that want to keep them in a box. 


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3 hours ago, Clockwise said:

Yeah, but that's the point. Is desecrating your crowning achievement as an artist not a massive statement in itself? The whole point is playing with expectations, it's not a fuck you to their record label, but a fuck you to the fans that want to keep them in a box. 

I get the point... but it doesn't make it "good", it just makes it exactly what it is which is a painfully average product that lacks the confidence or care to have it's own identity.

I've said it before and I will say it again, FOAM is not a bad record. I honestly don't get the overwhelming amount of hate it gets, but it's also not what I buy a Green Day record for. It's easily my least favourite record of theirs but there are still qualities about it that I enjoy. My main issue with it is that it could have easily avoided it's biggest flaws and been a 7/10 record had it not been marketed, produced and released the way it was. Instead, I gave it a 5/10 which is the lowest score I have given to any Green Day album ever.

I am going to quote a comment that I saw that I think really helps me try to get the point across that I am trying to make.

8 hours ago, devilskind92 said:

To each their own, I guess. I liked FOAM just fine, had fun with it, but this single is Green Day for me. Powerful sound, great lyrics (which imo are not empty social commentary at all, quite the contrary), and no fear of sticking to what they're good at. Those are the main reasons RevRad was so well received: it was a return to form, just like this. But this is even better, even bolder.

Guys, they're a punk rock/pop punk band. There's only so much they can do before they start sounding like something else entirely. And we don't want something else, we want Green Day. They have side projects for different sounds, we can always enjoy those on the side too.

At the end of the day, you can't please everyone. I'm just glad I'm very, very, very pleased this time around lol

THIS is what I am talking about. The band could have made FOAM a Foxboro Hot Tubs side project record and ditched whatever gimmicks they were forcing into the otherwise (mostly) decent songs on the album and it would have been fine. We could have still enjoyed it and it wouldn't have hurt the band's reputation. The problem is that they released it the way we know it and we as fans were just supposed to accept that FOAM is what Green Day's standards were now. Again, there is nothing wrong with trying new things and experimenting with different sounds like they have done really well on most of their records, but when it deviates a bit too much, then it's side project time. That's why we have stuff like SD&R and The Network. We can enjoy both, but when something is put under the Green Day name, I have higher expectations and they should too. They used to be one of if not the biggest band in the world during the 90s and 00s after all.

I grew up listening to Green Day when they were not only consistently putting out quality songs, but also quality production and marketing for those songs, and it wasn't just a few songs, it was every single album. It all adds up to what makes a good quality Green Day product. I really don't want to sound entitled, but if I buy a record of theirs, I have expectations and these expectations largely haven't been met since 2009. Every album from their debut up until then set those expectations of what Green Day is and what they are capable of. Not every album needed to be or was a masterpiece, but they were all ranging from great at worst to about as flawless as I could have imagined them being... After that, well:

The trilogy was diverse and melodically what I loved about the band but it also felt extremely rushed and there were many songs on there that could have been so much better had they had more work put into them. The production was extremely bland to the point where nearly every song just sounded the same and lacked a unique feel outside of the core fundamental elements of the songs themselves. Oh and of course one of the biggest issues of all is that the guitars lacked a good iconic Green Day sound that just didn't deliver that satisfaction or attitude that they had until that point and it wasn't just on one or two of the songs, but all of them. Overall I think it was good but it also could have been great.

Revolution Radio came out it with songs that had clearly had a lot more work done on them. It was quality over quantity this time and the songs were fully realized and all fit on the album nicely while also each having their own unique feel like we were used to from the older albums but the audio wasn't great quality and a lot of the unique aspects of the songs were drowned out in the combination of average mixing and volumes that were either way too loud or way too soft. Overall I think it was great but it also could have been excellent.

Now that the band had course corrected, I once again looked forward to the natural direction and evolution I had been waiting for them to head in in since the 21CB days but then FOAM came out and could have easily been a decent little record but... well, I think I've made my opinion pretty clear on that one so I am not going to keep repeating myself. Overall I think it was average but it also could have been good.

