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Reaching Back To My Youth


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Firstly I'm sorry for your loss and losing both parents in the space of 4 months. That must be really tough and I'm glad you've been able to find some relief by listening to GD.

I'm a very similar age to you so my story starts off very similar. I'll try and keep my story short as I've said it here before, but I too was 13 too when I first discovered GD. It was my best friend who introduced me to the band. I loved Dookie but it wasn't until Insomniac was released when I really turned into a die-hard fan. I fuckin loved that album then and it's still my favourite now. 

GD made a profound impact to my life growing up in those formative years, from the friendships I made at school (and remain friends with to this day), to meeting my then girlfriend now wife due to our mutual interest (infact we met on the old Green Day chat room hosted on greenday.net in the late 90s) and even in my early adult years getting into trading bootlegs with people around the world, then GDLO and GDT, some of those members on this very forum.

I don't have time to trade these days, and my music tastes have evolved, I still like punk and go back to it from time-to-time  but these days I'm happier just listening to podcasts or whatevers on the radio - which old Doggins would find quite pathetic to be honest. But, I'll always have a soft-spot for the band, and an overwhelming amount of gratitude for everything they've brought into my life -  no matter how wacky their releases are (ahem, FOAMF)

To think my kids wouldn't exist if it weren't for this band, is kinda crazy.

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