Notice all the buts though? The only buts I can think of prior to Uno were the first two albums being fantastic but they obviously didn't have the funds back then to make them sound as good as the later records did and 21cb might be a little long for some people... but these very few "buts" aren't really bad things, are they?

Anyways, this new single is yet another course correction for me and I am really glad their overall standards for this record have been raised much closer to what I expect from them, but I am still going to remain skeptical and hold my full judgment till I've heard the entire album.

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2 minutes ago, Eric said:


Such a sophisticatedly well written and thought provoking response. Incredible and awe inspiring 👏

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6 minutes ago, Red said:

Such a sophisticatedly well written and thought provoking response. Incredible and awe inspiring 👏

i literally do not care.

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I heard some of you guys talking about FOAM and....wait.  I typed "FOAM" into Spotify and now I'm listening to some weird song "Get On Board".     Okay, that works.  You guys need to get on board with Father of All...  AND the band FOAM because both are pretty rockin.       Interesting facto and kind of speaks to how much better the album did than people think:     The LEAST streamed song is Junkies on a High with a 5.2 million streams which is better than some songs off Insomniac, warning and so many more.    

Anyway.  American Dream Is Killing Me is a strong lead single, but I don't want the entire album to sound like that.  My only criticism of it is that it's not very emotional.  It's not making me laugh or cry and think a whole lot.   It just rocks. 


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2 hours ago, Eric said:

It’s wild to me that you find it wild, weirdo

There's no need to get insulting. If you disagree how about you actually have a civil conversation about it.

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1 hour ago, Maddie86 said:

Naw, I love the energy of bang bang and the drum solo always makes me smile. And their live performance of it with the "no trump, no kkk, no fascist USA" chant still gives me goosebumps when I was it 

The live version of American Dream has officially made me love it (that piano section sounds incredible), but I am totally with you. I'd give TAMDIKM an 8 whereas I'd give Bang Bang a 9 (I would have given it a 10 if it had TAMDIKM's production).

They're both really damn good but I fell in love with Bang Bang on first listen. I really hope they put it back on the setlist.

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I like FOAM as well. Maybe not Top 3 but a solid album. BUT the promotion was cringe as fuck. I mean, what was that? Beer Pong with Post Malone, cameos in some rap music videos, sudden hate for Ariana Grande and love for Billie Eilish that both vanished without a trace 😅

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35 minutes ago, Flashback said:

I like FOAM as well. Maybe not Top 3 but a solid album. BUT the promotion was cringe as fuck. I mean, what was that? Beer Pong with Post Malone, cameos in some rap music videos, sudden hate for Ariana Grande and love for Billie Eilish that both vanished without a trace 😅

Agree on FOAM being better then what most says and that the promotion was a disaster. But expressing appreciation or not for an artist in an interview is hardly part of a promotional campaign strategy and can be called sudden hate only by current social media standards. And I think is something that BJ will continue to do no matter who manages him. He was just expressing his legitimate opinion.

Just to bring back the quote that became a “hate declaration” back then: “I'm stoked for her (Billie Eilish) and Finneas. It's insanely well-deserved. Their music is very real, and you can tell it all comes from them, which is what sets it apart from what other pop acts are doing." 

“It's not even comparable to think about what she does compared to someone like Ariana Grande. She's the real deal.” 

Finding hate and not a personal opinion on artistic processes, music composition, the value of writing and producing your music VS having professional songwriters and producers to create your songs, and music taste, is completely preposterous. 

By the way, I don’t know about Ariana Grande, but Billie Eilish recently released a song that has 70+ million views on YT, part of the soundtrack of one the highest grossing movies of all time, is likely to be nominated and possibly win at the Oscar, debuted in the top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100, #1 on Alternative, and might lend her another Grammy. Hardly vanished without a trace. 

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8 hours ago, dudley dawson said:

Anyone else think TADIKM is significantly better than Bang Bang?


and there is simply one reason for it imo


if TADIKM would be atleast a bit faster, it would be an absolute banger

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